Author's note: here we are at the Epilogue of this story! Thanks to all that reviewed. It's greatly appreciated by yours truly. And just so you know, part three is on the way! That one will feature Leonardo! Anyway, read on and enjoy!
Liz sat snugly on the couch, Raph on one side, and her healing uncle on the other. She had finished telling him about everything that had happened while he'd been captured.
"And now…you're madly in love with one of them…" Her uncle said, in awe.
Liz gave Raph a smile and kissed his cheek. "Yes, that's right."
"Ah, that's one crazy story…just like you used to tell me when you were little."
Liz grinned leaned her head against her uncle's shoulder. "Well, here's one that's not so crazy…I'm giving up my status as an agent."
Her uncle looked at her wide-eyed before he grinned from ear to ear.
"I figured that I'd finally listen after all those years of your nagging me to do so…"
"Well," he said, ruffling Liz's hair, "you are a hothead sometimes."
This made Raph and Liz laugh. "That's one reason I love her." Raph said, running his thumb down her cheek.
"I like that she's teaching me some of what she does!" Donny said cheerfully as he entered the room and sat down on a chair opposite the couch.
Raph smirked. "Of course ya would ya big ol' nerd."
Donny only rolled his eyes at his brother. The purple-masked turtle was used to this sort of teasing.
Christine chose that moment to appear, carrying a tray of various beverages. "Coke for you two," she announced, passing Raph and Liz each a can of the pop, "tea for you and me," Christine gave Donny one cup and set her on the table next to the couch, "and beer for you." Liz's uncle grinned when she handed him the bottle of Kokanee. "You earned it."
The man nodded and took a huge sip and sighed happily. This made Christine smile. That's when Liz addressed her.
"Thanks Christine…for your help."
Christine set her tray down and hugged her. "It was my pleasure to make them see reason…and to see you safe."
At that moment, Liz knew she'd made a life-long friend. After all, it couldn't have been easy to do what she did considering what the situation had been.
"You know this means you're going to get free drinks at my bar for life, right?" Liz told her once they broke the hug.
Christine grinned and let out a whoop. "Well, that means you'll see a lot of me."
Both girls laughed and gave each other a high five. "Say…" Liz said, giving Christine a sly look, "It is Sunday…we can have the place to ourselves…and we can bring the boys…"
Christine returned the look. "To the bar we go?"
Liz nodded and stood and linked her arm with Christine's and two women went off to get ready.
When they came back out, all the boys gasped. Liz was wearing a corset top with the bar logo on it, a short mid-thigh skirt and those same 3 inch heal boots. Christine was wearing a small black low-hung draping backless shirt with low-rise form-fitting slacks and her own high-healed boots.
Liz's hair was up with a few tendrils framing her face while Christine's was down and loosely curled at the bottom.
Both Mikey and Raph couldn't speak while Donny and Leo whistled.
The red-masked turtle was the first to recover. He walked over to Liz and wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her up against him. "I'm not sure I want to let you out of the lair…"
Liz grinned and kissed the turtle before her. "Come and watch me dance…" She nipped his lip this time.
Oh, how good it feels to flirt and just be in love…
Liz looked over Raph's shoulder and grinned as she saw Mikey boldly running his finger down the front of Christine's sexy shirt.
A while later, her uncle and all the boys were dancing and in general having fun at Static. Liz spun a bottle of vodka in her hand and grinned.
Life is sweet…
The End!