Take Your Heart Away

She watched him quietly, her head bowed as she took a deep breath, moving her gaze to stare at the floor.

His eyes rose to the sky and he took a deep breath in, shaking his head as the rain continued falling, soaking him to the skin. "Gone…" was the only word that escaped his lips, before he turned, pulling his jacket tighter around him, walking back towards the building.

Her breath hitched as he passed, the familiar feeling of warmth rushing through her body. She sighed as he continued, noticing him looking straight through her, turning to slowly follow him inside.

"Sarge," Familiar voices called out to him, each going unanswered as he pushed his way into his office. He faltered as he reached his chair, before sitting down heavily, his head in his hands, a choke of a sob leaving his lips, followed by several more.

Eventually he raised his head, "She's gone." Is all he can mutter to the concerned face that peers into his, the frown reflected in his own eyes. The older woman in front of him sighed, her hand resting on his shoulder, the other holding him gently to her.

"I'm sorry…" she whispered, her heart breaking at the sight in front of her, staying in the doorway, longing to bundle him into her arms, knowing she couldn't. She watched as Gina comforted him, her trembling hands closing over the door handle. "I love you…" She whispered again. "I'm so sorry, Dale."
Dale sighed and looked up at Gina, nodding as she tried to convince him to return home. "I just…"

"I know." Gina smiled comfortingly, slowly letting him go. "I'll come and see you later." She straightened up. "I'm buying."

"I am honoured." Smithy forced as a joke, his attempt at a smile falling at the first hurdle.

Gina smiled and gently squeezed his hand, "We can talk later…away from here."

"Thank you…" he whispered, turning and leaving the station without a glance behind him.

Charlie stood behind him once more, taking slow steps until she was behind him, her hand gently touching his shoulder, the other on his forearm, even though she knew he couldn't feel it. She looked over his shoulder at the freshly turned turf, her gaze drawn to the words carved into the stone in front of him.

Charlotte Elizabeth Rogers

July 1980 – March 2006

Never forgotten.