Chapter Seven

The Truth Comes Out

Eve looked up at the clock on the wall of her last class. There were only two minutes left of class. Today was the day when she was going to tell Jake and Lou Shi about her brother. She hed had butterflies in her stomach all day and they had only been getting worse throughout the day. She knew the feeling would go away after she told them but what really scared her was she didnt know how they would react.

One possiblility was they would be understanding to her...predicament. They would hear her out and give herself a chance to explain everything. Then they would not get angry and understand.

The other possiblity that could occut they could get really mad. They would ask her why she hadnt told them sooner. It wasnt Lou Shi being mad at her she feared. It was Jake's anger. She didnt want him to be mad at her. She didnt want him to think she didnt trust him. It was this outcome that made her so nervous. Eve took in a deep breath and sighed. She had to tell them though. If she didnt than they would be at risk of a suprise attack from Adam. She couldnt put them in that kind of danger.

Not only did Adam have magic capabilities and a vast arsonal of weapons, he had his most powerful trait. he had inherited the dragon powers from their father. She had only gotten the shapshifting powers from their mother. Adam had advanced strength, speed, and could fly. Not to mention any suprise capabilities he might of picked up from his master.

The bell rang and everyone filed out of the class room. Eve was the last to exit because she really wasnt in a hurry to leave. SHe took her time to pack up her things and exit the class. When she got through the door she came face to face with Jake. He had a bright smile on his face that seemed to sparkle as the light refracted off of it. He had on his so called "player face". Eve just smiles and giggled a bit. he was trying to be all swave leaning up against the wall.

"Why hello there pretty thing," he said as he stepped closer to her.

"What is a gorgious young woman like you doing in a school like this?" he asked.

"Why if it isnt the number one player of the school. I must have been born under a lucky star to have run into you," Eve said in a very sarcastic tone.

"You must have. Now how about you occumpany me to den," Jake said with a growl at the end.

"That is so sweet of you I would love too," Eve said again in a sarcastic tone.

"Well since I'm being sweet how about you give me a little sugar," Jake's arms were on either side of her now and her back was to the wall. Eve hadnt noticed he had cornered her until now. She had to admit her was good.

"I dont see why not," Eve said. Jake brought his face closer to hers and heri lips connected in a passionate kiss. Jake brought his hands down to her waist. Then he brought one beind her and rubbed her ass. Eve gasped and Jake took his chance to stick his toungue into her mouth and let it explore. Eve wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him closer.

Down the hall a ways stood Rose looking at the two with an expression of pure shock on her face. It felt as if her heart had just been ripped out, diced up into a thousand pieces and then tossed into a trash bin. She just stood there frozen looking at the two. She wanted to look away but her body would move.

"See he had forgotten about you," said a voice from behind Rose. She turned around to meet Eric.

"Eric,"she said.

"See, this is how he acts. He doesnt care about your feelings. He had another girl now. Let him go. He doesnt return your feelings."

"But...I...lo," she was intrupted.

"Dont say it. It will only bring you pain. I wish to rid you of your pain. I will take away all of your problems and you will be at peace."


"At the dance two weeks from now. I will them take your problems, fears, and pain away forever. All you need to do is trust me,"

"I do trust you,"

"Good, now let us leave. I have a suprise for you my beautiful Rose," With that Eric took Rose's hand and they vanished without a trace.

Jake and Eve broke their kiss and looked into eachother's eyes. Jake was just smirking with mischeivious intentions in his eyes. Eve just looked at him with a reised eyebrow.

"Come on," Jake said as he grabbed her hand and led her out of the school.

"Where are we going?" she asked him.

"You'll see," was all he said. He took her outside and around to the back of the school. There he transformed into dragonform and got on all four. Eve took the hint and climbed onto his back. Seconds later Jake took off. Eve had forgotten how great it felt to ride on Jake's back. The feeling of the wind in her hair, the sunlight shining on her face as they went higher and higher. And just how free it felt defying gravity. She could guess how it felt to Jake since he could do this anytime he wanted. Jake flew towards the ocean and over the city. When they were over the water he dove down and it looked like he was going to dive right into the water but pulled up at the last minute. Now they were flying just above the water. Eve reached down and stuck her hand in the water. Jake then assended again and flew up over the clouds. Eve wrapped her arms around his neck giving him a hug. She closed her eyes and just enjoyed the ride.

After about half an hour of flying Jake landed. Eve opened her eyes adn saw they were on top of the Statue of Liberty. Eve got off of Jake's back and he reverted back to his human form. The sun was nearing the horizon and the sky was turning into a pale orange.

"Didnt you have dragon training today?" Eve asked.

"I did but I wanted to spend time with you more," Jake said with a smile on his face. Eve blushed and sat down. Jake took a seat next to her.

"You are one romantic dragon," Eve said as she rested her head on Jake's shoulder.

"Why thank you," he said as he rested his head onto hers.

"Are you sure no one will see us," she asked.

"Not unless they're in a helicopter." Jake responded. Eve smiled. She loved it when Jake and her were alone together. It brought out the romanic in him. She never wanted this moment to end. But she knew she had to tell him and if she didnt today she would only procrastinate. But she didnt want to ruin this perfect monent. When they went back to his house she would tell him. Until then she just wanted to be close to him. Just being in his precence made her feel warm inside. She had missed him so much over the past year. Suddenly Jake wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her onto his lab. her back was to him so they could both look out at the sunset. Eve leaned backwards and rested her head in his chest. She could hear his heartbeat and feel his chest raising and falling from his breathing. She could smell the colone he had on and it smelled wonderful. His arms tightened around her and she felt safe.

She looked up at his and he looked down at her. Eve switched her position so they were face to face. Again their lips met and they shared a passionate kiss. Jake gentally layed Eve down on the copper skin of the statue. Jake climbed on top of her and ran his hands up and down her sides. Eve's muscles tensed as Jake's hands explored the sides of her body. She didnt know why but she couldnt stop him. She couldnt resist leting his hands rub against her body. The entire time thier lips stayed connected as their passionate kiss continued.

Then Jake's lips moved from Eve's and to her neck. Eve tilted her head backwards so he could get to her necl easier. He kissed her neck gentle and continued to move downward with each kiss. Jake then grabbed the bottom of her shirt and began to lift it up.

"Jake," Eve moaned. Jake said nothing. He just went lower and softley

kissed her stomach. Eve bit her bottom lip trying to stop a moan from escaping her throut but by the lustful grin on Jake's face he had heard her. Eve quietly cursed Jake for being so good at this. She tried to reach within her, to dig up some sort resistans to Jake's charms but she could find any. Jake again began to kiss her neck as he pulled her shirt up more just under her breasts.

"Jake...wait" Eve pleaded.

"Come on, you know you want to," Jake said with a grin. Eve had to admit it felt good . It just felt good when he touched her bare skin. Jake brought down his mouth next to her left ear.

"I know you like it," he whispered. Eve bit her lip.

"I also can tell you dont want me to stop," Jake whispered again rubbing her sides. Eve arched her back up towards Jake. Eve was so tempted to just give in to Jake. He was so overpoweringly suductive. Her body yurned for his touch. But she wasnt ready for this. She loved Jake but giving up her body...that she was not ready for.

"Jake...I cant," Eve said.

"Why not?" Jake asked a disappionted look on his face.

"I'm just not ready yet. I just cant go that far yet." Eve said looking up at Jake. She expected Jake to look more disappointed face but he wore a smile instead.

"Alright," Jake said as he rolled off of her. Eve quickly fixed her shirt adn sat up. Jake was just laying on his back looking up at the sky. Eve was suprised about the way he was reacting.

"Thanks," Eve said.

"You said you werent ready, so I'm not going to push you." Jake said as he sat up and looked into her eyes. Eve just smiled. He had really matured over the past year. The sun had almost set beyond the horizon.

"Maybe we should go back to yoru house. I...need to tell you something," Eve said as she averted her gaze from Jake. Jake raised and eyebrow and tilted his head to one side. He went dragona and again Eve climbed on. Jake took off and headed towards his house.

About fifteen minutes later they arrived at Jake's house. They went inside and they could smell Jake's mom cooking dinner. Eve and Jake said hello to Jake's mom and went up to his room. it was there Jake sat on his bed and Eve pulled over his computer chair and took a seat.

"So what is it you wanted to tell me?" Jake asked.


A/N; Well thats the end of this chapter. Sorry about not updating sooner but I had to go get a job and its been eating up my time. Also I had writers block but thats gone now. Well I'll update soon. See ya next time.