Up All Night

Summary: AU. Characters are OOC. Sure, Neji's cute, but he's also obnoxious! So try telling that to Tenten's mom. She thinks that Neji is the perfect guy for Tenten. So when Neji surprised Tenten by asking her to the prom, she had to say yes for her sick mom whom she didn't want to let down, even if it meant spending the most romantic night of her life with him. Neji. The guy she can't stand. On the other hand, Sakura isn't interested in love. Her parents are divorced and Sakura is pretty down on couplehood. The last thing on her mind is jumping into a relationship, that is, until Sasuke comes along. Will these 2 girls have thier perfect prom night? Pairings: Neji/Tenten, Sasuke/Sakura.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto!

Rated: PG


The Summer before Eigth Grade

Tenten rubbed her hands against the fabric of her favorite white dress and hoped that Neji wouldn't notice how sweaty her palms were. This was the most significant night of her thirteen years on the planet and she wanted everything to be perfect.

So far, so good, Tenten thought. Mr Hyuga had dropped them off in the parking lot of the Star restaurant and he hadn't said anything embarrassing about how cute they looked all dressed up or commented on how they were all grown up.

"Ready to go inside?" Neji asked, pulling the door of the restaurant.

"Yeah." Tenten wished she had said something clever, but tonight she felt completely tongue-tied.

Usually she felt so comfortable around Neji that he had a hard time shutting her up, but tonight was different. Tonight they were on a date. Neji had asked and Tenten had accepted. So even though they had been buddies forever, even though they had practically grown up together because their moms were best friends, Tenten knew that something had changed between them. And that something was the fact that friends didn't kiss but people on dates did. And for a couple of weeks now, all Tenten could think about was what it would be like to kiss Hyuga Neji. Her best friend. He must have been feeling the same way since he was the one who asked her out – on a real date.

Her real first date and so far it was everything she had imagined. Everything really was different tonight. Even Neji looked different. He was wearing khaki pants that she had never seen before and a white, button-down shirt that he had actually bothered to tuck in.

"We would like a table by the window," Neji told a waiter as he and Tenten walked into the restaurant. "Preferably a booth." He added.

The waiter rolled his eyes. "Do I look like a maitre d', kid? Sit wherever you want, preferably not a booth since its just two of you."

Tenten cringed. A shot of red crept up Neji's cheeks.

"Does he want a tip?" Neji asked loudly enough for the waiter to hear him. "Sue me for wanting a nice table."

"Forget him," Tenten whispered in Neji's ear. "He probably hates teenagers. Let's sit over there."

Neji smiled. "Okay."

They sat down at a table for two by the window. A large green hanging plant was right over Tenten's head and she prayed that it wouldn't fall on her as another waiter dropped two menus on their table.

The waiter returned, snapping open his order pad and removing a short pencil from behind his ear. "What will it be?"

Tenten's mouth was watering and she knew exactly what she wanted: a double cheeseburger, large fries, coleslaw and a large coke with a lemon wedge.

"I'll have a tossed salad, dressing on the side and an iced tea, please."

Neji stared at her as if there was something wrong with her,then shrugged and turned his attention to the waiter. He ordered everything Tenten had been dreaming of except that he got a milk shake instead of coke. When the waiter left, Neji asked, "You knew we were going to have dinner, so why did you eat something in the first place?"

Huh? What was he talking about? Tenten thought. "I didn't. I haven't ate anything since breakfast. Why would you think I did?"

"Why else would you order just a salad, then?" Neji replied. "And since when did you drink ice tea?"

Tenten felt herself redden. "I'm just trying to eat lighter these days, that's all." Okay, that was a total lie, but she couldn't eat like a pig in front of Neji. Not tonight anyway. Did he have to make such a big deal about what she ordered?

"So, I'm really psyched for the movie we're going to see," she told him,dying to change the subject. Neji's eyes lit up at the mention of the film. They talked excitedly and easily about their expectations of it and Tenten felt herself relax. This was more like it. This was a date.

"Yummy!" Tenten said as she saw the waiter heading towards them with their orders. "There's nothing like a crisp, green salad."

Again, Neji looked at her like she had two heads. "Usually you eat like there was no tomorrow."

Tenten felt her cheeks flame again and then she realized she was more angry than embarrassed. That comment wasn't very nice. Who was he to say anything about how much or how little she ate? Calm down Tenten, she told herself. Guys are not known for their sensivity.Tenten decided to let it pass – in the name of love. Besides, she did have a tendency to eat a lot.

"Here you go, kiddies," the waiter said.

Neji glared at the waiter. "We're not…"

"We are not going to need anything else,thanks!" Tenten cut in brightly. The waiter left and Tenten breathed a sigh of relief. The last thing she needed was Neji and the guy to get into a fistfight.

"Just forget it ok?" she whispered urgently to Neji. "Don't say anything rude if he comes back with more water or something."

"Why should I let him talk to us that way?" Neji demanded. "Who does he think he is? And he's not that much older than we are. He's like seventeen or something."

"Your fries are getting cold," Tenten told him with a smile. "Let's dig in ok?"

Neji nodded, grabbing the squirt bottle of ketchup. He turned it upside down over his fries and squeezed but nothing came out. He shook the bottle and tried again.

"Do you need help with that?" Tenten asked, reaching for the bottle.

"Nope." Neji shook the bottle vigorously. "I can handle it."

Then he squeezed the bottle, using what looked like all of his upper-body strength. The ketchup shot out of the bottle as if it were firing from a canon and it landed all over the white dress Tenten had so carefully chosen from her closet less than an hour ago.

"Oh no!" Tenten shrieked. "Its all over me!"

"Sorry!" Neji turned bright red as he grabbed a fistful of napkins. "Here let me help you."

But as he leaned across the table with the napkins, his sleeve caught on the straw that was sticking out of his milk shake. In a split second, the entire contents of the glass landed on her dress.

"NEJI!" she cried. "I cant believe you! You're such a …"

He froze, napkins in his hands. "Such a what?"

"Look at me! My outfit is completely ruined!" Tenten shouted.

"I said I'm sorry! Jeez! It was an accident!"

Tenten grabbed the napkins from Neji's hands and wiped furiously at her dress. This whole date was turning into a disaster. She didn't want to leave the table, much less go to a movie theatre looking like that.

She put the wet pile of napkins on the table and glared at Neji. A little while ago, she had thought he was the greatest guy in the world, but now… he didn't even look cute. Okay, he did look cute but still, this date wasn't anything like she had thought it would be.

Neji stared in horror at the mess he had created. He felt bad about what happened but the truth was it was an accident. He didn't mean it. What was he suppose to do? It wasn't as if she had broken her arm. She just had a little food on her clothes. No biggie.

"Calm down," Neji told her. "Everybody is staring at us."

In particular, Neji had spotted three guys from the eighth grade sitting at a table on the other side of the room. They were pointing at Neji and Tenten's booth and laughing hysterically.

"Hey Hyuga! You want one of us to pinch-hit your date? It doesn't look like you're doing such a great job of it yourself!" one of them called out.

Humilation. Total and utter humilation. Neji slid down in the booth, hoping to just disappear into the ground.

"Shut up!" Tenten yelledat the guys. "Nobody asked for you opinion!"

They howled. "Ooohh she is such a blast!" another called.

Could he die now or would that be too much to ask for? It wasn't like Neji could challenge them to a fight over Tenten's honor. They would kill him. Each one of them was practically twice his size.

"Why don't we get our check? I suddenly lost my appetite." Neji asked Tenten.

"Yeah, good idea." Tenten said as she looked up from the mess on her dress.

But the waiter was one step ahead of them. Before Neji could even catch his eye, he placed the check in front of him on the table. "I'll take that whenever you're ready, sir."

"I'm ready right now." Neji responded. He reached into the back of his khakis to get his wallet.

But nothing was there. Quickly he reached into his other pocket. Nothing. No wallet. No money. Just a lint ball from the dryer. Suddenly his face was like it was on fire. Neji knew exactly where his wallet was. On top of his dresser, where he had left it before he slipped into his pants.

"What's wrong?" Tenten asked.

Neji took a deep breath. "I forgot my wallet," he whispered, not wanting the waiter to hear him.

"What? You forgot it?" Tenten repeated loudly. "NEJI!"

"I…I'm sorry," he stammered. "I just…"

"I'll pay," Tenten interrupted. "Luckily I brought my baby-sitting money." She opened up her small purse and took out several bills.

Neji could hear the waiter sniggering the group of guys laughing. That was it, he just wished that he could disappear from earth forever…

"Thanks," he gulped, wishing the floor could open up and swallow him whole, together with that stupid ketchup bottle.

But there was still hope. Maybe Tenten could get home and change and they could start the whole date over again. Well, minus the part which included eating. He didn't want to give up yet. Neji had spent the last few months building up the courage to ask Tenten out on a real date, and he wanted it to be perfect. But even if it couldn't be perfect, he still wanted it to be.

"Do you still want to go to the movies? We could catch a later show." He asked.

Tenten looked into his eyes and smiled. "Yes, I would like that."

They both slid out of the booth and headed for the door. Trying to regain his gentleman status, he took Tenten's arm to help her down the stairs that led to the parking lot.

"I think I can get out most of the…" Tenten's voice suddenly broke off as she missed one of the steps.

One second she had been right next to him, her arm in his hand. The next second she was sprawled on the parking lot, holding her ankle and moaning.

"Are you ok?" Neji asked, kneeling beside her.

"It's these shoes," she explained, wincing. "I'm not used to heels."

He looked at the shoe she was now holding in her hands. It was like one of those skinny heels he saw his mom wore when she and his dad went out to dinner.

"Why are you wearing those?" he asked. "You could have just worn your sneakers, like you always do."

Tenten's eyes were filled with tears. "Well, excuse me for trying to look nice and trying to look like a grown up for a change."

Uh-oh. He had made another blunder. "

I didn't mean anything by it." He said quickly. "I just, umm.. don't understand why you're trying to act like you're twenty years old or something.

There, that was a compliment, wasn't it? He had told her he liked her just the way she was. She didn't have to do anything fancy to impress him.

Tenten stood up, hopping on her good ankle. "I guess you would have preferred it if I acted like a five-year-old and spilled ketchup all over you!" Tenten blurted out, her face red with anger.

"I said I was sorry about that. It was an accident!" he yelled back. "How many times do you want me to apologize?"

Tenten sighed, looking defeated. "I didn't mean it that way." She exclaimed. "It's just that this date isn't at all like I thought it would be…I thought you were going to make an effort.

Make an effort? He had shaved for the first time in his life this afternoon just to make an effort. If she didn't appreciate it, then it was her problem.

"Maybe we should skip the movie," Neji suggested, still hoping against hope that she would disagree with him.

Tenten scowled. "If that's your attitude, then maybe we should."

"Fine!" Neji exclaimed.

"Fine!" Tenten yelled.

Neji kicked an empty Coke can across the parking lot. "I'm going to walk home that way," he shouted.

"Good, I'm going to walk home the other way." With that, she turned and limped across the parking lot.

Neji stood, watching her go. After a few steps, she turned back and shouted, "You're an idiot Hyuga, I hate you!"

Neji frowned at her. "The feeling is mutual." He shouted back. After almost a minute, Neji had a strange sensation that he wasn't alone. He glanced toward the restaurant and saw the guys who had been making fun of him staring at him from the other side of the window.

Great! Not only he had ruined things with Tenten, but also his reputation would be damaged forever. And it was all her fault. If he never saw Tenten again, it would be too soon.

Author's Note: Hello guys! I am back! Here's new story for my lovely readers. I'm going to put the other story "Then there was you" on hold for a while until I map out the whole plot. I am kinda having writer's block on that one. At the meantime, enjoy this. There will be Sasu/Saku later on.