"Horatio, what is it, are you ok? Please talk to me." She held onto his arm now, keeping contact with him.

He looked at her and shook his head, seeing worry in her eyes now. He swallowed. "Yes..." His voice rough and dry from sleep. "Dreaming...I was--- I'm fine... sorry I---."

"Ok, ok catch your breath first, relax, your fine. I'm right here, ok?" She wondered what he was dreaming about."

He looked at her now and scanned her body, his eyes moving up and down on her. She had on black jeans and a burgundy cut T-shirt that showed off her sexy shape. His eyes froze on her chest and Calleigh just waited, giving him time now. His eyes went from one breast to the other and Calleigh now cleared her throat, getting his attention. His eyes went back to up to hers.

"Hey, you ok, you're worrying me?"

She sat down next to him, letting him lean his body against her. She ran her hand over his forehead and though his hair, gently. Looking at him.

He took a breath in again and let it out. His breathing calmed down and he leaned more against her. "I'm fine, really... just a dream, Calleigh."

He rubbed his eyes and forehead thinking she was right next to him, against him. He shook his head again, trying to forget it now.

"You might feel better if you talk about it?" She asked him in the softest voice. Her voice and soft touch driving him insane now.

"No-- I mean... I'm alright, I'd rather not really, maybe... another time. He nodded to her, gathering himself now. "What are you still doing here, I thought Frank was picking you up?"

She looked at him now, realizing he didn't know. "Horatio, Frank did pick me up and brought me back home too. It's almost 6:30 now. You've been asleep for a few hours. You took the pain killers, remember?"

"I do now. So I've been asleep for... five hours? Why didn't you wake me?"

"Because I wanted you to rest. That's was the whole idea, to get you to rest, remember? You sure your ok,... you seem--."


"Yeah, exactly. Here, why don't you lie back down?" Calleigh moved and put both hands on his shoulders now, moving him back down.

"No, wait...just give... Give me a minute, ok?" He knew the ache he felt in his groin would subside soon enough; he wasn't ready to lie down just yet. "I'm ok, really Calleigh, thank you."

"Okay." She got up and grabbed the bottle of water. "You thirsty?" She handed it to him.

"Un-huh, thank you." He took it and drank some, feeling better now. "So what happened, how did things go with Mrs. Sanchez?"

"Well we got the warrant for judge Ratner's home, it will be ready tomorrow morning, first thing. Oh, I guess I should mention that he's been stripped of his judgeship too." She smiled at Horatio now. "You with me still, should I go on?" She sat back down in the chair now and opened a file.

"By all means, please do." He nodded now and sat up more leaning his back against the pillows, stretching his legs out.

"Mrs. Sanchez has some very bad bruises and one in particular is very interesting. I'll bet you we can match it to his ring. We're going to his house tomorrow to issue the warrant. I also had a long talk with Judge Mason and he now knows all the facts in the case. Mason said if we couldn't get him for the murder right now, we could get him for Aggravated assault, kidnapping, sexual abuse, malicious disfigurement, fraud, and tampering with evidence. If Greenhill comes out of the coma, we'll get him for murder in the first degree. With all we have on him now, he can get up to 70 years in prison. We got him Horatio. We got him and this is all going to be over tomorrow, he's going to jail." She waited now, seeing his thoughts pass behind his eyes.

He nodded. "Terrific...Great work, Calleigh. You really out did yourself on this and talking to the 'Rock'... judge Mason, well, that... that was brave and smart of you. Mrs. Sanchez is willing to testify, I take it?"

"Yes, she is Horatio. When I told her we could put him away for good, she agreed. She said, she would do whatever it takes to put him where he belongs.

"She's a brave woman, even after all she has been through. So tell me about judge Mason. He's a tough one, right?"

"Actually a little in the beginning, but when I laid the southern charm on, he couldn't resist. He was willing to hear it all and even give us some advice. After that he was as gently as a kitten. He also sends you his regards and hopes your well soon. He smiled when I mentioned you. How do you know him?"

"Hmm, my earlier days, he umm, he helped me see clearly on one of my cases. He opened my eyes and ears for me, even more, I was just a rookie with big expectations. I wanted to put all the bad guys away, no matter what evidence I had. Let's just say the rock gave me real insight, shall we."

"You're not going to tell me are you?"

"It's a story for another time, ok?"

She chuckled. "Ok. You sure are the mystery man sometimes."

"So what time is this going down tomorrow?" His demeanor changed back to serious now.

She shot him a glance now. "I told Frank I would call him after I spoke with Mason, but we said by 9:30-10:00 we'd like to get there. Horatio you have that look in your eyes again."

He nodded to her now. "Mm-hmm, that's because I'll be serving that warrant with you tomorrow."

"I thought you were going to rest?"

"I rested all day and after tomorrow, believe me I'll be resting a lot easier, Calleigh. This is something I have to do. I do hope you can understand that. Listen to me, I really need to look this animal in the eye and let him know, he's not above the law."

She studied Horatio now and quickly nodded her head. "Ok, I do understand..." She said softly getting up now walking over to him.

He gazed up at her and held her hand, pulling gently for her to sit with him. "It's important to me Calleigh, that you do. I need you to, ok?" His eyes softly asking hers.

She smiled at him and gave him a soft kiss. His eyebrows went up. "Horatio, I understand more than you know. I knew what your reaction would be, I expected it. It would be mine too, I guess. She smiled at him and leaned on his chest. She picked her head up and looked at him again. "I'm just worried about you and your injuries. Wouldn't you feel the same way if it was me?"

"Mmm... yes I would, without a doubt, sweetheart." He lifted his hand to her face and caressed it gently. "I however, would not threaten to cuff you to the bed." He smiled at her.

She laughed. "Well how would you make me stay put then? I wouldn't make it easy for you, trust me."

"Hmmm, I do trust you, but I have my ways Calleigh,... I have my ways." He laughed and kissed her neck slowly, teasingly.

"Ok, ok, I already know your way, it's called seducing me, and it's working...so stop!" She laughed as he held her. "Ok, seriously Horatio, its dinner time so what would you like to eat?"

He just looked at her mischievously and she melted in his arms again.

"Seriously Hmm,... Well if we're going to be Serious, then,... I'm hungry for you,... have been for days now. I don't know just how much longer I can actually hold out." He held her close to his chest and spoke softly into her ear, teasing her.

"Horatio Caine!... Food, I'm talking about food. You need to eat, you need nourishment, you need to regain you strength---."

"Then I need only one thing,..You." He covered her mouth with his now and kissed her deeply. His dream flashing in his head as she kissed him back. She pulled back and broke the kiss, leaving him with his mouth open. She quickly got off the bed now. He just looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, you have to take your Tylenol, I almost forgot. You also have to eat! Do you see what you do to me? I can't remember a thing, once you start."


"Ok, so how's pasta sound to you?" She asked, handing him three Tylenol now and some water. He took the pills.

"Pasta,... with you, sounds great, thank you Calleigh."

"Ok, then pasta it is."

That sat together in the living room on the couch and ate, discussing the case. The TV was on but they really weren't watching it. After a while Calleigh leaned her head over and relaxed on Horatio's shoulder. She began to doze off on him and he didn't want to disturbed her. He was enjoying her closeness. After a while of watching her sleep he began to doze now too. He called her now, it was time for both of them to get some rest.

"Calleigh... Calleigh, hey c'mon, time for bed. I'll walk you in, ok?"

"Mmm." She lifted her head up but quickly got comfortable again. He smiled watching her, he loved seeing her this way and savored the moment.

"Calleigh, sweetheart..." He let his hand run across her face and though her silky hair. She picked her head up now and looked at him, she stretched.

"Sorry,... I didn't mean to fall asleep on you.." She said while stretching.

He took her hand and she got up. He led her to the bedroom and she looked at him. "You have to get changed right? He asked her, smiling.

"Yes, I... doooo." She said, yawing now to him.

She went over to the dresser and pulled out one of her satin tops. She leaned on the dresser and began to pulled off her T-shirt, losing her balance some. She was exhausted he thought, as he walked over to her and gave her a hand. He grabbed the T-shirt from her and put it on the dresser, she leaned her head on his chest now, her eyes barely open.

He looked down to her and spoke softly. "Calleigh,..." Her scent now filling the room and his senses. He half closed his eyes, breathing her in.

His hand gently caressed her bare back, sliding over her black lace bra. His fingers quickly found the hook and undid it. She moaned softly to him. He smiled and kept her close, up against him as he worked it off her arms. Ever the gentleman, he slipped it off her and put it on the dresser, taking her satin top in his hand now. He held her a moment against himself, feeling her warm breast against his chest and bare skin. Absorbed in her totally now, he slipped the Satin top over her head and on for her. She woke more now but was quick to bury her head back into his neck.

"Calleigh, hey, c'mon sweetheart, wake up a moment. Calleigh..."

It was no use, she was exhausted. He held her and backed her up to the bed; he pulled the sheet down quickly. As her legs made contact with the bed, she sat down. He laid her back gently, straining his own ribs now, making sure to get her head on the pillow. He straightened a moment, regaining his composure.

He leaned down and slid his fingers to her button and zipper, he opened them. He tugged on the top a bit and easily slid her jeans down; his eyes catching a quick glimpse of her pink underwear. He moved down and slipped the jeans off her legs one at a time. Calleigh decided now was a good time to roll over onto her belly, she squish her pillow under her and moaned something.

He paused as her derrière was in full view to him now; his eyebrows quickly went up as he noticed her thong. He made quick work with the sheet and covered her backside and body. He softly caressed her hair as she let out another soft moan. He stood over her watching for a few minutes and decided he needed to get some rest too.

He went back into the living room and shut the TV. He tidy up a bit and went back to the bedroom. He stared at her now, she looked so peaceful, like an angel, he thought. Well it seemed she was sleeping with him tonight; he raised his brows at the thought and gently made his way into the bed.

She was turned facing him and he just stared at her, content, just in watching her sleep. He began to doze off soon after and woke a bit as he felt a leg wrap around his. His eyes opened and he realized it was her. She moved in closer on his right side, cuddling into him, wrapping her leg as well as her arm around him. Her head moved to find a comfortable spot in-between his neck and shoulder, she moaned again as she found it and relaxed into him. He felt her body relax on him and smiled, his eyes drifted shut again now as sleep claimed him quickly. The night passed quickly and quietly, as neither of them stirred.

He woke up feeling warmth on his chest and neck, her breathing. He opened his eyes to find her cuddled against him still, her leg still wrapped around his, her arm now lying across his chest. Her hair was sprawled out on his chest and neck, and her smell was all around him now. He closed his eyes, appreciating the moment even more. She began to stir and he opened his eyes to find hers looking right at him. She seemed dazed for a moment but a smile suddenly grew on her face, as she realized where she was. She smiled at him and cuddled even closer into him, tightening her arm around him. He groaned lowly but she felt the vibration on his chest. She quickly pulled back now and looked at him in shock.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry, I didn't realized my arm was,... on you like that." She looked around, confused.

"It's alright, I'm fine Calleigh. No harm done sweetheart." He gently put his hand back into her hair, directing her back down on him.

"Horatio, what happened, how did I end up in bed with you? She relaxed her head again on him.

"You fell asleep on the couch, you were exhausted and not without good reason, I might add. I couldn't wake you up, I tried a few times." His fingers were working magic on her hair and relaxing her again.

"I'm sorry, I just remember feeling so comfortable on you."

"The feeling was mutual, trust me, I feel asleep right after you."

"If you keep this up, you're going to put me right back to sleep."

"Mmm, good."

She lifted her head and looked at the clock, it was only 6am, she let it drop back down again on him. "It's only 6am."

"Good, go back to sleep, beautiful." He caressed her hair and face with his fingers.

"Mmm, Horatio... That feels so good...you...really know...I'm..." Her eyes began to close now and he felt her relax again. Her breathing even out on him as she drifted right off to sleep again. He caressed her hair and before long he was out again too.

The sound of Calleigh's cell phone woke them both up. Calleigh rolled off of Horatio and reached for her cell on the night table. The sheets slipped off her as she opened it leaning over on her belly. Horatio smiled, as his eyes devoured her.

"Duquense." Her voice raspy

"Calleigh? It's Ryan."

"Ryan, it's not even 7 yet, what are you doing in so early?"

"I came in at early to run the samples we found on the ring and watch. You're not gonna believe this. I found blood spatter on his ring and I found epithelials on his watch. It's not his, Calleigh."

"Well...who does it belong to Ryan?"

"Ok, ok, the first two are a match on Jay Seavers. The second is a match on Edward Mathis. I have a third that's still running. Can you believe this? He killed them both, himself...a criminal chief judge.

"Oh I believe it Ryan, and now we can prove it. Finally, we got him. Ryan great job, you tell Eric when he comes in and I'll tell Horatio and call for the warrant now. I'll call you back." She closed the phone and sat up on the bed. She turned and looked at Horatio, she was smiling."

"What?" He asked sitting up, looking at her.

"It's over, we got him. Ryan found blood spatter on the ring and epithelials on the watch. He can't deny it now Horatio. He killed Jay Seavers and Ed Mathis.

Horatio's eyes narrowed. "And that's... felony murder."

"Yep, Life in prison, without parole, or the death penalty."

"Hmm, Why don't we go pay the judge an early visit." He raised his eyebrows to her.

"Sounds good. I'll call the judge and get us that warrant."

"And I'll,...I'll call Frank."

They both made their phone calls and got up. Calleigh got the warrant and Frank was meeting them at Calleigh's. They got dressed and Calleigh made some coffee. They were waiting on Frank now. She looked at Horatio and noticed he did not have the sling on.

"Horatio, did you need help putting the sling back on?" She drank some of her coffee.

"No, thank you. I'm fine without it. I do need a weapon though."

"Horatio, I think you're better off with the sling. It's helps to support your arm."

"I fine, Calleigh, it feels much better today." He took a sip and placed the cup back down.

She shook her head at him and got up. She walked to the bedroom now to get her backup weapon. She checked it out and went back to him now.

"You sure about the sling?" She handed him the gun.

"Um-hmm, thank you."

He took the gun and placed it in his holster. He got up and walked back to the bedroom. He was awfully quiet and she got back up and followed him. She leaned on the bedroom door frame watching him now. He went to the night table and took out his badge, he held it for a moment, looking down at it. He felt her presence now.

"You umm, following me?" He turned to her.

"Yes I am. You're awfully quiet this morning."

He smiled and looked down, shaking his head yes. His right hand clipped on the badge and got comfortable on his hip. He took a breath and looked back up at her. "I umm..." He looked back down.

"Horatio, you ok?" She took her weight off the door-frame now, and stood straight, worried.

He looked back up at her and saw her concern. He walked toward her now and stopped in front of her. His hand went back to his hip. "I'm fine, Calleigh. I umm... Just want this animal behind bars." His eyes looked down again.

She moved her hand to cupped his face, and he lifted his head and looked at her. She softly caressed his face and looked deep into his eyes, holding his gaze. "I know you do, Horatio. Frank will be here any minute and then we can make that happen." Her eyes still locked with his.

Her eyes spoke to him and he smiled and moved closer to her. She was amazing, he thought as his senses kicked in and he inhaled her essence. She was able to read him somehow. His hands moved to her waist and he pulled her in gently against himself. Her hand wrapped around his neck as she looked up into his eyes. He stared into her eyes as she lifted on her tiptoes and lightly kissed his lips. He closed his eyes as he felt her soft lips close on his and moaned lowly. Her hand slid down from his neck to his chest and around his waist, he groaned. She backed off from his lips and whispered to him.

"You sure you're up for this?"

He moved in for another soft kiss and backed off smiling to her.

"Mmm...That all depends on your... point of view." He laughed as he took her lips in between his again.

He thought of her now and how at ease she made he feel. She completely had a way of relaxing him, he never felt this way before. What was it, he wondered. Her understanding maybe, her voice, her touch, her kiss. It was everything about her, it was who she truly was, her whole being. It was Calleigh.

She laughed and broke the kiss looking at him, relaxing now in his arms. "Really, what am I going to do with you?"

"Mmm...What ever you want, beautiful. What ever you want." He caressed her cheek and softly kissed her once more. "Thank you, Calleigh. Thank you." His voice was a low whispered.

Calleigh moved to kiss him again and her phone rang. "Sometimes...I hate this phone."

Horatio smiled and released her as she opened it.


"I'm just pulling up"

"Ok Frank, well be right out." She closed it.

Horatio looked at her. "You ready?"

"Yep. Let's go get this guy."

"Mmm, Let's."

She moved to walked out and Horatio let her go first and placed his hand on the small of her back. She turned to go into the kitchen and Horatio stopped, watching her. She turned off the coffee pot and walked back now.

"Ok, all set." She smiled at him and he nodded.

They both walked out and got into the hummer. Calleigh followed Frank to the house. The Swat team was waiting when they arrived. Horatio spoke with Frank and the swat team, he grabbed a walkie talkie.

"I'll head around Back." Calleigh said, as she grabbed one of the walkie talkies.

"Frank go round back with her."

"Ok, H. We'll wait on your go."

"Ok, I'm in front with these guys. Wait on my call."

Calleigh, Frank and some swat members went around to the back of the house. Now slowly sneaking their way to the door, from both sides.

The other swat members went first and Horatio followed, moving up to the front door. He quickly noticed what looked like a laser light. His eyes went wide as he realized what it was.

"HOLD IT!...DON'T MOVE!... Back up, Everyone Back out... NOW!"

His eyes scanned around. He lifted the walkie talkie to his mouth. "CALLEIGH...DON'T MOVE...FREEZE, the place is rigged to blow.

"Horatio, we're near the doors."

"Ok, ok ...don't move tell them...I'm on my way back."

He yelled out to swat now, "GET THE BOMB SQUAD HERE.. NOW!"

He cautiously made his way to the back of the house. He saw Calleigh and Frank, close to the doors.

"Don't move yet... give me a second."

"We're not moving." Frank said now, looking at him. "What the hell's going on, he rigged the place?"

Horatio walked over near the doors and saw the laser beam. He looked over to the other side near Calleigh now.

"Ok both of you step back...easy. Go ahead. The bomb squad is on the way now."

They both step away from the doors.

"Ok, everybody back to the front, I need everyone out of here. Let's go! Watch where your walking people."

He clipped the walkie talkie to his pants pocket. He placed his hand on his hip, as his eyes still scanned the area.

Calleigh walked over to Horatio now. "He set us up, didn't he?"

"Mm-hmm. He toying with us. Let me have your phone a moment." He open it and dialed Eric.


"Where are you?"

"Just pulling up to the Mariana, why H?"

"Don't go near his boats...are we clear? He rigged the house, I'm sure he did the same with his boats. Stay clear of them Eric and tape off the area, the bomb squad is on the way. Is Ryan with you?"

"No. He said he'd meet me here,... hang on the hummers here... Oh no...hang on H."

Eric still had the phone in his hand as he yelled out to Ryan now. "Ryan don't move, stay back, get away from the boats...their rigged!"

Ryan was already there and in front of the boats on the dock. "What are you talking about, Delko? Ryan looked down and now saw the laser beam on his leg. His eyes went wide and he took off down the dock running back toward Eric.

"RUN RYAN...MOVE!" Eric yelled to him.

"ERIC! ERIC...?" Horatio heard an explosion sound. "ERIC!" Calleigh's eyes went wide.

"Dam that was close, are you ok Ryan?"

"I... I think...so. I can't wait to put this bastard away!"

"H you there still?"

"Eric what happened, Is Ryan ok?"

"Yeah, he's... fine H. A little shaken, but thank god he's a fast runner."

"Any other casualties, Eric."

"I don't think so, H. I didn't see anyone around but Ryan. H, the bomb squad just got here."

"Tell them there could be more bombs. He using laser tripwires."

"I'll tell them, H."

"Ok, I'll talk to you later." Horatio closed the phone and looked at Calleigh and Frank.

Horatio clenched his jaw. "Well he rigged the boats too. He's gone." Horatio shook his head in disgust. The bomb squad arrived and began to dismantle the bombs.

"Are they both ok, Horatio?" Calleigh asked now.

"Yeah, it would seem our eager Mr. Wolf is quite the fast runner. He was supposed to meet Eric and probably got there early. They're both fine, Calleigh."

"And you?"

Horatio swallowed and look back up at her. "What do you mean?"

"Don't, Horatio. You know what I mean."

"I'm fine Calleigh..."

She stared him down and he looked away from her. She knew what he was feeling inside, it had to be ten times more than what she was feeling right now. Anger... Frustration, she knew how bad he wanted to put the judge away.

"Horatio, we'll get him." She said softly now.

He shook his head, with a cold smile. "Uh-uh...He's gone... Someone...someone tipped him off..."

Calleigh looked at him, confused. "Who...what?"

"Hmm, that's what the evidence will tell us. That's probably why he was trying to blow up the place. Get rid of all the evidence." Horatio leaned on the hummer and sighed.

"CLEAR...It's all clear." The bomb squad finished and cleared the house.

"H, there was two bombs, front and back. They check the garage and the rest of the house it's all clear."

"Ok, thank you, Frank." He moved off the hummer and began to walk into the house. Calleigh joined in step beside him now. They went in and checked around.

"Be careful."

"Hey, H...over here."

"What have you got, Frank?"

"How about a gun...a 45. To be exact. Smells like it was fired recently."

"Hmm, he didn't expect us to find the tripwires."

"Yeah well, did he expect us not to find these babies?" Frank found stun guns, cuffs, knives, and explosive materials. "Looks like what young Sanchez had in his place, remember."

"I do." Horatio said, turning his head to find Calleigh.

She was bending down, looking in a metal cabinet. He walked over and stood beside her. "Find anything interesting?"

"It just so happens I did." She smile up at him and stood up now. Showing him a ring, with a design on it. "Looks a lot like something we've seen before."

"Mm-hmm, it sure does. What about the- CALLEIGH! DOWNNN! He heard a click and then a beep. He grabbed Calleigh and dove away from the cabinet. He covered her body with his, as his hand covered her head going down. The metal cabinet exploded and tiny pieces flew all over the room.

He quickly rose up on one knee checking her. Calleigh!..Calleigh!" He felt for a pulse, it was fine. She opened her eyes and saw him. "Calleigh... you ok?" He moved the hair off her face, his eyes full of worry.

"Mm, I think so...thanks to you." She said lifting herself into a sitting position. She blinked a few times. "I'm ok, Horatio." She nodded to him.


"Ok here, nice call, H. You ok?"

He didn't answer Frank, he was to worry for her to feel his own pain. He helped her up slowly and held her as a wave of dizziness hit her. "Easy, go slow...I got you. Lean on me, ok?"

She smiled at him now. "I'm ok, Horatio...really."

He nodded to her, understanding. "Ok, ok. Sit down for a moment."

"Where did that come from?"

"Bottom of the draw, a nice little booby trap. He's toying with us. There has to be more here so-."

The phone rang and the three of them just stared at it. Horatio went over and picked it up.


He heard someone laughing on the other end and smiled coldly. He shook his head to Frank now. Frank walked over and picked up the other phone, quietly.


"My, my lieutenant, your still alive? But the blond isn't looking too good." He laughed.

Horatio looked over to Calleigh and then around the room. His eyes focused on the far left corner, there was a camera.

"Hello lieutenant. Oh, you can tell your friend... I see him too."

Calleigh went over now and pulled the plug from the wall, disconnecting it.

"That was not nice, I'll have to see to it... she pays."

"Where you hiding, judge?"

"Hmm, someplace you'll never find me."

"Wanna bet?"

The judge laughed deeply into the phone now. Horatio was seething now. His patience all but gone and his emotions beginning to boil over.

"If I were you lieutenant, I'd be very careful. You never know who's watching you."

"Your quite the coward... You always do your threatening from the phone?"

"I told you, I wouldn't forget you,...Lieutenant. And I won't,...You're gonna pay, this isn't over!"

"Why don't you tell me that in person, judge? Oh- my mistake..." Horatio snorted a laugh. "You're not a judge anymore, are you?"

"I did already, remember? Let me refresh your memory for you. First, of course there's... Dresden, right lieutenant. Oh, and your poor girlfriend... What was her name? Rachel Turner, yes that's it. I seem to recall,... she suffered. I told you I wouldn't forget you and I didn't. You didn't even know I had anything to do with it, until now, that is. I know everything about you, lieutenant... everything. And I promise you we'll meet again." a moment passed as Horatio processed everything. "You're awfully quiet, lieutenant...did I.. Surprise you now?

"Nothing you do, surprises me judge. But tell me who's gonna do your dirty work for you now, huh judge? You really think after this gets out, your friends are still going to help you? Well... think again!"

"You need to think again! And trust me lieutenant...if you knew who it was, you would be very surprised. You had better keep a close eye on your... loved ones,... lieutenant."

"Hm, just like the coward you are. What's the matter not man enough to come after me?"

"Just remember what I said lieutenant... If you want something done, you have to do it yourself. You'll be seeing me when you least expect it...So will she." He laughed deeply now. Frank looked over to Horatio.

Horatio closed his eyes to get control of himself now. "This is between us, judge."

"Do I hear a little tension in your voice, lieutenant? It was between us but, You changed that... when you put my son away. Now you have to pay! And I'll take someone you love from you! Well lieutenant, it's been... fun, but my plane awaits me now. I promise to see you soon." He laughed and hung up.

Horatio closed his eyes and clenched his teeth tightly together, drawing blood now. His anger and frustration boiling over, he could rip him apart with his bare hands. He couldn't hold back his anger anymore now, something had to give. He opened his eyes and squeezed the phone with his hand. He then threw the phone into the far wall, smashing it to pieces. He brought his right hand to the bridge of his nose and held it. Calleigh jumped as the phone hit the wall and Frank just stared at him in shock. He didn't make any eye contact now, he just spoke the words in a very intimidating tone.

"Clear the house. I want everybody out, now." He stood with his right hand on his hip and his eyes staring down at the floor.

Frank moved and left the room, he yelled to clear the house. They both heard him. Calleigh stared at him now, he felt her eyes on him. She moved closer to him and spoke softly.

"Horatio...?" She saw him tighten his jaw even more. She moved closer now and raised her right hand to his face. He closed his eyes, trying to hold it together. "Horatio..it's ok."

He opened his eyes and looked at her, then down. "You..ok?" He whispered.

"Yes, I'm ok..." She looked at him but he wouldn't keep eye contact with her. He noticed she had a cut on her arm. He took her hand and held it, taking his hankie out and placing it on the cut. She smiled and looked at him but he didn't respond to her. She didn't recognize this part of him.

His eyes came up to hers and locked. "Calleigh... clear the house." She tilted her head to him, unsure. He nodded to her and now she looked away. Her hand slipped from his and she began to walk out of the room. She stopped by the door, wanting to help him, wanting to say something. But then continued on, out of the house.

He lifted the walkie talkie to his mouth. "This is Horatio Caine, I need the bomb squad back in here, immediately!"

He met them near the entrance. "Ok, I need you to go through the whole place, he has booby traps all around, so be careful people ."

"Ok lieutenant."

He walked out now and towards the hummer. Calleigh was talking on the phone to Eric. He walked over to her. She stopped talking.

"I need Eric and Ryan to process this place when the bomb squad is done here."

She nodded to him and then went on to tell Eric what he just said. She closed her phone.

"Their both on there way here now." Her eyes searched his for a response.

He nodded, his eyes down. "Thank you."

She rubbed at the cut with his hankie. His hand reached out and took her arm again holding it and patting it with the hankie now. His eyes finally softened and met hers.

"You ok, Calleigh?"

"I am now... that your talking to me again. Horatio...are you ok?" She wavered and he quickly grabbed her.

His eyebrow furrowed. "Whoa, I got you, Your ok... Hang on a sec... Here, sit down." He opened the hummer door and sat her down now. He looked around and saw Alexx pulling up, he waved her over.

"What happened, Horatio?"

"Another bomb. She was pretty close, I think... she may have a concussion."

Alexx checked Calleigh now and Frank walked over to Horatio.

"Is she ok, H?"

"Alexx is checking her now."

"Ok. You umm,... you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you, Frank."

"Ok, you let me know if you need anything, ok?"

Horatio nodded now and turned back to Alexx and Calleigh.


"She's got a nice lump, but it's not a concussion, Horatio. I'll bandage her arm up now. Take her home put her to bed, let her sleep it off. She'll be fine, honey."

"Ok, thank you Alexx."

"I'll stop by later to check on her, ok?"

"I would appreciate That, Alexx. Thank you." Horatio leaned his head into the hummer now and looked at her. "You ok?"

"Um-hmm, Headache... My head...hurts."

He reached his hand to caress her face and she smiled at him.

"Ok, let me have the keys, Calleigh."

She reached into her pocket and handed them to him, letting her head fall back down on the seat.

He got into the drivers seat and adjusted it. He started the engine and pulled out. He turned to her, "Hey you still with me?"

"Um-hmm, Ugh...my head ..."

"I know...I know...Ok, Ssh.. Just keep your head back and relax, I'll have you home in no time."

He stopped for the light and looked at her. His right hand softly caressed her forehead and hairline. She sighed and turned her face into his hand more. It seemed to relax him as he forgot about the light. The car behind him beeped, impatiently. He hit the gas and began driving again keeping his contact with her.

He pulled the hummer into her spot and went around to help her. "Calleigh,...?"

"Hmm, ok...I'm ok." She slid out into his arms and he helped her into the house. He took her right to the bedroom and laid her down on the bed. He took off her shoes and pulled the blanket up covering her.

"I'll be right back." He was back in a flash with some water in a glass. He took the Tylenol off the night table and opened the bottle. Taking two out for her now. He helped her lift her head.

"Hey, these will help, c'mon take them for me."

She lifted her head and Groaned. He squinted his eyes for her pain, knowing the feeling all to well. He held her head gently now and she took the pills with the water. He laid her head gently back down and caressed her face until she fell asleep. He sat and watched her sleep for a while before he finally dozed off too.

The bell rang and woke him. He moved to get up quickly, completely forgetting and stifled a groan. He answered the door, it was Alexx. She looked at him strangely now.

"How is she doing."

"Still sleeping, I hope. I..gave her some Tylenol when we got here." He looked at the kitchen clock. It was 2 in the afternoon, he couldn't believe he slept that long.

"And you?"

"I'm fine, Alexx."

"Don't give me that crap, Horatio. I know you all to well. Are you ok,... really?"

He nodded to her. "Yes...I am."

"Oh, Eric told me to give this to you." She handed him another new cell phone. "Try not to break this one, or get it blow up, will you."

"Hmm, I'll do my best Alexx."

She looked at him seriously and his eyes dropped, she knew something was wrong.

"Horatio sit down, honey. Before you fall down. Talk to me,.. please...what is it?"

He sat on the couch and nodded his head to her. "I..umm, I..think... this ...was a mistake."

"What? Don't!... Horatio Caine. You can't be serious."

He lifted his right hand to his eyebrows and rubbed easy, his head felt like it was going to explode at any moment.

"She's here because of me."

"That's right! You saved her today. She is here,... because of you!"

"No, Alexx. I almost got her killed...today. She likes this because of me and he's not going..." His hand went to his head again as the words just came out. Alexx saw right through him now.

"Tell me what happened, today? I know he called and you spoke with him. So what did he say? He threatened her, didn't he? Don't they all make threats, Horatio? Talk to me."

He looked at her and then away "Hmm." He nodded his head and looked down.

"You say this is a mistake and you won't tell me why?"

He took a deep breath. "She's in danger with me...Alexx. I can't ...if anything were to happen to her...I don't know... I ...think it's best to-."

"You're wrong! What are you going to say when she's not with you and he goes after her anyway. Will it be your fault then too? Is it your fault they went after her in the beginning, you weren't even together yet."

His eyes shot up. "And were...still not."

Alex gave him a dirty look now. "Really,... you're not huh?" She stood up and shook her head at him. "You a hypocrite--- Horatio? I would never in a million years believe it! You would break her heart, her spirt...The things you love the most about her?"

"To save her,..Yes." He spoke softly.

"Don't you see, you won't be saving her, you'll be killing her a little at a time, Horatio. What about everything you said,... does none of that matter now? What about, what makes you happy, you're going to let this bastard control your life? Ruin something very special between the two of you?"

He got up now and paced. He put his hand on his pounding head and took a breath.

"Why don't you go get some fresh air and think about things, before you make any rash decisions. I'll be here all day, she'll be fine with me."

"I know that Alexx. I didn't want to..." His brows went up.

Alexx nodded her head to him in shock. "Leave her, Horatio? You were gonna say leave her. Mister you had better get your thoughts cleared up before you make a huge mistake! Just in case you don't know this, let me remind you. You're in love with her."

He looked at her now confused. He took a breath. "You're right... I don't know what... I do know... But if... then..."

"Stop!" Alexx put her hand up to him. "Listen to me. Go, go get some fresh air, trust me, will you, it will do you good. You need some time to think your feelings through. You'll feel better, trust me. What you two have...happens once... maybe, in someone's lifetime. It's very special. I know you feel it, I can see it in you, when you're with her."

He nodded yes to her now. You're right, ok, I'll... go. I'll check on her and if-."

"Yes, I know, I have your number... Now go, and think.. reasonably."

"I will. Thank you, Alexx..once again."

He took the keys off the counter and walked out the door. He headed for his place, he always found peace there, he hoped he could find it today. He walked in and smelled her, he closed his eyes and stopped now. He collapsed into the couch and rested his head back, thinking now.

"Calleigh?" He called out her name.

He opened his eyes and looked at the time, it was 5:30. He checked his phone. No messages. He got up and went out the back way onto the beach. He walked down, near the water. The breeze was cool and the fresh air felt great, he missed this. He stood thinking, looking out to sea, his right hand on his hip. God... he knew he loved her...for quite a while now. Now to finally be with her and have to give her up. He shook his head, no, looking down into the sand.

He wanted to be with her, he could protect her and keep her safe. He nodded no again, who was he kidding, thinking to himself, his thoughts raveled. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he imagined her scent. He could swear he really smelled her, he open his eyes, thinking even his brain wanted her. He rubbed his forehead, shanking his head, so confused, so unsure. Little did he know she was right behind him.

In a very soft voice, she said, "I thought I'd find you here."

He froze and his eyes went wide, his hand came down off his head, but he would not turn around. He wasn't sure if he was dreaming this all now, he answered in a low whisper.

"You..thought... right."

She moved closer behind him, but didn't touch him. "I missed you, when I woke up."

He closed his eyes now, hearing her words, feeling the same as she did. He didn't want to leave her...ever. He shook his head.

"I...missed you... the moment your body left mine, this morning. I missed your closeness, your warmth... I missed feeling you,... on me." He took a breath, unable to face her still.

"A very beautiful man once told me... 'One day at a time, works both ways' he gave me hope. He helped me..to...believe again."

"He nodded his head yes, remembering that night. "Was...he right...did it work?" His voice shaky, barely a whisper now.

"Yes, he was. I believed. I hope... it's...working. I think... he believes...it is too."

"What if he believes,... it's all just another one of his... dreams?"

"Well, maybe he should turn around and...find out... it's not."

Horatio swallowed hard and clenched down. He closed his eyes and heaved a breath. He felt his body tremble, "Calleigh... are you... really here, am I... hallucinating this?"

She moved closer to him now and whispered, "No Horatio,... you're not." Her hands softly went to his shoulders and he gasped, closing his eyes, knowing now...this was real. She slowly caressed his arms up and down. He took a deep breath and turned around to see her.

She smiled at him and kept hers eyes locked with his. "There's nothing I want more than to be with you. I thought...you knew this? I thought you felt the same way?"

"I do, but...It's complicated, Calleigh." His hand found hers.

"No, it really, very...simple Horatio." She lifted his hand to her heart and held him there.

He smiled at her now, as he felt her heart beating under his hand.

"I, do feel...the same...way. I wanted to be... with you, since the very first day... I met you. I feel the exact same way...right now."

"So what's so complicated, then?"

"I..." His eyes looked down into the sand. I'm... afraid for you. For your safety and... well being. I know... I can't protect you... all the time."

"As I am for you. But, I still want to be with you, Horatio. I'm not going to give up what makes me happy because I'm afraid. I'm not going to let some crazy person ruin my life, with the one man... I truly love."

His eyes came up and gazed deep into hers, he could feel her heart pounding against his hand now.

"Your... not?" His voice shook.

"No. I'm not." Her voice was steady.

"You...sure about this?" Their eyes locked onto one another, not wavering.

"I am Completely. You make me sure, don't you see that. I'm sure when I'm with you and then when your gone... I feel empty, alone. Don't you see you make me feel wonderful, and incredibly happy. You make me feel loved...Like I never felt before ...ever."

He shook his head now, understanding her feelings, he felt the same way.

"You make me feel...whole,... Right. You're my one true light, in all this darkness. My world is... complete,... when I'm with you. You open me up and fill my heart. I feel the same way when were together. I feel.. Right, with you."


"Hmm?" He softly kissed her.

"Take me home, so we both... can be together and feel right again." She lifted her arms now around his neck and softly kissed him. He kissed her back and held her tight. He looked into her eyes for a moment, he smiled.

"Anything for you beautiful... anything."

Ma'am." He put his right elbow out and she put her arm through his. They walked to the hummer together and headed back to Calleigh's.

Alexx was talking on the phone when Calleigh opened the door and came in with Horatio. Her eyes went wide and he gave her a nod and smile. Alexx's smile went ear to ear and Horatio look down, shyly. She closed the phone now and raised her eyebrows to him. Calleigh walked into the kitchen.

Alexx talked low, "I'm glad to see you came to your senses."

"So am I, but I did have some help... didn't I? I umm,.. I'm grateful Alexx, thank you."

See stepped closer to Horatio now and whispered, "You better be sure this time."

"I am, Alexx. Thanks to you and her."

Alexx place her hand on her forehead and collapsed down the couch. "Thank you god!"

Horatio smiled and laughed. "You can say that again."

Calleigh came in with coffees for them and sat down next to Alexx. "So anything new while we were gone?"

Alex looked to Horatio and back at Calleigh. "No, every-things status quo. But could one of you explain what happened. Last I heard the judge killed two people himself?"

Horatio sat down now, near Calleigh. "Well Alexx, it all comes down to revenge. First he released Seavers and Mathis on technicalities. Then he had Claudia and Seavers working for him. When that didn't work out, he killed Seavers. We found blood spatter on his ring and watch. He then used Mathis to get to judge Greenhill, at the hospital, and us here. When he failed, he killed him too. We found trace epithelials on his watch. He then, even used his own son who planted the bombs at the safe house and that blew the case wide open."

Calleigh chuckled "Literally."

Horatio look at her with a raised eyebrow and continued.

"The domino effect took place after that and everything else came together."

"So he killed Seavers and Mathis to cover himself, they were the only witness, right?"

"Nope, judge Greenhill came out of the coma two days ago, but we were keeping it quiet. We also have Mrs. Sanchez, who was willing to Testify for us. Which is not necessary now, because we have all the evidence we need against him."

"So he sent Claudia after you in the hospital too?" Alexx asked now.

Horatio's eyebrows went up, he looked over to Calleigh. "I... don't think so. Claudia was insane and from my experience with her,... I think she came after me because I put Jay, the man she loved, behind bars. She was more upset at that... and kept telling me about it." Horatio brows furrowed thinking about it.

"Ok, so what about the police personal files?"

"That's a good question Alexx, and one I intend on finding the answer to."

"We know someone was helping him on the inside, we just don't know who yet." Calleigh said. "But we will, it's just a matter of time."

"One of our own judges going bad. What's the world coming to? How can we know who to trust anymore, when we can't trust the system?"

Horatio's eyes narrowed on his cup. "It's not the system that's the problem. The system works. It's the corrupt people in the system that make it bad. We have to...smoke them out and get them. It's working, slowly,... One by one well get them. One day at a time. One day at a time."

Calleigh looked at Horatio and smiled. "Yes we will, yes we will...One day at a time."

The bell rang and it was Frank. He said hello and sat down on the opposite couch, across from Horatio.

"I wanted to come by and give you some good news for a change, H. Mrs. Sanchez was awarded with the 2 million dollars. They approved your request, and judge Mason said you were one of a kind. He said to give him a call, when you're up to it. He wanted to talk with you personally."

"That's great news Frank, thanks for letting us know."

"Yeah well, after this slimball got away...we really needed it."

"You did everything you could, Frank."

"Yeah, well it don't feel that way, H."

"Horatio that's what you were up to on the phone. How did you manage that?" Calleigh asked.

"I asked." He smiled at her.

"That was really very thoughtful, Horatio... I'm sure Mrs. Sanchez is going to be very happy." Alexx said.

"Well, she deserves to be, right? She suffered enough, I just wish..." He cut himself short.

"Yes she will be Horatio, she will be happy." Calleigh said as Horatio's phone rang.

He look down and restricted showed. He took a deep breath and looked up at Calleigh. He got up and walked away from the couch. Their eyes were all on him now.

He opened his phone. "Hello." He said in a very tense voice.

"Is this Senor lieutenant Caine?"

Horatio smiled and they all relaxed. "Mrs. Sanchez, it is."

"Senor, what did you do...I don't know what to say, thank you so much, no one has ever cared about what happens to me?"

"Well, we do...we care."

"Please, I must see you to give you some money, for you and senorita Duquesne."

"No ma'am, that's your money, we can't accept that."

"Yes but I want to give you something back, please senor."

"That's not necessary ma'am. You don't have to give us anything back, this is our job."

"You get me 2 million dollars...is your job?

"Mrs. Sanchez, seeing you have a new start in life and being happy, is payback enough."

"I can not believe this... it is like a dream. Thank you senor for caring and helping me...I want you to be the first to know, I will help others just like me."

"That's wonderful, Mrs. Sanchez. I'm glad to hear it, you'll do a fine job. You take care, alright."

"Thank you, senior...and please thank the senorita." She was crying.

"Ok...it's ok Mrs. Sanchez. Ok...I 'll tell her." Horatio smiled and closed the phone. He looked over to everyone and raised his eyebrows.

"Mrs. Sanchez...is very...very happy! She wanted me to thank you Calleigh."

Calleigh smiled back at him now. "All in a days work!"

Elsewhere the phone rang...

"Thanks for the warning." The judge said sarcastically. "A little later and I would be behind BARS!"

"I would have told you sooner if I knew. His CSI's are loyal and dedicated. It's hard to get information."

"Did you get it for me?"

"I did, but they froze two of your accounts."

"What! How much?"

"2 million dollars. I can't do anything about it."

"What's new... 2 million of my money and you can do nothing, huh? Fine, I have plenty for now. But I want to know who's responsible for this, do you hear me?"

"I do and I'll find out for you."

"I paid you to take care of him and you couldn't. I told you what would happened. They got me but they don't know about you...do they?"

"I told you I'd try,.. I did. He had police protection around the clock. What did you want me to do, walk in and kill him in the middle of the day? I already have too much attention on me with this case."

"You're gonna help me get him, or I'll expose you. He ruined my life. I lost everything, now so will he. Do you hear me?"

"I do! I told you I would, just not right now, this has drawn way to much attention and we have to let things cool off for a while. I'll help you. I will help you...I want him myself...trust me I ...owe him. Just give it some time, I have a really good idea, this time."

"He needs to suffer... And her too! And I want to be there. He will pay by my hand, this time. He is going to be very sorry he ever crossed me."

"Ok,...ok. Just let things calm down a bit. Right now they're ready and waiting. It's better to get them when they least expect it. Trust me, I'll take care of it this time and I'll make sure you're there. He's going to be sorry he ever crossed me too!"

"Take care of the money for my son, I'll be in touch."

"Ok, will do. Try to stay low, we don't want them finding you."

"You mean you don't want them finding out about YOU! You just figure out how to get him... I'll do it myself this time. I'll be waiting for your call!"

"I will! I'll take care of it this time."

"If you know what's good for you...you had better." The judge hung up.

Frank and Alexx left a little while latter. Horatio was sitting comfortably on the couch talking to Calleigh. She snuggled close to him now and hugged him.

"So...were finally alone." She sighed happily, looking at Horatio now.

"So we are?" His eyes searched hers.

"Peace and quiet, and just, you and me."

"Mm-hmm, so... what did you have in mind?"

She laughed now and laid down across his lap. He looked down at her as she looked up to him. His hand moved into her hair and caressed it.

"Mmmm, that feels...so good." Calleigh sighed.

"Yes..it does, beautiful."

She smiled up at him and closed her eyes, relishing every caressed he gave her.

"Tired, sweetheart?"

She nodded her head. "Mm-hmm...but this feels so good, I don't want to move."

"Ok, come with me." He smiled and when she got up he took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom. She plopped down on the bed.

"Ok, you want to get changed...or should I do it for you?" His eyebrows wiggled.

"I can manage myself, tonight...thank you." She laughed getting fresh with him. And rose her tired body up.

Horatio stood there now and leaned on the wall near the dresser, watching her. She walked by him and to the dresser, grabbing one of her tops. She walked by him again now and he stood in front of her.

"So you don't want my help then?" His hand went right up to her head and into her hair, working his magic again. She moaned low and leaned her head against his chest.

"You're going to put me to sleep right here."

"Mmm, that's the idea...then I can.. change you myself."

She lifted her head off his chest and looked up at him. She gave him a smirk and turned, walking to the bathroom now. He chuckled.

He quickly went and grabbed his pajamas and changed before she came out. He pulled the blankets down and sat on the side of the bed, waiting for her.

She came out and saw him changed and sitting there. She gave him aquick smile and walked right up to him, she stood between his legs. His hands automatically moved to her waist and he looked up at her. She leaned down and gave him a gently kiss. His eyes were so blue, she thought as she leaned down. She broke the kiss and ran her fingers through his hair. He pulled her closer and kiss her stomach, through the satin teddy. She leaned down again and kissed him. She felt his hands begin to move on her and she broke the kiss and back out of his embrace.

"Ok, let's go,... in the bed." He looked at her questioningly.

She walked around to her side and got in, "Don't look at me like that...you need to rest."

"Trust me...I rested...plenty."

"Well I didn't,... and I'm exhausted."

"You don't have to do a thing...I promised... just relax-."

"Get in the bed Horatio!"

"Mmm, now were talking."

"No, now were sleeping."

He started laughing and the bed started shaking now. Calleigh pick up her head and stared at him. She laughed some and cuddled closer into his right side.

"This feels so good." She relax on his shoulder and her arm wrapped around his chest. "Is this ok for you?"

"It's fine, Calleigh, I'm feeling a lot better. And yes it does feel great to be together again, to be...close."

He started caressing her hair and in minutes she was asleep. He was so content, Just to hold her close, he thought. He could not describe what it was he felt. He tried thinking about it now. Whole, happy, secure...content. All he knew was he loved feeling her against him, her warmth, her closeness, he thought as his eyes began to close and finally he drifted off himself.

It was about 2:30 am when Calleigh's cell phone rang. She jumped awake and look around. Horatio was up in a second.

"It's ok, it's just your phone,... want me to get it?" His voice was gravelly.

"I got it...but who the heck is calling now?" She said, in a raspy voice as she reached for it and opened it. "Hello.." She yanked the phone away from her ear as loud yelling was coming through. She put her ear back to it, listening...


"Heyyyy..lambchop...did I ...wake you up?"

"Dad? Dad it's 2 in the morning... where are you?"

"Oh...I'm soory...goo black to sheelp, my little...lambchomp."

"Dad..where are you...are you driving? DAD?... Dad?"

"I'm... here...where am I ... Mulligans pub...right pub..."

"Dad...Dad? Did you drive, Dad?"

"Of course...lambchop...driving all the time...I'm driving...alright..."

Calleigh put her hand to her head and felt Horatio caresses her arm. "I can go get him and bring him home...ok?" He said lowly.

She nodded, no to him. "Dad...DAD!...stay where you are dad...don't drive. Do you hear ME DAD?"

"Oh lampchomp...I hear finee."

Calleigh closed the phone and gritted her teeth, throwing the covers off her now. She got out of the bed and grabbed her jeans, slipping them on. Horatio now got up and she nodded to him.

"Stay in bed, I'll be right back."

"Listen, I'll get him for you Calleigh, you're exhausted. I don't mind, ok?"

"No, go back to bed Horatio."

"No, we'll go together then."

He now put his pants on and slipped one of his shirts on, buttoning up and tucking it in.

Calleigh came out of the bathroom. "You don't have to come with me, I'll be fine."

"I know that. I want to go with you,.. ok?"

"Fine, c'mon."

Horatio grabbed the keys and beeped the hummer. He open her door for her and closed it. He went around to the other side and got in. He started the engine and pulled out.

"You ok, Calleigh?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry about this, Horatio."

"Sorry for what? Everything is fine, sweetheart."

"This is it, pull in here...is that him...dad?" She leaned forward in her seat looking closer.

Horatio pulled the hummer right in front and turned off the engine. They both got out, he was sitting on a bench in front mumbling. He looked up to see them.

"Lampchop...I jusst talked."

"Alright dad, c'mon we'll take you home, ok?"

"I...know you... You're... Lieu...tenants ...So I overdid ...it a little bit. I can get..."

"It's ok, here let us help you, ok?" Horatio took him under the arm and Calleigh was on the other side. They got him into the hummer and closed the door.

"Where too?"

"Just take him back home with us. I can't leave him home alone like this." Calleigh was upset.

"Ok, Calleigh."

Horatio drove back to Calleigh's. They took him in and placed him in the guess bedroom. He was out cold in seconds. Calleigh covered him and closed the door.

Horatio held her for a moment. "You ok, sweetheart?"

"Yeah, I'm ok. Thanks Horatio."

"No,... Your not ok, come on, lets get you back to bed."

She quickly changed as he did and got in the bed, she cuddled closed to Horatio now. "I don't know what to do for him. This is happening more and more... I can't keep doing this...he's never gonna change.. I just--."

"Hey, hey. Why don't you get some rest now and well figure this out tomorrow, ok?" He pulled her closer and hug her tightly. He played with her hair and put her right back to sleep.

The next thing he knew when he opened his eyes was the sun was up and filling the bedroom. He heard sounds coming from the kitchen, he looked over at Calleigh who was still out cold. Chances were if he moved, she was going to wake.

He stilled and treasured her sleeping form for a moment. Her eyes were gently closed and her lips seemed to be curled up just a bit, he thought. Her hair was laying on his chest and shoulder. He pushed back a few strands off her face, he caressed her cheek with his thumb. She snuggled in closer to him with a soft moan, and her leg now wrapped around his.

His brows went up as she rubbed her leg against him and he felt her bodies warmth. He began to feel a slight surge, and tried to control his desire, this was not a good time, he thought to himself. Willing himself to relax. His thoughts quickly faded as she moved her head closer to his neck and ear. He tensed as her warm breath softly hit his skin, setting off every nerve receptor it possibly could. He closed his eyes trying now very hard to will it away.

His eyes shot open as her leg began to slide up and down on his hardness, he stifled a moan. He turned just a bit to look at her, she was still sleeping. Her breathing was even and her face so relaxed. He slowly turned back and looked straight up at the ceiling in disbelief, letting his head sink back down into the pillow. He closed his eyes, becoming immersed in the situation, his breathing now was beginning to quicken. He wondered if she even had a clue what she was doing to him in her sleep.

A soft moan now slipped from the back of his throat and he gently turned his head to hers. His desire now beginning to grow, he opened his eyes and looked at her. He had to stop this before it went any further, he thought. Then he thought he must be crazy to want to stop this, he cleared his thoughts now as he faced her and softly call her name.

"Calleigh.." In a low soft whisper. His eyes closed again as a wave of pleasure coursed through him.

Then there was a loud slam of the door. "SLAM!"

Calleigh's eyes shot open as well as Horatio's. She sat up and looked around, he also sat himself up now. She tilted her head and concentrated on sound. Listening to hear, something. She heard nothing and looked over at Horatio.

"Did my dad just...leave?" She whisper in her raspy voice.

"I hope it was your dad...or we had a... kitchen burglary." His voice grainy, with a hint of laughter.

She gave him a quick grin and listened a moment longer before she moved. "Be right back, stay here."

He looked at her and thought it was best if he did just that, at this particular moment. The blankets hiding a lot more than she realized. She got off the bed and headed for the door, giving him a quick glance over her shoulder. He watched as her satin top swayed with her very sexy body. Those legs, he thought...the things he wanted to do to her...He shook his head as he heard the bolt sliding back into place on the door.

"Calleigh?" He called out.

"Yeah, be right there."

He looked over to the clock, it was 9:15. He let his body drop back down onto the bed. He never slept this late at home, but right now it felt good. He didn't care about the time, he only cared about being with Calleigh, no matter what time.

"Hey, I'm back." She walked in and went right over to the bathroom, he gave her a small smile, as she closed the door.

The door opened a moment later and she came out and got right back in the bed, with a bounce. She turned to look at him. His head was turned and already facing hers waiting.

"Well, he's gone. Thanks for helping me out last night, I -."

"Anytime beautiful." He lifted his hand to her face and softly caressed it with the back of his fingers.

She smiled at him. "So what do you say we sleep in today, handsome" She ran her fingers through his hair.

"Mmm, I thought you'd never ask." He smiled and gave her soft kisses between his words. "I'd say today,...and I'd say tomorrow,... and...I'd say-----."

She smiled as he gave her teasingly soft kisses on her face, neck and ear. Her eyes closed as his lips reached her ear and her leg now wrapped around him again. "Ooh.. stop...saying...and kiss me." She moaned.

"Mmm, Yes ma'am..." He said, as his lips opened and took hers in gently.

She slid more on him and felt how aroused he was, he moaned right into her mouth. She quickly broke the kiss and looked at him. He looked at her with question, her eyes were wide. "Horatio... you're...?"

He smiled at her and covered her mouth with his, Kissing her while he spoke. "Mmm. I told...you...I couldn't...wait to--- Aahhh.." He gasped as Calleigh's hand quickly slipped down and found his hardness. He was primed and ready, and She was in shock.

She slowly rubbed him through his pajamas and watched him now. She whispered in his ear. "Your... hard as a--? He moaned his answer back.

"Mmm... yes..I..I Ohhh..." His eyes were closed and his head was back. His breathing now becoming uneven, she had complete control of him right now. She loved every minute of it.

She smiled wickedly thinking about it. She stroked him agonizingly slow now as she captured his ear between her lips and licked softly on it. He moaned louder and shifted a bit. She licked from his ear down to his neck, as he slid his head over giving her better access. She slowed her hand down even more, and he growled.

Now, she quickly closed her lips on his neck and sucked, while gently squeezing his length. He gasped and moaned to her, aching with need now.

"Aahhh...Calleigh..I Ah--ohh-god!..."

His hand found her breast through the satin top and softly caressed her. He groped at her top, trying to lift it off her, but she slid down some and kissed his chest. He groaned now, desperate with need. Her tongue flicked over his nipple and he lifted his hips up and slammed his eyes shut.


She kissed and licked her way down his stomach and stopped at his navel. She used her fingernails, as she gently caressed through his happy trail. His hands moved down and he gently tangle them in her hair. She kissed his stomached as her fingers worked their way into the sides of his pajamas. Then she slowly kissed lower and lower, as she lowered his pants down.


He was writhing under her and desperate with need. He knew the moment she touched him, it would all be over. The bell rang.

Calleigh's eyes went wide and Horatio's head came up. "Was...that... the bell?" His breathing uneven.

"NO!...lay back..." She snapped at him.

He just stared at her. It rang again.

"Calleigh that's---."

"I heard it!... but I can't believe this...since you've been here this place has been like grand central station."

"I.. I'm sorry-." His puppy dog eyes looking at her.

"I'm not blaming you! Ssshh...maybe they left." They listened together, hoping.

The bell rang again.

Calleigh closed her eyes and shook her head. She looked at Horatio and got up off the bed.

"This is...unbelievable." She grabbed her jeans and slipped into them. Horatio caught and eyeful and shook his head, in defeat. She walked out of the room.

The bell rang again.

"I'm coming..." She yelled then shook her head and laughed. Hang on!"

She opened the door. "Dad?"

"Why did you bolt the door? I bought breakfast back for us. I though we could have a nice day together." He walked in and through to the kitchen.

Calleigh's head dropped in defeat now thinking, 'Oh my god, this is NOT happening to me.'

She walked back to the bedroom. Horatio was already getting dressed. She walked over to him and let her head collapse onto his chest. His hand wrapped around the back of her head and he held her close. She wrapped her other arm around his waist. She looked up at him and shook her head.

"You heard?"

"I did."

"I'm so sorry..."

"Don't be... your dad has good intentions. It was thoughtful of him. Beside, we have plenty of time, right?"

She smiled and nodded her head to him. "Um-hmm, but I'm-."

"I know...I know, Calleigh. I feel it too." He smiled at her and looked down.

"How about I pick you up around 6 tomorrow night. Take you to dinner... Then we'll go back to MY place. How's that sound, beautiful?" He smile at her and caressed her face.

"That sounds like a definite date to me. I would love to show you my ... Appreciation and thanks." She gave him a wicked smile and kissed him." Then I can make it all... up to you."

"Oh-No. Not a chance. My place... my rules. Besides you have nothing to make up to me. I believe I'm,... the one who needs, to um,... Make it all up to you, and I plan on making you enjoy every minute of it." He kissed her deeply, holding her face in his hands.



"Tomorrow can't come soon enough."

"Mmm. You have no idea... sweetheart. No idea."

The End... Or is it?

Ok, it took long enough and I'm proud of it. My first FF comes to
and end! Or does it?

Yes, for those interested, there will be a sequel. I'm working on a
few different stories right now. It will probably be in a few months, but
I already have the plot down and Oh Boy, It's good! This has been a
lot of fun for me and I am grateful for all the reviews. It makes
me feel Great!

It's nice to know others are reading and enjoying my
ideas and work. I will be continuing the time-line from this story
on. So my next story will be continuing with Calleigh and Horatio
going to dinner and... Dum dumdum, dummm ? --- I don't
know, you're just going to have to read it for yourself and see.

I can tell you another thing... there will be sex, fluff, smut!
For some strange reason I just can't seem to get these two out of
the bedroom. I guess it's because I want them together so much. :O)

A couple of months ago I had no idea what that was, until my beta told me I kept writing it. I hope you enjoyed and I would love to hear what you liked best, or disliked.

Thanks for reading!

Hcrazy :o)

Please review