ATTENTION NEW READERS: Please skip to Chapter 12. This story is being rewritten, but I'm keeping the old chapters for comparison and those interested in the changes.

Disclaimer:I do not own these characters . . . etc . . .

"We've got armed robbery at a convenience store on the corner of 5th and Van Buren. All available units please respond."

"This is car 153 We're one block away, we can handle this."

He placed the radio back onto the hook, as his partner took a right turn towards 5th and Van Buren.

They pulled up to the store and immediately took defensive positions.

"This is the Police! Come out with hands up!" His partner, Richard Grayson, yelled into the store.

"Damn it! The cops are here!" The pink haired girl stormed over to the other girl making sure to keep her gun pointed at the store clerk.

She watched as 'her partner in crime', at least that was the best way to describe her, walked towards her. "Don't worry there's only one car, Jinx. We can easily make it out the back." She reassured the closest thing she had to a friend.

"Alright. Let's get out of here before any more show up." Jinx said grabbing her bag of stuff they had grabbed.

"Ok." She grabbed her bag, and they made their way out the back.

Immediately after the two disappeared the store clerk ran out the front with his hands held high in the air. They ran over and covered the man and lead him behind the car. Out of the corner of his eye he saw two people climbing over a fence into a scrap yard with guns and bags in their hands. Her turned around and lifted his gun. "Freeze!" He yelled.

In response the girl with purple hair turn and fired two shots in his direction, obviously missing him on purpose. Unfortunately for Richard she hadn't missed him. Luckily he was only shot in the arm.

"This is Logan, we need an ambulance at 5th and Van Buren. We have a man down. I'm going into pursuit of suspects"

"Roger that , Logan, ambulance will arrive shortly."

He had already taken off and was over the fence. He drew his side arm and scouted the area quickly but carefully. Logan caught sight of one of the two and was almost positive that it was the one who had shot Richard. He took off running after her. He had to catch her, she had shot one of his good friends, his partner. That wasn't even the worst of it. If something happened and Richard died, then she'd be a cop killer and he wasn't about to let one be free, especially if it was Richard.

She hopped another fence hoping to lose the cop following her. She actually hadn't meant to shoot the guy, but to scare them off enough so that they could get away. Jinx and her had gotten separated, but she knew where she could meet up with her again however she had to ditch the cop first. Normally such a task was no probable at all for her, but this guy was keeping up with her no matter what she did.

Finally she came to a dead end and he raised her gun up to her. "Put the gun down." She stopped looking around frantically and obeyed. Logan grabbed one of her wrist and pulled it behind her back about to handcuff it, but before he had a chance, everything went black.

By the time he came to the girl was gone and he was surrounded by other officers. They were his friends, Kory Anders and Victor Stone. He groggily sat up and brought his and to his head.

"Whoa, dude don't get up so fast. You took a pretty nasty blow." Victor said putting a hand on Logan's shoulder.

"Ugh. What happened?" Logan shook his attempting to rid of the ringing within his head.

"You were knocked out by one of the robbers, we tried to stop them, but they got away." Kory stated as her and Victor helped him up.


"I'm right here. She got me pretty good, but you're gonna have survived with out a partner for a month or two. "

"That is if he can stay conscious that long." Victor joked to the group. Richard and Kory began laughing.

"Not funny." Logan protested, his pride taking a blow.

They entered an abandoned warehouse on the edge of the city. "You know, Raven, you can't count on me to save your ass every time you meet a cute cop." Jinx complained.

"I can make it just fine on my own." Raven said taking a seat down on a raggedy old couch.

"Oh really, and where would you be right now if I hadn't come along?"

"I would have gotten free."

"He was putting handcuffs on you!" Jinx paused," Of course you probably loved that. I mean he was really cute. Even if he did have green skin."

"I'm going to bed." Raven got up and walked a flight of stairs to the room that she used.

Ok well that Was the first Chapter. I promise to put another up soon.