Author's Note: All Harry Potter based characters belong to J. K. Rowling. But I own all the original characters.

Chapter Seven

Mary's Defeat

"Mary's Garden is a book?" said Harry.

"I thought it would be some row of pot plants," said Hermione, a little surprise.

"What is in it?" McGonagall asked, seeing that Ron had opened it up to look within the pages.

"RON LOOK OUT!" Hermione screamed suddenly.

But it was too late, before Ron could even move, his head leant forwards and fell from his neck and hit the ground and rolled a little, just as the body began to fall. As the body fell, it revealed Bloody Mary standing from right behind him.

Blood poured out and the pages of the book soaked some of it up.

"You have to destroy it! You have to destroy Mary's Garden!" Elizabeth cried out. Mary fast forwarded forwards over to Harry. Snape moved over as fast as he could and grabbed the blood soaked book and tossed it into the fireplace.

Mary felt this and quickly spun around and zoomed forwards over to Snape. Her hand grabbing his throat and she began to squeeze as tightly as she could with her single hand. Snape was quickly gasping for air, his knees hitting the ground.

Elizabeth dashed over.

"Elizabeth!" McGonagall cried in quiet terror.

But Elizabeth either didn't hear her, or she chose not to. She grabbed Mary from behind and Mary let go of Snape, who dropped fully to the ground, in surprise and turned to try and swipe the little girl. But the girl disappeared and reappeared just inches to where Mary had struck.

Not Mary was so into getting at this little girl who dared to stop her from killing the fifthly half-blood that dared to be sorted into the name of Slytherin.

Snape was seen out cold, but he was all right. McGonagall watched in sheer heart thumping moments as Mary tried again and again to swipe her ghostly child. Harry and Hermione watched too, they didn't seem to know what to do.

But, with no indication of any sort of a warning, the hem of Mary's dress was starting to burn. Suddenly, flames burst out in full force, this gave Elizabeth a chance to hurry away from the flaming Mary and over to her mother and stood and watched in utter surprise. Mary was confused, she turned and she saw.

Her eyes widened, her mouth opened and a bloodcurdling, ear piercing scream escaped from her. Over by the fireplace, the pages of the book, titled 'Mary's Garden' was burning away, shrivelling up and turning to ash. Mary tried to get over to it, but she tripped and she fell, just inches from the fireplace and her body continued to burn along side with the book.

She was reduced to nothing but a pile of ashes upon the floor, beside the headless body of Ronald Weasley. Harry moved his eyes and saw Snape sitting up against the wall just next to the fireplace, his head slung forwards a little, he was out cold, but in his hand, his wand was resting its tip gently upon the ground.

McGonagall then realised, her arms were resting upon her daughter's shoulders. She could actually feel them. Harry and Hermione went over to check on Snape and place Ron's body in a body bind, like a mummy.

"Elizabeth?" McGonagall said, kneeling down to look at the little girl.

Elizabeth turned and face her mother, their matching blue eyes met.

"Mary is gone now mama," said the little girl. "I am free to move on."

"To where?" McGonagall asked.

"To where papa is," Elizabeth replied. "Mary wouldn't let go of the souls of those she killed. Now she's gone, I can go."

"But why so soon?" McGonagall asked, a tear starting on its way down her cheek.

"Don't cry mama," said Elizabeth, placing a hand on her mother's cheek. "I'll be all right."

McGonagall could still feel her daughter in her hands, so she got to pull her into her arms and held her daughter as tightly as she could. At least this time she got to say goodbye to her properly. Elizabeth gently pulled away and McGonagall watched her move on backwards, fading as she became more and more distant.

"I love you mama," she said, just as she faded away forever.

A hand was carefully placed upon McGonagall's shoulder. McGonagall looked up and saw a rather concerned Hermione Granger.

"Will you be all right, Professor?" she kindly and carefully asked.

McGonagall wiped a tear away from her cheek, her lips as a saddened smile upon it.

"I will be, Miss Granger," she replied. "Thank you."

Hermione nodded in return and helped the woman to her feet.


All slowly turned back to normal. Even though the deaths would be on the minds of many. The bodies of Ron Weasley and all others who died on the night of Mary's final hours were given to their families.

As predicted, Mrs Weasley was in the deepest of tears and babbling on how could it have happened to her own son. But the one thing she seemed to proud of was that Ron help in destroying Mary's book.

But one mystery remained. What was in that book? It was destroyed before anyone could discover what was so significant about it. Snape's almost crushed throat was healed and McGonagall was seen weeping every now and again.

A full month passed since Mary's defeat. The only ones who knew that the book existed was Snape, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Harry and Hermione. But only Ron was the one who might have known exactly what was in its pages.

It was the only remaining mystery. What was in the book titled 'Mary's Garden'? What was the big secret that is yet to be found? No-one knew. No-one will ever know.

Just as one mystery, its remains still linger. This was one story that will be told for generations to come. Another Bloody Mary tale to add to the famous wall of campfire and slumber party stories.

Will she come back? Will another take the place of Bloody Mary and call the title her own?

Some distance away from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was a house in Surrey. Three girls were giggling away.

"Okay, let's play true or dare," said one with blonde hair.

"Woo, good idea, Wendy," giggled an auburn haired girl. "Who should go first?"

"You ought to, Jody," said the third and final girl.

"Sophie!" Jody crossed her arms.

"All right," said Sophie, still in a mass of giggles. "I'll go first."

"Okay," said Wendy, with a grin. "You should go into the bathroom, turn out the lights, light a candle and stand in front of the mirror. You are to call Bloody Mary three times."

Sophie shrugged, she wasn't the least bit worried, it was nothing but a myth as far as she was concerned.

"Okay," she said, getting up from the floor of the bedroom. "Where's a candle?"

Jody hurried and grabbed a candle from her cupboard and gave it to Sophie, as well as the matches.

"Remember," said Jody. "Three times."

Sophie nodded once and walked out of the bedroom and towards the bathroom. She entered and closed the door, she lit the candle first and she lit the other candles that were along the large bathroom bench between the mirror and the basin. She then shut the door, turned out the light and stood right in front of the mirror.

Her reflection staring straight back at her. Her honey brown hair and freckled skin and wearing her blue pyjamas with bunny rabbits. She took a slow, deep breath;

"Bloody Mary," she said, with not a hint of fear.

"Bloody Mary," she said the second time.

The flames on the candle wicks flickered and danced eerily. Sophie wasn't too sure about this now. But she pushed it from her mind.

"Bloody Mary!" she called straight and clear.

She stared at the mirror and she stared hard. Next thing Wendy and Jody heard was the sound of a bloodcurdling and terrifying scream, coming from the bathroom …

The End

Note: Thank you to those who have read and reviewed. Happy readings and take care. Sign Calypphire.