The obvious disclaimer and claimer are just the same as they always were.

-What Has Happened…-

The next five years came and went. Each one seemed a little tougher, a little more challenging then the last, dealing with a more recent outfit change, the huge fiasco with William, Replikas, and another bad event during their sophomore year (junior for Yumi) in which Ulrich had been temporarily lost in the digital sea around the Carthage area. His family was distraught, and spent weeks trying to find him. The group could do nothing but soothe, and in the mean time they were finding a way to get their friend back.

As if that wasn't the most popular item on their daily To-Do list…

But probably the closest thing they had to a break was last year, when, during all those harsh times, were finally able to shut X.A.N.A down. They all agreed on that exact moment that they would never re-enter the factory again.

Relationship-wise, nothing could be more up-and-down. Odd and Olivia managed to stay together for five years, about as big a miracle as anyone in that school understood, if you ruled out the brief falling out they had two years ago. On the contrary, it was too obvious that they were absolutely head-over-heels for each other. Aelita and Jeremie, after another year, finally found enough courage to admit that two Einstein's were better than one.

The same could not be said for Yumi and Ulrich. Their relationship was a constant house of cards game. If you were skillful and careful, it could build and build till you don't have anymore cards. Or it could topple and you end up starting over again.

It wasn't until the gang got to about seventeen did they realize that their seemingly perfect lives were about to get more confusing than ever.

Yumi graduated before the rest of her friends did, but even with her fine grades, she didn't go to college immediately. The friendship and fierce loyalty she possessed amazed even her closest friend, Ulrich. During the rest of the gang's senior year, Yumi took up a small singing gig in the local bar, earning enough money to keep her parents off her back about she still living with them in return to go visit her family in Japan the following summer.

Olivia graduated with honors along with Aelita and Jeremie. During their junior year she convinced them to apply to the New York Institute of Technology back in her home country, where she thought they would do well, and for the fact that she didn't want to be completely cut off from her social life while she planned to attend Columbia University. She and Odd discussed the possibilities of a long four-year distanced relationship. In the end, they promised each other that they would both encourage dating again, but had to meet up on their four year deadline if they were still single.

Aelita accepted after a while that she would never again see her real father, Franz Hopper. Her friends, along with the support of Olivia's parents for college, were all she needed to assure herself that she could make her life as full as she intended to. Her relationship with Jeremie escalated over the years, evolving to the most successful and devoted pair of love-struck teenagers Kadic had ever seen. They quickly passed by Olivia and Odd, whose affection was more laid-back and tender.

Ulrich just barely got through high school with a save from his soccer scholarship to a small college out in Germany. Despite the total resentment from his parents, Ulrich managed to get through on his own, though he was very close to becoming dependant on parental support. He's no where near sure what he wants to do with the rest of his life, though he hopes Yumi will one become part of it.

Despite his pleading efforts, Odd grudgingly accepted the one thing he hated more than X.A.N.A itself: summer school. He should have known something like this was coming. How? Well, maybe for the fact that the Kadic High School headmaster called him in during P.E so he could look at his report card. Two weeks before school even ended, which baffled him to the highest extent. Odd had failed his science, math and history courses, and even if a light bulb clicked inside his brain he knew that two weeks wouldn't be enough to even manage a C-.

Along with Olivia, Jeremie was able to convince Aelita to go with him to college in New York. Though Aelita was clearly more outgoing in personality, she showed little excitement at being propped on a plane to a whole new country for a minimum (to her, it seemed like a maximum) of four years. But Jeremie, who graduated top in his class, had no trouble. He knew three languages already, the third being Spanish, and was more than eager to experience going to N.Y.I.T. He just couldn't bear to part with Aelita, even going as far as keeping them in the same college.

But probably the most heart-breaking time of all was near the end of the summer, when each member of the Lyoko gang was forced to say some painful "See you later…"

-How It Ended…-

Eighteen-year old Olivia Allen sat Indian-style on the grass, her eyes half open.

New York. New York. New York.

She said the words over and over in her head, testing them out in different ways until she wasn't even certain what she was saying anymore. The first few New York's sounded fresh, eager, as if Olivia couldn't be anymore certain that they sounded right. The first few times made her hand twitch. Smirking, she dimly realized she could never shake a nervous habit.

But as the seconds passed, and the uncountable thoughts of New York grew, so did her regret. Since she was only five years old and learned to read Olivia wanted nothing more than to go to college at Columbia, finish with an English Literature or Creative Writing Major, write her books, and hope somebody would read them.

She never thought the unbreakable bonds she shared with her friends would rip and tear at her conscience so severely.

Olivia gave a small, defeated sigh. After five years, her mind had become more open, more giving, and she no longer looked like the battered and bloody child she had been, cowering behind everyone at every possible second. Even her physical features changed, too. She had gotten much taller, even surpassing Aelita by half an inch, but still remained on the short side. Her brunette hair was stripped of its ponytail, letting it grow longer and cut into what she called "emo side bangs" so her blue highlights streaked across her forehead and near the ends of her hair. If any other major changes took place, the one most people noticed was that her magnificent cerulean eyes were wider, brighter, as if they understood Olivia had gone through enough, and let her see again.

Dear God, she thought sarcastically, I have got to stay away from the number five.

A pair of strong, pale arms tightened around her waist. Odd's chin rested on her shoulder near her neck, trying his best not to cry even softly, though his hazel eyes were red-rimmed and sad. His pale maroon sweatshirt hung off his still-underweight body, as if he didn't care that it was the summer even with the clouds blocking the sun.

"Olivia?" he whispered into her shoulder. When she didn't answer, he smoothed his newly-cut blonde and purple hair. "Olivia…"


"Don't what?"

"Just—just don't."

Odd groaned as if in submission. He turned away from Olivia, laying down flat on his back until he could feel the park's grass on the back of his neck. His girlfriend wasn't facing him; she was still sitting up, hunched over in her despair. Slowly, Odd reached out from behind her, seizing her wrist gently. As she tried to jerk away, he instantly sat up, tickling her waist and stomach so firmly that Olivia couldn't help but burst into fits of laughter. Squirming and writhing until the pair fell down facing each other did Odd stop, his hands encased around Olivia's back so she couldn't get away.

She did not hide the smile on her face. Like she would even try, with all the rethinking she had been doing for some weeks now. Mumbling what sounded like a reluctant apology, Olivia kissed him, and he happily returned it. Odd hadn't seen her positive for days, and breathed in relief when he felt her shoulders relax and she ended up cuddling close to him.

"I'm sorry…" she breathed, half-conscious.

"You know I won't date anyone else," Odd said abruptly, as if he hadn't heard her. He felt Olivia's back muscles flex.

She made some sort of growling noise. This time Olivia tried to pull away, but Odd wouldn't let her.

"Do you really believe that, Odd?" she demanded hotly. Her blue eyes bore into him, lifeless anger flickering back and forth across his matured face. Odd forced himself not to flinch.

He gave her a small nod. "Yes. Why can't you?" The question seemed to make her even more frustrated, closing her eyes and clenching her teeth until they made uncomfortable grinding noises. Hastily, he pointed out, "You could always visit, you and Jeremie and Aelita too. During breaks." A faint flicker of warm hope burned in his chest.

Sobbing, Odd pulled her closer, rubbing her back and trying to calm her so he could understand her properly. "Four years…trying to make money… busy with school… Do you honestly think we could hold onto a long distance relationship?" That was all Odd could make out from her disbelieving meltdown. And that was all he needed.

"Babe, you survived a near-death Track accident. You survived Lyoko all these years. Hell, you survived when some psychopath almost tried to kill you in broad daylight." Touching his forehead to hers, he grinned that signature grin that made Olivia's heart flutter. "I think, with two people now, we could survive a long distance relationship. But here's the tricky part: Can we survive my overly corny pick-up lines?"

Olivia laughed. "Oh yeah, you wouldn't find much by saying things like that." And then, without finding an excuse, she agreed.

And, though her blue eyes were still troubled, she nodded curtly, and then continued to kiss her boyfriend with about as much heart as she could muster. These were her last few moments with Odd; any minute her parents would be coming to take her and Jeremie and Aelita to the airport.



"…I love you."

Olivia's eyes shot open. Odd was looking at her intently, gripping her waist in fear that he said the wrong thing at the wrong time.

"I love you too."

The honk of the horn of her mother's car forced the two eighteen year olds to stand up. Without a word and another tender hug, Olivia walked to her car with tear-stained cheeks. Odd watched them go, remembering vaguely that he forgot to say good-bye to Aelita and Jeremie.

-When It Began…-

…well, that's another, long, confusing story.

Return of the Wolf is complete. A big hug and special thanks to all my loyal reviewers.

I'll be going to an overnight camp of mine on Sunday for thirteen days, so I won't have the sequel up for a while, but keep watch. It will be titled The Resurgence.