Yay! the final chap is done and up! i hope you ll enjoyed this fic, an i'll probably be back soon with some other one... this final chapter is dedicated to musa rox, who was my biggest reviewer. thanks musa! ( i luv all my other reviewers too, of course.) enjoy the chap!

"So you finally admitted it?" Uo asked at lunch. I had almost begun to regret letting Uo and Hana know about what had happened last night, (A/N Only the basic idea. They didn't go into details.) but they seemed to have already guessed. We couldn't hide it forever anyway.

"Yeah, and for the last time, it's harder than you'd think it would be!" Tohru looked at me curiously, and I felt myself go beet red. She seemed to realize that she was the only one who was confused though, and didn't say anything.

"I wonder what's keeping Yuki- chan…" Hana glanced around. That's just freaky. Hana, who hardly ever calls anyone by their first name, let alone attatch a 'chan', was calling the nezumi something he had never been called before. I looked around, I was kinda curious too. I saw Yuki approaching, trying desperatly to ignore his fanclub, which was trailing along behind. I caught Hana's eye, and pointed. I wonder what it'd be like to see someone shocked…

"Sohma- kun!" Tohru smiled. Yuki looked up and waved, blushing a little when he saw Hana.

"Yuki- chan!" She called out, surprising us all. "Over here darling!" The fangirls turned an interesting shade of bluish black. The cause was something like a mix between anger and fear.

"Yuki- kun." One of them whispered. "She's a freak. Freaks should date freaks, not you." Yuki rolled his eyes, and kept walking. A sly grin slowly made it's way across Hana's face.

"Who says yuki- chan isn't a freak?" She said quietly. She stood up and walked over to Yuki. Yuki's eyes got wide, but she ignored his pleading look. Taking one quick look around to make sure no one else was watching, she thrwe her arms around his neck. He turned bright red before the cloud of smoke engulfed him. She smiled, and held out the nezumi for the girls to see. I had been wrong to think that their eyes couldn't get any bigger. They grew until it seemed their heads would explode.

"Gomen nasai!" The girls stammered in unison. "We won't bother you again!" With that, they turned and ran off as fast as they could. A cloud of gray smoke erupted to reveal Yuki tugging on his pants.

"Hana- chan, arigatou." Yuki murmured. "But did you have to do it quite like that?" Hana just smiled at him. He smiled back before being pinned agianst the wall by an eager Hanajima. I just stared in shock. The first time I'd ever seen anybody really make out, was with hana and Yuki! Gross, yet strangly fascinating. I caught Tohru looking at me, and we both grinned sheepishly. Uo just shook her head and laughed.

School was over, and Yuki, Hana, Tohru, and I were walking home. Yuki and Hana were way in the distance, while Tohru and I lagged behind. We just strolled on our way, hand in hand. I saw tohru smile, and followed her gaze. Momiji strolled up the sidewalk towards us.

"Konichiwa Tohru- kun, Kyo." He winked at me, then hugged Tohru. She glanced around quickly before hugging him back. I smiled and watched.

"Aaaaahhhh! Momiji- kun!" tohru spazzed. "You're free too?" She smiled brightly, happy for him. He smiled back, and patted her on the head.

"Arigatou, Tohru- kun." Momiji whispered. "You were always there, trying to help us. For that, we love you." He leaned over, and kissed her cheek. "Arigatou." And then he was gone. Out of our lives, I guessed. I swore if I ever saw him again, I'd bring him back. He wasn't alone anymore. I glanced over at Tohru to see she had tears in her eyes.

"It'll be all right." I stroked her cheek lightly. "He's not alone." She nodded. I tilted her face up to mine, and kissed her lightly. "He'll come back."

"Yuki- kun!" The Yuki fan club was back. "You're not a freak! We think you're kawaii!" Poor yuki's fanclub now like him more than ever, and the secret was out.

'Haha… I feel sorry for him, but they're persistant!' I thought. "Tell them Hana!" I laughed. Tohru and uo joined me in cheering her on. She walked over to Yuki and hugged him.

"What's this about a nezumi?" She said coyly. There was no puff of smoke. Yuki was free. After Hana threatening to zap them, they finally went away.

"Sorry for not telling you sooner." Yuki appologized. "We only found out yesterday, and meant to tell you. It just never happened. Gomen." Tohru smiled, and hugged him.

"That's ok!" She cried. "I'm just happy for you!" I was glad to see she wasn't too distracted by Momiji's disapearance to celebrate other liberations.

Tohru needed to go to the grocery store before dinner, so I accompanied her to carry the bags.

"Hmmm… should we have sashimi for dinner tonight, Kyo- kun?" Tohru asked. She was sorting through the fish.

"Anything's fine…" I broke off when I saw Momiji walk into the store. "Excuse me Tohru, I'll be right back!" I ran towards the front of the store. Momiji saw me, and began to turn away, but I was too quick for him.

"Kyo. It can't be helped." He pleaded with me. "I don't belong anymore." I pulled him over to a bench, and sat him down.

"Just indulge me." I told him. "Sit there. I'll be right back." He nodded his head, and I ran to get Tohru. "I saw Momiji." I whispered in her ear. "Why don't we invite him for dinner?" She nodded eagerly, so I wrapped my arm around her waist, and we went to find my cousin. When Momiji saw us, his eyes seemed to bulge out of his head.

"Will you come to dinner, Momiji- kun?" Tohru asked hesitantly. He seemed uncertain, so I encouraged him.

"You're not the only one anymore. Please come back." Tohru held out her hand, and he took it.

"Ok!" He smiled. "Arigatou." We were finally all reunited, and curse free for the final banquet.