Second Chance: Chapter 2 – Bail

Bonnie opened her eyes and blinked until her vision was clear. She let out an obnoxious yawn as she stretched. She grabbed her pillow, fluffed it up a bit, and then made her bed. It was, after all, mandatory to keep your area tidy. She climbed down the ladder with half a smile as she hummed a familiar tune.

"Gooooooooooooooodmorning Cl-…. Clyde?" Bonnie ended in a whisper.

She looked around but he was no where to be found. He wasn't in his bed and he wasn't at all in their jail cell. Had he gone to breakfast without her? But they usually announce breakfast, and no one had to be up for another 15 minutes. Her ears drooped as if it were an instinct, and her heart felt faint. Somehow she knew he was ok, but not knowing where he was still frightened her.

"Bonnie! You're awake, great!" came a familiar voice from behind.

Bonnie turned around and standing on the opposite side of the bars were Clyde, Lilo, and Stitch. Lilo and Stitch waved but said nothing; Clyde took a key and unlocked her cell.

"Clyde? Blue? What- I- But….but how?" Bonnie sputtered as she opened the door to the cell and nearly tripped as she rushed out.

"I asked one of the guards if I could make a phone call about an hour ago, I looked up Lilo in the Phone book and called her. We negotiated and then I had her talk to the ward, he agreed to let us go as long as we swore to never again commit any crimes what so ever, plus there's a bit of community service we have to do as well." Clyde explained, a look of accomplishment on his face.

"But…why so early Clyde? Couldn't we have both talked to the little girl and our cousin? I would have woken up…" Bonnie's face seemed to take on many emotions at the same time; it was hard to tell if she was happy, disappointed, or just plain tired. Clyde looked a little nervous; he wasn't expecting her to be so questionable about everything.

"Well… I kinda wanted to surprise you, I know how much you wanted to get out and stuff… I just thought it would be easier if I did it alone…" Clyde scratched the back of his neck, and gave an awkward smile to Bonnie, as if to say 'That's good enough isn't it?' She seemed satisfied with his answer, but still had an inquisitive look on her face.

"Wow, Clyde, I don't know what to say. I mean, I know you wanted to get out too; no one WANTS to be in jail, but… I get this strange feeling that you weren't thinking of yourself at all… I just… I-I mean... what I'm trying to say is… thank you... For this, and for being such a good friend. Not just now, but in the past too… we've never really connected before, I don't know if it was just your programming, but you had to put up with me and my attitude a lot, I don't think anyone else would. I…just-"

"-STITCH! NO!" Shouted Lilo, putting Bonnie's mushy speech to a temporary halt.

Stitch was trying to EAT the keys, the ones that could unlock every cell in the whole penitentiary. Stitch playfully pretended to eat them by putting them in his mouth. Lilo gave him a look and he spit them out.

"Ok...ok… Stitch sorry." said Stitch as he handed her the keys that were now dripping with saliva. Bonnie cringed at the sight of this, forgetting how just a few moments ago, she was pouring her heart out to her best friend. Clyde looked down. He wanted to hear more of what Bonnie had been saying, he wanted to know what had been going on in her mind. But he knew the moment was lost, and he would just have to wait till a later time to get to talk to her, preferably in private, where there would be no more sudden distractions.

Having nothing more to discuss and no longer having any matters left to attend to, Bonnie, Clyde, Lilo, and Stitch, all bade the officers farewell, and welcomed the fresh new start for the former criminals and newly rehabilitated experiment duo. For quite some time during their walk to Lilo's residence, everyone was silent. But soon enough queries formed in their minds, Bonnie being the first to speak.

"So… where are we gonna stay?" she asked, seemingly directing her question to Clyde.

"I dunno… what about our old hideout? We had food and furniture, there were a few bugs, but the place wasn't infested."

"I don't think so Clyde, We stayed in that hideout when we were criminals, it wouldn't be the best environment for us if we're gonna be all goodie goodie now. We need to stay somewhere nice and fresh, somewhere we can fit in, ya know?" Bonnie gestured casually, confident she had been perfectly clear.

"Yah… but we don't exactly have a place to stay for free, I mean, all the other experiments have their 'one true place' but what Ohana can there be for a pair whose only talent is thievery?" asked Clyde.

"Hey, we're smart aren't we? I'm sure we'll figure somethin' out!" Exclaimed Bonnie, her hopes seemingly high.

"Yah and besides," said Lilo, "I'm sure Nani wouldn't mind you staying with us until we can find your one true Place, while you're there you can help us to rehabilitate you're other cousins still on the loose!"

"Ih! ih!" Stitch shook his head in agreement.

"Did ya hear that Clyde? We're gonna have a place to stay AND we'll get a chance to prove we're really good by helping catch our other cousins!" Bonnie smiled.

'Wow, she sure seems happy. It's like the exact opposite expression of the one I saw her with yesterday. Maybe things are going to be ok for now. I guess I'm happy. I should be. I got what I wanted… didn't I?' Clyde thought to himself as they approached Lilo's house.

Lilo ran up the stairs and put her hand on the door knob. She refrained from opening it and put a finger in front of her lips gesturing for them to be quiet.

"You guys… Nanis got an hour before she wakes up to go to work. She needs her beauty sleep. So you have to be very quiet coming in or else she'll bite our heads off…." Whispered Lilo.

Everyone in the group shook their heads in understanding as Lilo turned the handle and slowly pushed the door open….

A/N: Well this isn't much of a cliff hanger, more of stopping the chapter on an action. I think this chapter holds enough length this time. Thank you to those who reviewed to first chapter, sorry for those of you who had to wait for the second. The third chapter is already running though my mind. Hope you like it so far!