Second Chance: Chapter 1 – Partners in Crime

Bonnie kicked the iron bars which imprisoned her, folded her arms and then leaned against the wall. Clyde glanced over and saw that she was deep in thought, but looked angry.

"You alright Bonnie?" he asked reluctantly.

"We're in the slammer Clyde." She stated angrily, as if he didn't know.

"Yah… we've been here quite a while…" He said questionably, scratching the back of his head.

"But we're in JAIL. We shouldn't be here! It isn't fair."

"Bonnie… what's wrong? This never really bothered you before… aren't you used to it by now?" asked Clyde.

Bonnie bowed her head and sighed.

"I been thinkin'. I know what we did was wrong now… I mean. We're good now… we've changed. Haven't we? Didn't that little brat give all our others cousins the benefit of a doubt? We never destroyed anything... we didn't hurt anyone. Surely they've done more wrong than us….so why do we have to stay in jail? –"

"I don't know Bonnie..." Clyde interjected.

"When are we gonna get to be free Clyde?" Bonnie turned her gaze towards Clyde, her angry eyes now full of sorrow. "When are we gonna get to be happy…? Don't we get a second chance like all the rest? Did they forget about us…? Aren't we… Ohana?"

Bonnie bit her bottom lip and tried holding back her tears. Clyde was shocked. She'd never gotten so emotional before. It was like a complete different side of her. She was always bossy and kept to herself. Even though they had been together since the beginning, they really didn't know each other. Clyde let out a huge sigh.

"Maybe… we could ask for a phone call... Maybe we could get the little girl to pull some strings for us." He said.

"Or we could just break out…." Bonnie said in a serious tone.

"We'd have to run away; we'd be wanted all over the whole island. We'd have to hide, and go back to stealing."

"That's ok. As long as we're together right?" She said sincerely.

Clyde was taken back. What was she trying to say?

"Do you really mean that Bonnie?" He asked.

"Nah… I think I'd rather be good… have a clean slate… ya know?"

"Yah." Said Clyde, looking down at the floor, kind of disappointed in her answer.

"LIGHTS OUT IN 5 MINUTES!" Yelled out one of the guards from the hallway.

Bonnie walked over to a corner where she and Clyde's bunk beds were. She climbed the little ladder and plopped on her stomach. She reached out and grabbed her pillow, pulled it towards her, and buried her face in it.
Clyde went to his bunk, which was of course, the bottom, and laid down on his back. He didn't bother to get under any covers; he just put both his hands behind his head and starred at the bottom of Bonnie's bunk. He let out a huge sigh as all the lights in the jail went out

"Clyde….?" Bonnie said in a whisper.

"Ya..?" Clyde whispered back.

"Do you really think they'll let us out of here?" she asked.

"I don't know… I hope so…" said Clyde as he turned over to his side, causing the both bunks to shake a bit.

"Yah… me too… You tired?"

"Not really."

"QUIET IN THERE!" Ordered the same guard from before. Bonnie rolled over on her back and pulled her covers up.

"Goodnight Clyde" said Bonnie as she closed her eyes, unsatisfied with her short conversation.

"Goodnight Bonnie." Clyde said.

After a while, Bonnie fell asleep. Clyde, however, was still very much awake. It was silly, but he couldn't get what Bonnie said earlier out of his head. Did she mean she enjoyed having Clyde by her side, did she really like having him as a friend? All this time they've been together and they've only treated each other like 'partners' and not so much like real 'friends'. Clyde wondered what Bonnie's opinion of him was. Was there anything about him that really got on her nerves? Or did she really like him? What about what he thought? Did he himself even have an opinion of Bonnie? He knew he liked her. He knew she could be nice sometimes. But he was kind of scared of her. She was so much smaller than him, but for some reason was very intimidating. For some reason, more than anything, he wanted to make her happy. He wanted to get out of jail, not only for his sake, but for her. Seeing her sad gave him an uneasy feeling. He obviously cared about her, he just never realized how much till now.

"I guess that's how friends are supposed to feel" he thought to himself.

He didn't know why but something was tugging at his heart. It was an odd sort of pain. Or was it even pain? He was happy, because he realized Bonnie and him really were friends. But he was also sad, very sad. It hurt him to see Bonnie in the state she was in. He liked that she was acting a bit different, but he didn't want her to act in such a way because she was depressed… Everything was just so confusing. He tried to focus less on Bonnie and more on getting his rest. Clyde closed his eyes, and tried to find comfort somewhere in his dreams.

A/N: Ok, so first chapters Kind of short. So sue me. This idea just came to me and I HAD to write it. I am aware that Bonnie and Clyde may have had cameo appearances in the series, but there's no mentioning of how they got out, or why, nothing. This isn't necessarily a story about that, because them getting out of jail isn't the plot. Anyway, tell me what you think. Don't be harsh, I haven't written anything for quite some time now.