i'm sorry for the delay, but school's been really busy. anyways, this chapter is kinda Fluff. i have the next chapter done, i just have to type it, but it's longer, and not so fluffy. so read and enjoy. Don't forget to review!

Ginny smiled triumphantly as she, Harry, and Ron apparated back to the Burrow.

"I guess you accomplished the impossible," Harry told her as he patted her back. "Now where are we sleeping Ron? I'm beat."

"What do you mean you're beat?" Ginny stared at him incredulously. "It's only nine at night, and all we did today was go to Hogsmede to talk to Hermione. How can you be beat?"

"I don't know, cause I'm tired." Harry walked over to the couch and plopped down, effectively taking up all the cushions.

"Great reason," Ginny rolled her eyes as she came to the back of the couch.

"I'm beat too," Ron announced. "Although I think being ambushed by your 'friends' is a better reason than yours."

"Yea…right. You know you wanted to see her Ron," Harry through a pillow at him.

"Yea, well I'm going to sleep," Ron started to traps up the stairs. "Oh, and you can either sleep on the couch, or in my room."

"All right mate, I'll see you up there in a few," Harry yelled after him.

"So what do you think?" Ginny asked.

"About?" Harry asked.

"About Ron and Hermione!" Ginny said exasperatingly as she walked around the couch and sat on top of Harry's stomach.

"Ugh," Harry grunted.

"Oh poor little auror," she teased him, bending down toward his face slightly.

"You could really hurt a mans self-esteem with all this 'little' talk," Harry smirked at her as he propped himself up on his elbows.

"Well then," Ginny grinned as she came inches away from his face. "I guess it's a good thing that you're not little. Then I wont have to worry about hurting your self-esteem."

"Oh, so you agree, I'm not little?" Harry could hardly believe that he was flirting with Ginny. Something about her just made him feel alive, and he couldn't help but give into temptation.

"Well…" she drawled as she stroked his chest with one finger and bent her head so that she could feel his breath on her face. "I wouldn't know for sure, now would I…"

"I suppose you wouldn't," Harry replied.

Without even thinking, he grabbed Ginny's shoulders and pressed her completely to him, all the while kissing her passionately. She giggled as he over took her, and repositioned himself on top of her. Ginny reached for the buttons of his shirt, and started to hastily undo them.

Harry broke off, panting slightly.

"Ginny, we can't," He sat on the opposite end of the couch. "First of all this is your house. We're not kids anymore, we can't just carelessly do things."

"Since when did you ever 'carelessly do things'?" she asked, a hint of bitterness creeping into her voice.

"You know what I mean," he tried not to give into those seductive eyes. "We can't do this, to much is at stake. I don't want you to get hurt."

"What do you mean?" Ginny moved to sit next to him. "Voldemort's gone, there is no reason that we can't be together."

"I don't want anything to happen to you," Harry tightened his jaw as he looked down at her. "And it doesn't matter that Voldemort's gone, because now there's some other lunatic out there targeting us."

"Harry, you can't just push me away, not again," Ginny tried to look him in the eye. "I wont let you this time. I can take care of myself."

"Like you took care of yourself in that basement?" Harry snapped accidentally. He didn't mean to say it, but it just came out.

"That's not fair, I wasn't even expecting anything," she glared at him. "You can't judge the way I can defend myself on that! You can't just push me aside because of it! This…this guy already knows that I'm a link between-"

"Damn it Ginny!" Harry grabbed her shoulders, and made her stare directly into his eyes. "I don't want to loose you. Not again…I can't."

"Oh Harry," She pulled him down to her in a hug. "You never lost me. I wouldn't have let the bastard kill me."

"Ginny you were half dead when we found you," Harry mumbled into her shoulder. "Ron and I were frantic. I would never have been able to take it if you…if you had died."

"But I didn't, I'm still here," she said soothingly into his hair as she rubbed his back. "Let me be with you, it isn't the same as when Voldemort was alive. This is different," she pushed him back a little so that she could cup his face with her hands. "We're older, and more experienced."

"I know, but still…" Harry fought for a reason. "Voldemort nearly had you three years ago, I wont let that happen again."

"The only reason he nearly killed me, was because his death eaters set up a trap that I stupidly fell for," anger crept into her voice. "But I got out didn't I? And I know to be more careful now because of it."

"Yea, but you only made it out alive 'cause Malfoy helped you. What if he wasn't there to help you?" Harry couldn't think of any other time that she had endangered herself. She was a good fighter, and rarely ever found herself in those situations.

"'What if' nothing Harry. We aren't kids anymore, and you don't have to worry about saving me," She smiled slightly. "I can save myself. I was in the Order, or have you forgotten?"

"I know, I know," Harry started to admit defeat. "But I just worry all the time about you."

"Well stop," Ginny insisted as she pulled him down toward her, and started to kiss him.

He gave in easily. He loved the feel of her lips against his.

"So it's settled," she broke off smirking. "We're together, and your I-need-to-keep-everyone-at-a-safe-distance-from-me, thing is over. Well at least where it concerns me."

"Fine, Fine, I claim defeat," Harry laughed. "But if Ron is up there awake, he's really going to be wondering where I am."

so that's it. hopefully it wont take me too long to type up the next one. In case you're wondering about my other stories, i have also written new chapters for those as well.