Chapter 3 – Training, Powers more info on Inheritance

Sorry, I'm a little late on the update, but this chapter is longer.

Please Read & Review!



Everyone had backed away from the trio, and was about 5 feet away, all waiting for the explosion that was expected to happen, in about 10 seconds and everyone was counting down slowly in their head, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. As everyone simultaneously reached 1, they weren't disappointed.

The very next second, Dumbledore exploded in words too, and using very very colourful language that was never thought to come out of the Headmaster's mouth … …. …………….

"(Swearing words in 7 different languages) ALL I WANT IS FOR THAT BOY TO BE SAFE AND READY TO FIGHT TOM WHEN THE TIME COMES AND NOT TO BE COODLED, AND CUDDLED TOO MUCH, THAT HE WON'T BE READY OR TOO SOFT, I TELL YOU, IF HE ISN'T READY THEN THE WIZARDING WORLD WILL FALL INTO SHAMBLES, I ALSO WANT THAT BOY GONE, HE HOLDS TREMENDOUSE AMOUNTS OF POWER THAT TRIPLES MINE AND QUADRUPLES TOMS. " shouted Dumbledore back to the astonished Tonks and Remus. While thinking, I just want that boy to kill tom, then be so weak that I may kill him. The little brat always getting into all sorts of trouble.

When Dumbledore had finished his rant, and Tonks and Remus was clam enough, everyone left to go back home, as it was already early in the morning.

When everybody got back to their respective housing areas, did the meaning of Dumbledore's rant hit them full on in their minds, later about 1 hour later they were all thinking the same thing, Harry has to defeat Voldemot, Harry is extremely powerful, Dumbledore hates Harry and Harry must be trained for the Final Battle.

The next morning at No. 4 Privet Drive, in Harry's Bedroom.

When Harry woke up the next morning after a well needed sleep, he was surprised to find that the Drusleys had already had their breakfast, and started doing their own things, Vernon to work, Petunia chatting to her neighbour friends and Dudley to a friends house for some tea and games.

When he returned to his bedroom, there were 8 trunks in the middle of the floor, the 1st was form Godric, the 2nd form Rowena, the 3rd from Salazar, the 4th from Helga, the 5th from Grindelwald, the 6th from Arthur, the 7th from Merlin and the last from them all, which was radiating power as Harry entered the room. Harry 1st opened the 8th one that was from all his powerful ancestors.

Inside he meets all in turn.

"Hello everyone, umm why was this trunk radiating power when I entered the room?" asked Harry.

It was Merlin that replied.

"Well probably because we forgot to mention a few things last night to you, 1stly you need to take mates, I say mates because you can impregnant both male and females, so you have to take 7 mates, one for each of us, (to a baffled Harry) 2ndlyyou will have to enter each of the 7 trunks everyday, don't worry about the time change there is a time stopper on each one so every minute in reality is 1year in the trunk, but for this trunk, you will enter only 1 each week as each second in reality is 1 year here, 3rdly we will need to asses your magical abilities, magical power, and figure out what you need to study extensively." Said Merlin.

This time round, Harry had managed to stay conscious and not faint like last night.

"Now we start the assessments, Harry please place a drop of your blood on this parchment, and it shall reveal your birth parents, any elemental abilities, magical power levels, magical abilities – snake tongue etc, strength potential, how much pain you can withhold, and an estimate of how long you will live." Said Rowena.

As everyone gathered around the piece of parchment on the table, Rowena and Helga fainted at the sight of Harry's magical power levels and the estimate of how long he would live. Godric and Salazar fainted at the number of magical abilities, and strength potential. While all that remained standing was Harry, because he didn't understand what the numbers and figures meant, Merlin because he wasn't surprised, Grindelwald, because he already had an idea and Arthur who also did not understand.

When Rowena, Helga, Godric and Salazar were revived, they all collapsed into their respective chairs and stared at the piece of parchment and thought about what it meant.

After thinking of what the possibility of the amount of power that Harry holds and thinking of what a delightful bashing that Dumbledore would be receiving when Harry faces him. At the end Harry was the one to break the silence that held over them all.

"Well ancestors, what does this test mean, with all the numbers and different sections? Can someone please tell me as I have been sitting here doing absolutely nothing and quite frankly I hate being left out of anything, including the blasted Order of Pheonix." Said Harry in a deadly calm voice that shouted trouble if you didn't listen and comply, to all that is said.

"Harry, the test was meant to show your magical abilities, power levels and the such. Your founders, fainted because of your power levels, they are very high and well you are very very powerful, your magical abilities are well beyond any one that lives today. So in summary you are 4 times more powerful than Voldemot and 3 times more powerful than Dumbledore." Said Grindelwald. At a baffled Harry, and shocked audience.

"Now for your training, Arthur will be your swords master, Merlin elemental and seer master, me your strategy and battle formation master, Sal your potions and dark arts teacher, Godric your transfiguration and occlulemecy teacher, Rowena your magical properties, theory and practical, Helga your Herbology and healing teacher, and we all will teach you duelling, animal speech, physical training, and answer any of your questions."

"Umm okay, when so we start?" asked Harry.

"Training starts NOW."

"Harry you come with me 1st and only when I am done with you shall you be able to leave the trunk, but then you will have to come back to my trunk at the end of all your training so I may asses you, and proceed to Merlin's trunk." Said Arthur to Harry.

40 minutes later in normal time and 40 years later in trunk time, in Arthur's trunk, after spending time in Arthur, Merlin, Helga, Salazar, Godric, Rowena and Grindelwald's trunks.

"Come on Harry you can do it hit, roll, hit, roll, hit, hit and point." Shouted Arthur.

As Harry spared against a magical dummy, that was nearly in shreds. Harry had the dummy at his swords point, then the dummy faded out of sight. By the time it was completely gone, Harry had put his sword away and was awaiting the report on how well he had done from Arthur.

"Harry you know that, today is our last day of training and tomorrow morning you go and finnish your other training, so I thought that we may just like have a party after training, is that ok with you?" asked Arthur.

"Yeah, sure, but after I will be able to see you in the meeting trunk right?" asked Harry.

"Of course where would I disappear off to?" joked Arthur.

"Any way, everyone is arriving in about 2 hours by then you need to decorate the room and whip up some food."

"Then you, I will Asses you and you shall have finished all your training for all of us, and then we start plotting your revenge on Dumblebee! Oh I can't wait to find out what you have planed for your revenge." Exclaimed an excited Arthur.

Soon after, all the other guests arrived, four founders, Grindelwald, and the almighty Merlin. They had a full-blown party, and said their good nights, the next morning Harry left the trunk and went back into his old bedroom in No. 4 Privet Drive.

(I'm going to skip everything else till the bit where Harry is in Diagon Alley to get his school supplies and new robes as he has out grown all his old ones.)

As Harry walked into Diagon Alley, many people had stopped what they were doing and were staring at him, following his every move as he strode to Gringott's Bank. Inside the bank, Harry strode up to his the desk.

"Name please?" asked a goblin.

"Harold, umm would you like all 10 of my surnames? Or shall I just go directly to your director and ask him to show me to all of my vaults?" asked Harold (from now on I will be using Harold instead of Harry)

"Your full name please without middle names only surnames." Said the goblin.

"Alright then if you want to be difficult, in order of most important surnames, Harold Merlin Pendragon Grindelwald Slytherin Gryffindor Ravenclaw Hufflepuff Evans Potter." Replied Harold, in a almost silent whisper.

The goblin and the other goblins that heard him fainted dead on the spot and only one remained, Griphook.

"Well at least now I can get onto business, ah Griphook, seems that you are the only one left, if you would be so kind as to take me to your head director?" asked Harold in a calm unfazed voice.

"Come this way my young lord! How kind of you to some to our humble bank, right this way." Replied Griphook in an awed voice.

"Director Randhook's office is just this way, he will be pleased to see you."

"Why thank you Griphook, how have you been? I must say that it has been a long time since I last saw you, back in my first year at Hogwarts, how is your family? How is business, I hope all is well with the gold in Gringott's, no more attempts on stealing form any of the vaults, I hope." Asked Harold.

"Why you remember my name my young lord. Yes it has been a long time since I saw you, but back then you were a small young boy, that didn't know very much about the Wizard world. My family is doing very well thank you, they will be pleased to hear form you. No, no more attempts on breaking into the vaults yet, but the directors have been enforcing the security on the vaults more, so I believe the are suspecting an attack of some sort soon." Replied Griphook in an amazed voice.

"May I present to you Director Randhook's office. Sir I have the young lord here……."

I know this is a bad place to stop but I can't hink of any more at the moment, I'll update it some time soon. I don't know if it will be any longer though, we will see, and it depends on how many reviews I get, at least 10. Or I won't update for more than a month.

Thanks Read and Review