The Certain Truth Of A Black Family Member

Chapter 1-

By: The Gryffindor Drummer

Hermione was lying there, unconscious after having one of the worst beatings yet. A while later, her eyelids fluttered open and all that had happened to her before blacking out came flooding back to her.


She had come home from the local library, the one escape from her parents in the summer holidays. She discovered her parents smashed out of their minds. Cautiously, she approached them.

"Mom? Dad? Are you alright?" she asked. They may have beaten her, but she still cared about them. Big mistake on her part. In their intoxicated state they always beat Hermione up. The only reason she came home is because each year she prayed that they change back to they way that they were when she was a little child, and because she loved and cared for them.

Slowly, Hermione backed up into the wall in the hall behind her as they unsteadily advanced towards her. Her dad reached out when he got within choking range and grabbed her by the throat, before throwing her to the floor. She didn't bother to get up knowing that it only would be worse if she did. But what she didn't know was that this time it would be worse that the last couple of years put together. It wouldn't be the usual few kicks in the stomach and face, being thrown down the stairs a couple of times, or being used as a punching bag. No, it would be worse that that. And she definitely wasn't expecting her parents to tell her something that would change her life.

"You little bitch," her dad said as he kicked her in the ribs. "I dunno why we even bothered to keep you!" He kicked her in the ribs again, and one in the stomach. He glared at her.

"You're a good for nothing bitch!" He threw a vase at her. "If we had known then what a freak you would turn into, we never would have kept you!" He kicked her in the face. "We should've gotten rid of you when we had the chance! Drop you off a bridge or something!" He grabbed her hair and pulled her up before tossing her into the lounge room wall.

"But no! We kept you because of HER!" he said. He kneed her in the face. "We won't put up with you anymore. Maybe we should've told you this years ago. You little fucking freak. We would've never had to see you again. You're just like that woman who begged us to look after you because she was on the run from something! A FILTHY PUREBLOOD WITCH! AN INSULT TO MANKIND!" her dad said. Her mother joined in with her father. She felt another vase hitting her, and making little cuts on her back and arms as it smashed against her skin.

After hearing this, Hermione was so stunned that when Mr. Grangers fist collided with her hear, she blacked out.

--End of Flashback--

Once the memory of the event came back, she slowly lifted herself off the kitchen floor, where her parents had left her. She knew that if she stayed she would be more than likely beaten to death within days. Now she had the reason to leave. They weren't her parents. With that thought in mind, she seized her chance and grabbed the cordless phone from off the kitchen wall and running up the stairs to her room, she shut the door before charming it shut so that her "parents" wouldn't beat her again if they hadn't left the house already. She went to her desk and pulled out a piece of parchment that Harry had given her at the end of second year with the Dursleys phone number on it, the only way that she could see out of this hell whole to freedom and love from her friends. So, she quickly began to dial the number.

After a few rings, the other end of the phone line picked up.

"Dursleys residence. Harry Potter speaking, how may I help you," Harry's deep voice said.

"Harry! Oh thank God it's you! Harry, I need your help right away! Please! They did it again, but this time it was worse. Please, Harry. You have to help me! You have to get me away from here!" Hermione said all in one breath. If Harry wasn't used to hearing Hermione speak like that on occasions at Hogwarts, he would've never been able to figure out what she had said.

"Merlin Hermione! Are you alright? Tell me where you live and I will be there as soon as I can!" Harry said. His voice was calm, but she detected worry in it. And if she hadn't known him better, she wouldn't have been able to hear the anger in his voice at what her "parents" had done to her.

"I live at Number 12 Privet Drive. We moved here at the beginning of the summer. I would have gone to your house, but it's really hard to get out of my house," Hermione said.

"Oh, you're the new people on the street. Hermione, that's it, I'm coming to get you. I'll be there in a minute," Harry said. He hung up the phone and got his wand and what not. If he was getting Hermione out, he was going to need to go with her to make sure that she would be all right.

Hermione put the phone down and waved her wand. All of her things flew into her trunk. She didn't care that she wasn't allowed to do magic outside of school yet, this was an emergency.

After a few minutes, she heard a knock at the front door. She quickly and quietly ran down the stairs and threw open the front door. She felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her. It was Harry. They let go and they both ran up to her room for safety.

Once in Hermione's room, Harry took Hermione into another hug, but he was mindful that she was in a lot of pain. They broke apart and Harry looked at Hermione closely.

"Hermione, on the phone you sounded really scared. Is there something else they did to you? They didn't rape you did they?" Harry asked. Concern was all over his face.

"No. They told me that I was adopted. More like my mum came to their front door and said that she was on the run and that she couldn't risk having me with her. Harry, they told me that my real parents are really a witch and a wizard. I'm a bloody pureblood," she said once she found her voice. She broke down into tears. She was scared, and in a lot of pain. Harry pulled her into another hug, trying to calm her down.

Harry didn't know how long he had held Hermione in his arms before they both heard the door downstairs being thrown open in a rage. Harry grabbed Hermione's trunk and her wrist, carefully.

"Hermione hold on, I'm going to apparate us out of here," Harry said quietly. Hermione held onto him, and with a soft POP, they were gone.