A/N: Hello everyone. Hanae here, and I'm sure this was not what you're looking for. Hey, it isn't even in my style to post author's notes as a chapter in itself.

In any case, I just wanted to inform you that No Words does not have any continuing chapters whatsoever. This will be left standing alone on its own, because, though I do love the ideas I have that I initially wanted to include as the final two parts of this story, I also like it the way it is, and I would like to leave all of you with just a bit of wonder. Hence, please do not wait on for an update, for there will be none.

But, in the course that you are frustrated and still want to know what would hypothetically happen if this story had gone on, fear not.

On my profile page, you may find another published fic entitled Flame which you may or may have not yet read. That fic, though meant to stand on its own as well, was written with No Words in mind. So, if you so wish it, it could be considered a sequel to this fic (which is what I personally assume, too).

I know that this leaves a little damper on things, and I have come a long way since this fic, and I would personally like to thank everyone for the support they have shown me.

So, if you are desperate for an update of some sorts, go read Flame! Let No Words sleep peacefully. Hopefully, its quality will still remain intact even after years and years since its publication.

Thank you, everyone.
