Chibi Yasha

Inuyasha felt all warm, and cozy. As he started to open his eyes he realized he was being carried. He looked up and saw that he was in Kagome arms. Wide awake now he jumped to the ground and looked up at Kagome. "What the hell is the big idea?" He then realized that she was a lot taller than him. He quickly turned around and saw Miroku and Sango looking down on him and he remembered the previous day.


Inuyasha and gang were walking through the woods. It was a nice summer day. Kagome had decided to spend her summer vacation in the feudal era (I think that's the right spelling if not if someone could tell me how to spell it that would be great) they had been searching for Naraku for weeks with no luck.

Shippo hoped off of Kagome's shoulder and started to whine to Inuyasha. "Inuyasha I'm tired of walking". "Inuyasha turned around. How can you be tired you've been on Kagome's back this whole time"?

"That's not true", yelled Shippo! "Ya it is". "Is not". "Is to". "Is not". Inuyasha whacked Shippo on the head, and yelled "is to". Kagome steeped between the too picked up Shippo and said Sit boy. The beads glowed and pulled him down. Kagome took off her bag and said ok lets break for lunch. Both Sango and Miroku agreed that it was a good idea.

Sango started walking and said, "Ill go get some wood". Miroku perked up and quickly chased after her yelling, "wait ill come with you". Inuyasha now up, "dam it Kagome why do you always take his side". She just turned and said, "I don't know what you are talking about". As she walked away Shippo stuck his head up over her shoulder and stuck his tongue out at Inuyasha.

Inuyasha was about to retaliate when he heard a rustling in Kagome's backpack. He turned to investigate and saw a ball like tale sticking out of her backpack. "Hey what do you think you are doing in there"! Kagome and Shippo turned to see Inuyasha pull a small fox demon out of her back pack and start whacking it.

"Inuyasha what do you think you are doing". Inuyasha stopped and yelled "his stealing our food". Kagome sighed and yelled "Sit boy"! She walked over and picked the small fox demon up. "Are you ok"? The small fox demon know in tears looked up and said "I…Im...FINE" he yelled as he jumped up and slapped a leaf on Kagome's head.

Before she could do something her face turned Pink with blue poka dots. Inuyasha know up ran over and snatched up the small fox by his tale. He looked at Kagome and burst into laughter. Who got up and said "what you are smirking at". Inuyasha still in laughter

Said "it's your face". "What do you mean my face"? She looked down at her reflection in the pot of water. Ahh what did you do to me.

The small fox demon looked up at her and said "I don't know what you are talking about it looks the same to me". Inuyasha started to laugh harder till the fox looked up and said what you are laughing at half breed. Inuyasha started to hit the small fox again. Kagome ran towards them and said. "Change my face back to normal right now".

The fox looked up at her and said "fine. I could stop them if he just wasn't bigger than me. Then it hit him he snatched the leaf off her head and slapped it on Inuyasha's necklace".There was a big puff of smoke. Through the smoke Kagome yelled "hey my face is back to normal". Inuyasha are you there, Inuyasha. A breeze blew away the smoke and Kagome saw the fox standing on top of a shrunken Inuyasha.

Its getting late so I need to stop but I hope to up date soon plz review.