Disclaimer: I don't own it.


A/N: Hooray! It's coming to an end! Yeah, I'm actually glad to be finally done with this. It's extremely annoying… So… I hope you guys like the other fics and everything… Mhm! That's really all I have to say. Oh yeah, and thanks to all reviewers because you all rawk real hard. And even though I thought this story sucked, you guys didn't, and that makes me feel good.

Date(s): January 18, 2006

January 21, 2006



Chapter Five


"Kagome, dear, are you ready yet?"

"Hold on, Mom! God, can't I have a little time?" Kagome was getting her outfit on for the Dance. It wasn't anything special, because there was no way in hell she would really get into a dress and actually go out and be all formal. No way in hell. Naw, she had to do it the emo way, by getting a hot pink corset with black flowers embroidered in along the front, where it buckled together, and it was laced with ribbon in the back. Her legs were partly covered with a light blue mini skirt, complete with drawn on skulls and thunder bolts thanks to good ol' Sharpie. Her outfit was complete with sparkly fishnets and her sick (in the good way) combat boots. Kagome hoped Inuyasha's preppy standards liked her way of "dressing up". They'd better.

"Kagome, come on! You have a phone call!"

"Ha, nice try mom, but we both know I can answer the phone up here without having to show you what I look like." Kagome really didn't want her mother seeing this outfit, mostly because most of the clothing was stolen, and also because her mother was expecting her to actually go formal with the whole occasion. Plus, Kagome was sure her mother wouldn't approve of her makeup. It was dark black around her eyes, with sparkly black mascara, and then hot pink eyeliner that faded into gray, and then black. Kagome spent a good amount of time mixing the colors to make them look faded. Kagome picked up the phone and answered, "Moshi moshi."

"Kagome, come downstairs."

"Mom! You lied to me!" She sighed. "Okay, let me finish doing my hair, then I'll come down." A lie. Kagome already did her hair, just by shaking her head around a little, and the final touch was to place the small tiara on her head.

Almost on cue, a rock hit her window. That was the sign that she and Inuyasha had agreed on. He was here to pick her up. She carefully climbed out her window and motioned for Inuyasha to come down below and catch her. She dropped off the roof and was wrapped up in Inuyasha's strong arms. "You look nice. I didn't expect for you to wear a miniskirt though…" She raised an eyebrow. "Not that I'm complaining. Hop in." He held the door open for her and she got settled in his nice car. (Don't ask what car it was… I don't know a thing about them.)



"Kagome!" The two girls ran up to each other and hugged. Kagome admired Sango's outfit. It was a purple tank top with black fishnet over it, and black capris with her custom made violet and zebra striped chucks. "Kagome, you're here!"

"So are you! I didn't expect you to come… Who's your date?"

"Oh, you know… Uhm…"

"It's Miroku, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Inuyasha and Miroku came strolling to their dates, and when Sango saw Inuyasha put his arm around Kagome's waist, her eyes lit up. "Kagome… You never told me about your date."

"It's great, isn't it?"

Sango started digging in her pockets. "Yeah, great for you. I guess you won."

"Won? Won what?" Miroku, Inuyasha, and even Kagome herself asked in unison.

"You won the bet! You get fifty dollars," she slapped a big fat fifty dollar bill in Kagome's hand, "for getting the most popular guy in the school, Inuyasha Ninki, to ask you to the Easter Dance."

Kagome's heart dropped. She completely forgot about the bet tonight. Oh my God, what the hell was wrong with Sango? Why would she say that in front of Inuyasha? Was she brain-dead?

"You made a bet?" Inuyasha's voice boomed through Kagome's ears, making her wince.

"Inuyasha, oh my god, I'm so sorry. I completely forgot about it! I didn't realize -"

"Save it. I don't want to hear it. So you were toying with my feelings and made me think you liked me so I would ask you to the Dance? That's below low."

He stormed off, going over to the snack table to look for his former crush, Kikyo. Kagome saw them start conversation before they linked arms and walked over to a few of her friends, like Kagura and her boyfriend Naraku.

"Thanks a lot, Sango! You don't understand at all… I didn't do it because of the bet! I forgot all about it! I did it because I really like Inuyasha, and I thought he liked me, but I'm sure that's not anymore."

"Kagome, I'm sorry… I didn't realize… And it was stupid of me to announce it in front of him… I'm really, really sorry."

"Yeah, well you just messed up my chance to be happy."


"Oh, wow, Inuyasha. I didn't know you and Kikyo were a couple." A few girls giggled as Inuyasha and Kikyo walked by. All of his popular friends, the ones he was supposed to be with were smiling at him, glad he had gotten away from that other girl. That freak.

'I can't believe she would do that to me. How greedy! Why did I even like her in the first place? She's a selfish, immature freak girl who is and always will be a loser. I can't believe this.'



"I said let's dance! What, aren't you paying attention to me? Because if you aren't then I'll just go."

"Oh, no… sorry, Kikyo. I was just spacing out."

"Well do you want to dance or what?"

"Oh, sure."


"What's the word, Miroku?" Sango asked her date as he walked over to her and a sulking Kagome.

"Everyone thinks Inuyasha and Kikyo are dating now. I hear they've even been entered in -"

"It's time for this Dance's main contest - who's the hottest couple in Shikon High?" (a/n: It's a cliché fic, so why not a cliché high school name?)

"- That…" Miroku sighed. "If they win, then they get a dance all to themselves, and the key to the Janitor's Closet to have some fun, if you know what I mean."

"Oh God… Kagome! What are you going to do? Aren't you going to try and win Inuyasha back?"

"Who cares now? Even if I try to win him back, I'll know he still hates me. It's no use."

"Come on … He can't just drop his feelings for you in this short amount of time. It's not possible, unless he's truly heartless."

"It's no use," Kagome repeated. It really was no use. Then a plan popped into her head in an instant. Was it really no use? Maybe not…

The song played, and Kagome's plan evolved even more.

Party lights fade away on weekend

I say see you again to my friend… hurt again!

I feel lonely when I think I can't

See you my beloved one, prince charming…

I won't forget our time we spent

Yeah, I'll miss you

Is this feeling love?

Everything is coming to the end

Joyful time with you slipped in a flash

When I close my eyes I dream of you

I drop tears

Is this feeling love?

Everything is coming to the end

I know this isn't my last chance

But I can't say my feeling… it's "I love you"
Oh I can't say

You are with her

Baby, right?

Yes I don't mind becoming devil

If I can have your heart love maybe will

Not be in full bloom

Help me I'm in

Unlucky love mood

Everything is came to the end

I wasn't ready to fall in love

But now I'm crazy about you oh baby

I'm thinking of you day and night

Everything is came to the end

I'm looking under magic stars

Not to drop tears, now I'm in love with you

Because you're so romantic and so sweet

Yes I don't mind

Becoming devil

I want your heart

I want your heart…

Everything is came to the end

Joyful time with you slipped in a flash

When I close my eyes I dream of you

I drop tears

Is this feeling love?

Everything is came to the end

I know this isn't my last chance

But I can't say my feeling… It's "I love you"

Thinking of you day and night

Prince charming I'm in love with you

Because you're so romantic and so sweet


"Okay, everyone needs to vote on a couple to win our contest! Who is honestly the hottest couple in Shikon High? You decide! It's like a game show or something!" The student body president, Rin, was getting all worked up about the competition.

The students rushed over in a crowd around the rectangle table, practically fighting each other to get in their votes. You could hear people arguing about who would win, and who would lose, who would get nominated, and who wouldn't have a chance.

"Oh, you guys are going to win for sure. Just being together, you're the most talked about thing in here!" Kikyo's friend Kanna, also known as The Midget since she was so small and known as White Chick since she was so pale… okay, so maybe she was the laughing stock of most of the popular people but oh well, she said that to Inuyasha and Kikyo.

"No way. It's not like it's anything special…" Inuyasha said modestly.

"Of course it's special! I am special. Anything that has to deal with me is special. And that means you too, Inuyasha!"

Inuyasha smiled, not noticing how she always made herself first in everything she did and/or said.

"Okay, you guys, you only have two more minutes to vote, then it's time for us to count them up!" Rin announced as "STEP you" by Ayumi Hamasaki ended. More students crowded around, some trying to cheat and enter more than one vote.

Two minutes passed, and Rin announced that the time was up and they were going to start counting the votes with her fellow student body member. They started making piles for each couple, and the crowd started fidgeting. The one pile was getting bigger and bigger by the second, and almost all of the votes were going towards that one.

Sango, Miroku, and Kagome all stood by the snack table, hearts pounding. Sango and Miroku didn't want this to happen, but Kagome had something up her sleeve…

"Okay, you guys! We don't even need to count to figure out who is the winner here!" She picked up the giant stack of note cards and held it up to the students who cheered. "The winners have been elected the Hottest Couple in Shikon High. The winners are…" She left a dramatic pause to make all the students squirm, including the three by the snack table. Kagome closed her eyes and crossed her fingers. "Inuyasha Ninki and Kikyo Tsumetai!"

Kagome looked up, her eyes wide. 'Yes!'

The spot light shone down on Inuyasha and Kikyo. Inuyasha was sort of blushing, having a weird expression on his face, while Kikyo was waving and smiling and blowing kisses. "Oh, I have been waiting for this day! I just knew I would win, since I am the hottest girl in the entire school."

"C'mon, you two! You get to dance to a song." Rin called through the microphone, signaling the DJ to put on a song. The DJ, Kouga, nodded, and put on Les.R's "Koishikute…. (acoustic ver.)" on.

Inuyasha put his arms around Kikyo waist as she put hers around his neck and they swayed to the soft song.





(a/n: once again, I only got the lyrics by listening to the song and looking at the lyrics but they're written in kanji, and I can't read kanji very fluently, so there's no guarantee that they're correct. And the translation is all me. I used a site, but it didn't help much, so it's mostly my translation, so don't take it to heart.)

Kagome winced as she witnessed the "couple" dance to Sumika and Yuka's soft voices. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and stepped forward towards the circle the crowd was making to watch Inuyasha and Kikyo.

Kagome's heart started to pound so hard she could feel it in her ears, overpowering the music and the whistles her peers were giving to the winners. She kept on walking, keeping her head up, towards the two. She entered the very front of the circle, and kept on walking, but this time she was in their dancing space. A few people started whispering, until Kagome could hear a the whole crowd sort of jabbering about what was going on.

Kagome reached Inuyasha and Kikyo. She caught the selfish queen's eye, and gave her a look that could kill. Inuyasha still didn't see Kagome standing behind him, which was even better for her plan. Kagome closed her eyes and quickly did what she recently planned. She stood behind Inuyasha and wrapped her arms around his chest, right after giving Kikyo a push away from the hanyou.

Inuyasha's eyes grew wide and he whipped around to come face to face with Kagome, the girl who angered him so much earlier that evening. Before he could even get a word out of his mouth, Kagome grabbed his face in her cold hands and placed her lips onto his.

Surechigai nagara kikoeta MELODY

Watashi to anata no kokoro no DISTANCE

Sonna ni jikkuri koe wo kikanai katta no ni




The students started talking loudly now, because they didn't know about Inuyasha and Kagome's love life. Kikyo let out a scream in frustration, and she stomped over to her pitiful friends.

"Kagome… Why? Why did you do that?"

"Because this is the only way I can really prove to you I love you. I made that bet before I even got to know you, and now that I do know you, I realized that I love you. Do you believe me now?"

"Yes… I do."

Tooi hi anata ga kureta LOVE SONG
Mabuta ni utsuru no wa anata no SILHOUETTE

Kizutsuku no wo hontou ni hito wo aishita kara






A/N: yeah… that's the crap end. I really didn't know how to end it, honestly. I had everything planned out except for the end, so I thought I would just leave it at that. You know, they all do the dance together and they all live happily ever after! It's a cliché fic, so why not a cliché ending, right? Thanks to all who read it.

Okay, everyone here's my translation of "Koishikute…." and let me warn you. it is not completely accurate. I basically found out what the words meant (or tried to) and then formed them into a sentence that would make sense. So here we go (this is in the order from up there, starting with: Surechigai) Everything in italics is stuff I'm unsure of.

During a chance encounter, listen to the melody

Me and your heart's distance

Sort of like a careful voice, listen and write:

I love you

I come to you

It is so…

Towards the far sun, you sing a love song

My closed eyes are infected with your silhouette

Reality's pain is like losing an important person

I love you

You're dear to me

It is so…

Can't find the last word…

Yeah, okay so that was pure crap… Oh well. Thanks again for reading!