Note: I do not own The Suite Life of Zack and Cody. I do not own any of the characters or any of the actors, but I do own the plotline. I hope you enjoy. Review, please.

Cody pushed up the covers on his bed, and sat up, only then realizing that the room was spinning and he had a huge headache. "Oh no."

It was the first day of summer vacation and he was sick. This was not good. He got back in bed and lied down, trying to get rid of the dizziness. He heard a scuffle from the other room and knew it was Zack. His brother came over and started jumping on his bed, yelling, "Vacation! Vacation!"

Cody felt lucky that he didn't puke. "Stop," he moaned, pushing back his sweaty hair from his head. "I don't feel so good."

"You're not sick?" Zack gasped in horror. "You can't be! We were supposed to go to the movies today with Max and Tapeworm! How did this happen?"

"It must have had something to do with you shutting me in the ice room down in the kitchen," Cody said disagreeably.

"Hey! You were cheating when we were playing Sardines! I had to teach you a lesson! I only left you in there for like, what? One minute?"

"More like one hour," complained Cody. "And I wasn't cheating! I found you, and then I hid with you! You're supposed to do that in Sardines!"

"One hour, one minute, what's the big difference?" Zack asked. "And, you do not hide with me in the drying machine! There's not enough room! I thought you'd be smart enough to do that—you were the ones who brought home straight A's!" He sat casually on Cody's bed. "Oh well, I'll miss you." He paused. "Not!"

Cody moaned and turned over on his side. "I'm going to sleep."

"Good night, sweetie," Zack said in a completely corny voice. He turned and left the room. "Don't let the bugs bite."

"Arrggh," Cody moaned. Then he stopped. "What bugs?"


"Where's Cody?" asked Carey, as Zack walked in to the table and poured himself out a bowl of his new favorite cereal, Chocolate Sugar Bombs.

"Dihe's thishick," muttered Zack, shoveling away the extremely sugary cereal in his mouth.

"What?" Carey came over and pulled the cereal bowl away. "That's enough sugar for you."

"Shvat?" Zack spat out the cereal on the table to Carey's disgust. He swallowed, and continued whining, "What?"

"Where's your brother?" Carey asked calmly, ignoring Zack's complaints.

"What brother?" asked Zack.

"Not funny," snapped Carey, leaning over the table to glare at him. "Where is Cody?"

"He's sick!" exclaimed Zack, grabbing back his Chocolate Sugar Bombs. Carey was too agitated to take them away.


"I said, he's sick!" Zack said again.

"I heard you the first time!" yelped Carey. "Only, I have a gig—to see if I can get a record deal today. It will probably take most of the day, so I have to let you stay home and take care of Cody."

"Me? Take care of Cody?" Zack howled. "Did you just say that?"

"Did I just say that?" Carey asked, looking horrified.

"Hey!" Zack retorted. "I asked you first!"

"Please, Zack," said Carey looking at her son. "Please, I really need to try this. It's something I've wanted for the longest time and I can't cancel it. Please… it would only be one day and you have the rest of summer…"

"Only one day?" Zack said incredulously. "Only one day? The last time I had to take care of Cody when he was sick, he fell down the stairs and broke his leg!"

"You pushed him down the stairs and he broke his leg," reminded Carey. "He was sick and you pushed him!"

"Hey, he was slowing down the traffic," Zack said angrily. A smile grew over his face. "Hey, if I did that last time, how can I be trusted to take good care of him this time?"

"You were six," reminded Carey. "You're older and more responsible now," she said, kissing his head. "Please, Zack. Please. I'll take you anywhere you want if you just do this for me, for one day."

"How about to Antarctica?" suggested Zack. "I've always wanted to meet an Eskimo."

"Cross out the anywhere," Carey said. "I'll get you that video game that you wanted."

"You mean The City of Blood? The one where you can turn people's arms into weapons?"

Carey grimaced. "Yeah, but you can only play it when I'm out of the room."

"Deal!" Zack said, spitting on his hand and holding it out for Carey to shake.

Carey shook her head. "I promise—you can believe me."

"Ok," Zack said.

Carey sighed, went in to talk to Cody, and left, not watching the slow smile that spread over Zack's face.


Meanwhile in the lobby, London and Maddie were having a heated discussion near Maddie's candy counter.

"I can to get a guy!" Maddie told London, whipping her blonde hair through the air.

"Maddie," London protested, "Maddie, you can't get a guy like I can. Guys just like girls that are rich and famous."

"Yeah right," Maddie told her. "Guys like girls that are smart and independent."

"They do not!" London said. "Look at this guy!" she yelped, pulling out a magazine that had a picture of Ryan Cabrera on it. "This guy likes girls that are famous!"

"That's because he's a celebrity," said Maddie, pronouncing each syllable extremely clearly.

"So what if he's likes cotton candy? He still likes rich girls."

"Ugh," Maddie moaned. "Forget it."

"See?" London said smugly. "I win."

"No you don't!" barked Maddie. "You know what? I bet you that a guy would like me more than you!"

"You bet me what?" London asked. "Oh, by the way, I don't like cotton candy."

"What does cotton candy have anything to do with this?" Maddie wanted to know.

"Your shirt! It says 100 cotton candy."

"It says 'cotton,'" said Maddie exasperatedly. "And if you win, I'll… uh, I'll…"

"You will ask Esteban to go out with you," said London.

"What?" Maddie almost shrieked.

Esteban looked over from where he was dusting the chandelier. "Is anything wrong Miss Maddie?"

"No, nothing," said Maddie, flustered. Esteban shrugged and went back to the chandelier. "Fine, but if I win, then you have to give me one thousand dollars."

"Deal," said London simply. She shook Maddie's hand and the bet was on.

"I found a guy," she said, looking casually over the lobby. "That one…"

Review for more... haha, I wanted to try a comedy.