i awoke to the sound of a heart monitor beeping, i opened my eyes and Saw Carson sitting at his desk. doing something. to my left there was another bed, but i was

unable to see who was lying on it. Carson noticed that i was awake and called DR.weir, and john to the infirmary. "how are you feels son?"

i look at him" better, you got the bullet i assume?" "aye, we did, your lucky that it didn't hit an organs. " john and weir walked into the room, Elisabeth saw me and

put on her best (we're your Friends, and we're not going to hurt you" look. "hello, i'm.."i cut her off."DR. Elisabeth weir, commander and chief of the Atlantis

expedition from earth, and former leader of the S.G.C. before Brigadier general jack O'Neil replaced you." she looks at me in shock probably wondering how i

knew so much classified information about her." yes. how did you know?" "i have my talents..dr. my partner came through the gate with the rest of us... where is

she?" "you mean the wraith?" "yes... she's alright? " i got worried, i was bombarded with thoughts of what they would have done to her while i was out. my thoughts

diminished when i heard a voice from the other side of the room."I'm fine kyle." Carson moved the screen out of the way and i saw RYO lying on the other bed, she

looked in worse shape then i was." hey, your Kay? " i asked her, she nodded, i turned my attention back to weir and Sheppard." Dr. i say standing, Carson tries to

stop me but i stand anyway. could i speak with you, alone?" of course" she says, i walk following her to an empty section of the infirmary. "i would like to get right to

the point, i know your still trying to figure out how i know all of the information that i know, and at this point i can't tell you, but, i will. someday, but for now i need

you to trust me, and RYO, shes not a threat, and neither am i. we just want sanctuary. here in Atlantis. "i pause choosing my words carefully" we will both submit

ourselves to any measures that you wish to take with us, but i would like to make one thing very clear. i lean in i don't want her experimented on with that retro-

virus...ever. be sides shes more valuable to you as a military asset being a wraith she could grant you access to a hive ship, or." weir cuts me off" i understand kyle,

you have my word that she will be well taken care of." i nod"thank you, now there is one other thing, the planet where you found us, as john most likely told you in

his report, RYO and i came into possession of a new prototype ship, " "yes, he did, and i do have some questions that i would like to ask you. i nod again "alright,

but could you give me a moment with RYO to tell her of the situatiuon...and to get dressed?" "certainly," she walks over to john and Carson, to explain the situation,

i on the other hand went over to RYO, " how are you? did they do anything." "no, kyle I'm fine, they've done nothing but, help me recover." "recover? from what?"

"when we were getting you through the gate past the soldiers one of them fired at ronan, i took the hit for him, he got me through the gate after i was down." " oh,

alright then, just as long as you are OK," weir walked back to me, "we'll let you get situated and when your ready we'll talk." i nod, after they left RYO and i got

dressed, and talked for a while about our situation, and what we were going to o later on. after a while i asked one of the guards that was posted outside to call

Elisabeth for me.hey said that they were to escort both RYO and i to the meeting hall. when we arrived ronan, was eying RYO intensely, probably waiting to shoot

her.we took our seats and the meeting began, they all took turns asking RYO and i questions, about what we knew of Atlantis, among other things. after about an

hour, the meeting was over. i had mentioned to our escorts that i was hungry, they took us to the cafeteria. RYO and i took a seat, as i started eating Teyla came up

and joined us. "hello. i am Teyla, " "nice to meet you Teyla." Teyla and i started to converse , and after about three minutes, RYO reached onto my tray and grabbed

a carrot. Teyla looked a little shocked and confused "what, I'm hungry" " i am sorry it's just that I've never seen.." RYO cut her off" you've never seen a wraith eat

actual food before?" "yes." "thats understandable, most of us don't some can't, i unlike the others can choose where i get my energy, i can either feed, the

"traditional" way or i can eat food like the rest of you." Teyla nods. and after a while excuses herself to go train, "may i join you?" RYO asks " of course. one of the

guards follows RYO and Teyla. "I'll see you later kyle." as RYO and Teyla walk away, i pray to god that RYO doesn't do anything stupid.

like get her ass kicked by Teyla, or worse.