I know it's been forever and a half since I last updated, but don't hate. I get bogged down with school and the like, and time just flies by. Thank you to my reviewers, you guys are amazing, I can't cease to tell you!! Anyway, enjoy...

Despite the steady hum of muffled voices that crept silently into the room, I felt myself become oblivious to the noises around me as all my senses shut down simultaneously. A nervous silence interrupted my thoughts preventing me from thinking straight or even at all. Instead, I could feel anticipation beat in tune with my heart, matching its unsteady pulse as the blood raced speedily through my veins. It took a moment before my unconscious state erupted into a plague of disconnected thoughts: Where's mom. Did I do the right thing? Why do they hate her? Do they hate her? Where's mom. Do they hate me? Will they like me? Where's mom, where's mom, where's mom. I shook my head in frustration. What's done is done. It's not as if I can change anything now anyway.

Unable to tolerate the cramped silence any longer, I slowly drifted out of the room, unknowingly migrating toward the growing sound of their voices. I paused briefly at the bottom of the stairs as their conversation became so distinctly audible that I could not block it from my mind any longer. Straining my ears, I only caught a few words before I was consumed by my guilty, eavesdropping conscience. I could tell, however, by their grim, monotonous drone, that my arrival was anything but a joyous occasion.

I started slowly up the stairs, forcing my curious ears away from their private conversation. Skipping right over the second floor, my ascent continued until I found myself face to face with the attic door. Strangely, the door felt almost weightless beneath my light touch as it timidly creaked open, my hand hardly brushing against its solid surface. 'Must be a draft... or loose hinges..." I thought to myself, trying to shake off the cool shiver that tingled up my spine as I stepped into the room. Despite the cool and almost foreboding shiver, I immediately felt at home.

The room maintains the same sense of warmth and homeliness that's emphasized throughout the manor's ground floor. Differently, however, is its feel. Unlike typical houses where the kitchen is described as the hub of family life, I immediately discovered that the Halliwell's attic was the heart of this home. I casually surveyed the room from the doorway, noting the usual collection of old furniture and boxes of baby clothes mixed tidily among bookshelves of potions, weapons and books. I paid little attention to their enviable assortment of occult items as a distinct glimmer of light shone through the front window, directing my gaze to the pedestal that rested near the back of the room. As if in a trance, I found myself walking over to the stand, curious of the massive book that it holds. Brushing my fingers lightly over its textured surface, I immediately felt empowered – almost invincible, as if I was being protected by someone or some sort of force.

"Book of Shadows," I murmured aloud as I opened the heavy cover to the first aged page.

As I flipped through the pages with excitement I discovered a whole world of new demons and ancient spells that I never knew existed – and many of which would have come in handy during most of the demonic attacks that I bared witness to over the years. It looked like the book had been in the family for generations, as its yellowed pages suggested. Why didn't mom start one of her own? I can't help but wonder how we ever survived without a resource like this. A lot of close calls, a voice within me remembers; too many.

"Demon!" a sharp, male voice suddenly yells from the attic's entrance, tearing me from my thoughts while scaring the life out of me simultaneously.

In an immediate panic, I whipped my head around trying to locate the evil within the room. Before I'm even able to look behind myself, however, I feel a force violently lifting me from my feet before hurling my unprepared body through the air and into one of the bookshelves behind where I stood.

"Owe," I moan as I emerge slowly from the pile of books and broken potion vials, gingerly touching my head which now throbs in pain.

"Quiet Demon!" the voice grunts threateningly. "Say one more word and I'll hand you a one way ticket to hell."

Ugh... you've got to be kidding me.

Bringing my hand away from my forehead, I finally make eye contact with my attacker, who is surprisingly not much older than I am. In disbelief I stare at him, quickly taking in his tall and slender build, dark hair, green eyes, before angrily erupting into a brutal confrontation, "Who are you? Harry Potter? I hate to break it to you, but I'm not Voldemort, and killing me will not save the world – in fact, I think you might lose brownie points for vanquishing an innocent."

Obviously taken aback, I watch as he stares at me unblinkingly, in shock. And before either of us can say anything, the sound of clapping emerges from the doorway, serving to turn both of our heads toward the newcomer.

In contrast to the serious look of determination that characterizes my attacker's face, the other boy appears to be more playful as a small smile tugs jokingly at his lips while he strides toward us.

"Ah, little brother," he begins teasingly, looking the younger boy in the eye. "I thought I warned you about the story of the boy who cried wolf."

I watch as the younger boy rolls his eyes before responding "aren't you supposed to be in L.A.?"

"What, not happy to see me?" he answers in mock disappointment before continuing. "Mom called me here for a meeting. She wants us to meet our cousin."

"Oh, did Aunt Paige get knocked up or something?" he asks with a smile.

The older boy laughs for a minute before responding, "Sometimes I wonder about you, Chris. I think you were dropped on your head one too many times as a baby. No, Aunt Paige is not pregnant. I'm talking about our cousin, who clearly is not a demon, as we probably would have been dead by now if she was."

Chris veers his unsteady gaze to connect with mine. Still unimpressed with my surprise attack, I stare back with anger which is penetrating through my aching body. Without an attempt of even acknowledging my existence - or pain for that matter, he looks back at his brother and starts, "Cousin? But I thought - -"

"I know," he interrupts. "Next time don't assume."

"Since when do we have a cousin?" Chris asks blatantly, ignoring his brother's advice.

"She's Phoebe's." the answer flows simply off of his tongue.

"Oh," he murmurs quietly and I notice the shroud of darkness that quickly moves to cover his face as he turns his head in the other direction.

Before I can question his obvious facial change, the blonde brother reaches his hand toward me. Grateful to finally be acknowledged, I take his hand and as he helps me to my feet, apologizes: "You'll have to excuse my brother. We've been on edge over the past few weeks, and he's been a little quick to the punch."

"So I take it I'm not the first one?" I ask as I brush the debris from my jean-clad legs.

Chuckling, he replies, "Nope! Not by a long shot. I'm Wyatt, by the way – Piper's son. I think I already mentioned my brother's name, Chris."

Shaking Wyatt's hand, I glance over at Chris who manages a weak wave of acknowledgement before quietly mumbling, "Listen Wy, I've got to run. I'm late for practice. It was nice to meet you..."

"Pea," I offer.

"Pea," he repeats before looking up at me in disbelief and questioning. "Pee?"

Rolling my eyes slightly I explain, "Like the vegetable."

"Oh," is his only response before he quickly exits the room.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask Wyatt hesitantly after Chris is safely out of ear shot.

"It's not you," he explains gently. "Our family just kind of holds a grudge against your mom."

"So I've noticed," I say disappointedly, all illusions of finally becoming part of a happy family shattered. "Why is that?"

"Oh you better sit down for this one," he smiles slightly, the only relative who has not greeted my presence with sheer hatred. "It's a long, long story."

I know this doesn't make up for all those months that I neglected to post another chapter, but hey, this has gotta be better than nothing!

Tell me whatcha think.