A/N: sniff hello everyone. sign I'm sorry, it's just that this is my finally chapter for this story for my story. sniff I'm happy but sad as well. I can't believe I'm done with this story. But I have other bad news as well, you see, I'm not sure if I'm going to make another Spirited Away story and if I am it's going to be all way from now. Love you guys for ever and I think I'm ready to continue.

Thank you for all those that reviewed my story! It means so much to me!

"Chihiro? Chihiro wake up!"


Chihiro slowly opened her eyes since her had to get use to the light. "What?"


She sat up gently but was tackled down by a pair of strong arms. She blushed. "H-H-Haku?"

Haku smiled and sat her up again. "Hello."


"Chihiro!" the two turned around and saw Lin standing by the door way. "Lin?"

"Oh Chihiro! We were so worried about you!" The slug went up and hugged her friend.

"I'm sorry. What happened?" She asked as she hugged her back.

"You passed out and have been out for three days."

"Three days!"

"Just kidding. Just an hour."

The human smiled. "Much better."

"Anyway, I came up to check up on you. And how Haku's face is right now I can see that he wants to tell you something." The dragon blushed like mad while Chihiro giggled.

"Thanks Lin."

"No problem, Chihiro. Get well and Haku, don't rape her."

"Hey!" he said playfully and kind of serious. Lin laughed and left.

There was silence until Chihiro asked, "How are you?"

"A bit tried. How about you? You're the one who suffered the case of falling down." He teased her.

"Hey! That's not funny Mr. I never told you about my twin and the danger we were in guy." The brunette said seriously.

The dragon stopped laughing and frowned. "You're right. I'm sorry. I should have told you."

She looked down and said, "Haku?"


"I know you took me back because I was in danger but if I wasn't, would you have still came for me?"

"Of course! Remember what I told you Chihiro; that when Yubaba wouldn't let me go that all I thought was seeing you again. It was true and even if you weren't in danger I would have still brought you becauseā€¦."

"Because what?" she pressed gently; wanting to hear those words.

"Because I love you and nothing can ever break that."

She had tears of happiness in her eyes. "Really?"

"Would I ever lie?"

She just smiled and Haku got the hint. "Okay. Maybe I would but never about my feelings, right?"

"Yes. And I love you too Haku."

Haku smiled and brought his lips to hers. "I'm glad you feel the same way."

"Me too."

The two smiled and kissed, never letting go. Never leaving each other until the day they die.

The End