The deep bass throbbed through Red X's body as his eyes adjusted to the flashing lights of the dance floor. Before he could react, Jynx had pulled Stone into the writhing mass of bodies.

"Blackfire, Gizmo, with me. Urko, you go with Mammoth," Red X shouted over the music. The remaining 6 of them dispersed into the club.

"Friend Ro—er, Red X, I do not think this is working!" shouted Blackfire. They had been moving around the club for over an hour now, questioning various villains to no avail. No one seemed to have intel on either Slade or the Joker.

"I swear if this is some kind of double cross stall, Gizmo…" Red X began.

"Hey! We're legit! Scouts honor! It's not my fault you're trying to track two of the most dangerous and elusive villains this side of Metropolis!" Gizmo said through a mouthful of pizza.

Before Red X could reply, the music cut out abruptly. A voice cut through the din of confusion.


Everyone turned toward the source, a high balcony lining the far wall of the club.

"Batman!" Red X shouted.

"Yes, it is I, Robin," he replied. "I have killed the Joker."

There were shocked murmurs from the crowd of villains below.

"I…I…" Robin was found his voice failing him.

"That's not all!" he continued. "I am evil now and Slade is my boyfriend!" He then turned and gave Slade a sensuous and sloppy kiss. "We are the new crimelords of Jump City now! All hail your new kings!"

Everyone fell to one knee before them. "Hail!"

"I don't believe this! We'll stop you!" Robin shouted.

Batman shook his head sadly. "Poor Robin, now that I'm evil, I can use guns." He pulled out an AMT Automag III .30 Carbine pistol and shot Robin in the face.

"Oh no!" shouted Starfire, before she too, was shot in the face.

Beastboy let out a ferocious gorilla roar and tried to climb up to the new evil duo, but Slade took out his Model 1208 SRM Arms Semi-Auto Shotgun and shot him in the face. Truly, it seemed there was no one capable of stopping this new power couple of the 21st century.

"Gizmo! Now!" shouted Jynx.

Gizmo pressed a button on his backpack, transforming Cyborg into a super cannon.

"What!?" cried Batman. His pistol would not be able to shoot a cannon in the face.

Jynx pulled off her pink and black wig, revealing her true black and pink hair underneath.

"Black and pink!" shouted Slade. "She's gone good!"

"That's right!" shouted Jynx. "The prison industrial complex is an inherently racist and damaging structure that hurts prisoners before releasing them back into the world, but in this case for the purpose of plot I was able to obtain educational and reformative resources while in prison to better myself as a person! So now I fight on the side of good!"

She fired her Cyborg super cannon and obliterated the two supervillains in a flash of blinding light.

"Slade…I love you…" whispered Batman.

"I love you too…Bruce," replied Slade tenderly. They embraced in the searing hot light of the vaporization beam one last time, and then were gone forever.

"Huzzah!" cheered everyone in the club. Everyone except a certain half demon girl who had let go of her control of her demonic half, and whose trusted friend who had the only thing that could contain her, had been shot in the face. She was too busy opening a portal for her demon lord father Trigon to cheer.

Jynx and Cyborg fought valiantly, but ultimately not even a super cannon can defeat a demonic overlord and so the world was plunged into 5,000 years of darkness, where all souls screamed for the desperate relief of a death that would not come.

The end.