Takako Chigusa was, by all means, a beautiful girl. She could have any boy she wanted with a snap of her perfectly manicured fingers. But she didn't use this technique. No, she was much to proud. Plus the one boy that she did like didn't like her. He wanted Kayoko Kotohiki. Chigusa lay on her bed after coming in from training. Her yellow tracksuit and white vest stuck to her with sweat, her thick fringe flattened to her forhead. But still if a boy saw her he would stop and stare. Her phone rang and she answered it knowing it would either be him or Niida, that idiot.
She smiled relieved, sitting up. "Hiroki!"
"Yes. How are you?"
"Ok, just got back from my run."
"I thought I was supposed to come out with you to ride beside you."
His voice sounded sad and dissapointed.
"Oh I know but you had martial arts...I really needed a run. If you want i'll come over now, we can do something. Movies?"
"Sure. Ok. What do you want too see?"
"I don't know...how about a horror!" She smiled.
"As long as I don't have nightmares." He chuckled at the other side of the phone.
"Don't worry i'll protect you." Chigusa laughed.
"Ok, I feel better, when will you be over?"
"Well, I have to have a bath..."
"Shower still broken then?"
"Well come over here, you can have a shower. No one else is in. Just let yourself in."
"Ok sure." Chigusa grinned down the phone. "I'll be about 10 minutes...love you.." She held her breath wondering what he'd say.
She heard a deep chuckle. "Love you too Takako."
With that Chigusa hung up and stuffed clothes into a packpack before running out her house, shouting goodbyes to her mother, father and little sister.

Hiroki Sugimura was practicing his martial arts, shirtless, in his room. Takako Chigusa was going to arrive soon and he had no idea what to do. He always thought he was inlove with Kayoko Kotohiki, but lately the aristocratic beauty was always on his mind. Most of the year were convinced they were an item, and he was beggining to hope so too. Just before she hung up, she said she loved him. If he wasn't such a loner and stoic he would have started jumping around, instead he settled for a deep chuckle and returning the words.
Her smooth voice entered the house. She didn't have the high pitched sweet voice many girls had, it was deeper, but not manly deep, more like 'i'm sure of myself and Im not all that sweet'.
"In my room!"
There was a light sound of foot steps until she pushed open the door, sweaty and her hair a mess, but to him she still looked beautiful.
"Hey there stud!" She grinned tossing her bag at his chest. She opened his cupbored and pulled out a fluffy white towel. "I'll be in the shower. Cya in a few!"
He sat on his bed and listened to the sound of the shower. After around 10 minutes she came out, wrapped in a towel, training water into his room room.
"Pass me my bag Hiroki."
"Get it yourself!" He smirked.
"Fine then!" She walked past him almost picking it before Hiroki grabbed her waist, tickling her, pulling her onto the bed, pinning her under him. She threw her head back laughing, her muscles spaziming as his fingers moved around her ribs and stomach..
Both there heads whipped around as my door opened and Shinji Mimura walked in.
"Hey Sugimura the door was open..." His sentance hung unfinished. He took in a almost naked Chigusa, clad only in a white towel, her hair wet, the towel up showing her strong legs, then a shirtless Hiroki, both lying on a bed, Hiroki on top of her.
"Oh...sorry..." He looked kinda flustered and turned away looking out of the door. "I just came to see if you wanted to go and have a game of basketball with me and Shuya...but I must have interupted something..."
"No! It's not what you think!" Hiroki jumped up and Chigusa fixed her towel.
"I really should go..." With that Mimura ran out the house.
"Everyone will know about this by tomorrow." Hiroki sighed looking at Chigusa as she sat up pulling her towel around her.
"Mhm." She nodded then stood up grabbing her bag. "I'm gonna go get changed."

"Hey Yukata you'll never guess what I saw! Hiroki and Chigusa half naked on his bed!"
"Hey Keita, guess what, Hiroki and Chigusa were about to do it when Shinji walked in!"

"Hey Shuya, Shinji walked in on Hiroki and Chigusa doin' it!"
"Noriko did you know Chigusa and Hiroki are together! Shinji walked in on them in the middle of...'it'!"
"Megumi, Hiroki and Chigusa are having sex!"
"Mizuho, Hiroki and Chigusa are a couple and were caught screwing!"
"Kaori, Chigusa and Hiroki are finally admitting they're a couple! Did you know they've been having sex for months, just never telling anyone!"
"Chisato, Chigusa and Hiroki are doing it!"
"Yukie, Sugimura and Chigusa are together finally!"
"Satomi, have you heard about Sugimura and Takako?"

"Yuka, you'll never guess what i've heard!"

"Say Mitsuko, not that you really care but,did you know about Takako and Sugimura?"
"So, Hirono, not that I really care but, Chigusa and Hiroki are fucking."
"Hey Niida, you know that girl your 'in love' with? She's fucking Sugimura..."

"What the fuck Hiroki!" Niida slammed him into the lockers in anger. "Chigusa was MINE!"
"Excuse me?" Sugimuras eyebrows raised and he released himself camly from Niidas grip.
"Chigusa. I know you were fucking her yesterday. I was supposed to be her first! She was supposed to give it too me!"
Hiroki felt anger boil up inside of him. Niida was talking about his best friend like she wasn't a person, just a achivment.
Suddenly, without even meaning it, Hiroki' fist collided with Niidas nose, sending him sprawling on the ground, before calmly walking away.

Meanwhile Chigusa was walking threw the halls ignoring the whispers and stares. She spotted Kahoru Kitazawa standing by her locker and waved. Kahoru saw her and smiled slightly.
"What's wrong?" She asked her friend.
"I heard about you and Hiroki...why didn't you tell me?"
"Tell you what? That we're best friends?"
"That you two are having sex..."
"Yeah everyone knows about it, Shinji said he walked in on you two in the middle of it."
"Where is he?"
"Where. Is. Shinji." Her voice held a harsh note, her dark eyes narrowing.
"Probabaly the gym..."
With that she set off.

Little did she know Hiroki was doing the same thing, only not with the intent to harm only talk too. They met outside the gym doors.
"You got it too?" Chigusa said.
"Niida tried to beat on me, nothing else."
She sighed then they entered the gym. They both said his name at the same time. One with confusion and control, one with anger.
"Shinji Mimura."