Here's the last chapter of this little story. I hope you all enjoyed it! I know it wasn't very long, but this wasn't meant to be a long drawn out story. Leave me a note, let me know what you think!

Disclaimer: Still don't own anything, sadly!

Christine was sitting in her drawing room sipping a cup of tea reading her Libretto, she only had a few more weeks before opening night and she was still having some trouble remembering everything. Madeleine was drawing at the little table by the window every now and then would she stop and glance out as though she was expecting someone.

Christine watched her looking for Erik and Nadir; she didn't have the heart to tell her that they might not stop by that afternoon. She instead shook her head, looking back at her libretto when she felt a small hand on her arm. She looked down to see the golden green eyes of her daughter looking up at her. She helped Madeleine up onto her lap, cradling her against her chest, placing a kiss on top of her head.

"Will Monsieur Erik be coming by today Maman?"

"I don't know my darling" she replied softly, resting her cheek against her daughter's soft hair.

Madeleine shifted slightly, so she could look up at her mother. "He looks a lot like me Maman. His eyes are the same color as mine!" she exclaimed proudly.

Christine felt her heart lurch as she forced a smile onto her face. Her daughter did indeed look like her father. She remembered how she had cried when she first saw the perfect face of her daughter because of how much she resembled Erik. She kissed Madeleine's forehead tenderly, she had been a blessing on Christine's life. Without her she wasn't sure how she would have survived Erik's death.

A knock on the door jarred both of them. Madeleine looked up at her mother waiting for her to get up and answer the door. Christine obliged her daughter and stood up, smiling when Madeleine nestled against her mother further, signaling she wasn't ready to be put down but anxious to see who was at the door. Christine shifted her slightly and walked to the door, opening it. Madeleine grinned when she saw the tall masked man standing on the doorstep.

Christine smiled at Erik, gesturing for him to come in. He did so, his eyes flickering from the little girl curled against her mother's chest to Christine's eyes.

They walked into the drawing room, where Madeleine then insisted on being put down. Once released from her mother's arms she cautiously and shyly made her way to Erik before crawling up onto his lap without a second thought. Christine watched as Erik's eyes softened as Madeleine climbed into his lap settling herself against him chatting happily. Christine took the opportunity to excuse herself and go make tea; she was almost desperate to leave the room. She put the water on to boil and set the cups out on the tray before leaning against the counter for support.

She had never let her daughter see her cry, but she had come close moments ago. They looked so right together, she wanted so desperately to give Madeleine what she deserved, a happy family with a mother and father. She knew how badly Erik had wanted that family, to live life like a man. She felt the first few tears slide down her cheeks; she wiped them away hastily trying to force her back under control again.

She heard little footsteps running down the hallway and a door slam. She wiped her face quickly, turning to pull the pot off the stove and nearly collided with someone.

She felt her breath hitch when she looked up and saw her daughter's unique eyes looking down at her from under a mask.

"Erik…I'm…sorry…I" she faltered still trying to pull herself together and trying to ignore his proximity.

How easy would it be for her to just throw her arms around his neck and bury her face in his chest? She closed her eyes briefly, forcing all such thoughts from her mind.

She busied herself with pouring the steaming water into the pot, trying to distract herself from the flood of emotions his appearance in the kitchen evoked. "Where's Madeleine?"

"She went to play in her room" he responded, watching her. "How are you feeling?"

She looked at him confused for a moment before she understood the question. "Oh…I…fine" she ended lamely.

"How long have you suffered from those headaches?"

"Since Madeleine was born," she answered softly, not really looking him in the eye.

He shut his eyes, guilt flooding him "Forgive me Christine" he finally murmured.

Her head shot up, her eyes narrowed slightly. "For what?"

"I…it…if you had not become pregnant you-"

She cut him off "Don't finish that sentence! If I had not become pregnant I don't know how I would have survived! Madeleine has been the only thing that has kept me going these past 6 years. Erik, she has been a godsend for me! I thank god for her every day!" she declared fiercely.

Erik watched her in shock and awe, where was his frightened helpless Christine? This surely wasn't her! He shook himself mentally before looking into Christine's sapphire orbs, nodding in understanding. He took a step closer to her, but then thought better about it. How badly he wanted to pull her into his embrace!

A thought struck him "Why Madeleine?" he asked suddenly.

She looked at him for a moment before smiling embarrassed. "I wanted…well I know it was your mother's name and I knew you didn't have the best…relationship with her" she said, knowing that was an understatement. "But I wanted a name that connected her with you, since I didn't know your last name…" she paused for a moment to look at him, gauge his reaction.

Why did he feel tears in his eyes? He cleared his throat trying to control his raging emotions. "I…-" he was speechless.

She smiled at him "You're not mad?"

The only response he could give was a small shake of his head. How could she constantly reduce him to weakness? He accepted the cup of tea she offered him, watching as she sipped from her own. A comfortable silence surrounded them; the sound of her clearing her throat broke him from his thoughts. He looked at her, waiting for her to speak.

"How long will you be in Paris?" hope resting in her eyes as she looked at him.

"I don't know my dear, I hadn't placed any set time on my visit here"

She nodded absently, stirring her tea before setting it down with a slight thud. "This is ridiculous!" she declared. "We are adults, we have a child and we need to have a discussion!" She sighed "Erik I can't dance around this subject anymore, if it was just me we could continue with the uncomfortable air hanging between us. But I…we have a daughter and she needs both of us. But I think that before we can think about her we need to talk about…us" she ended softly.

"I agree" he replied.

She nodded, picking up her cup and gesturing to the door, following him into the drawing room. They sat down opposite from each other, neither of them speaking for a moment.

Christine finally broke the silence "Where did you go?"

He took a breath "Everywhere…I went all over Europe and some parts of the Middle East. Much as I did when I was a boy, going from place to place sketching and watching"

She sipped her tea as she took his words in. "Why did you come back?"

He shrugged "To be honest, I'm not quite sure"

She looked down into her teacup, staring at the brown liquid. Jerking her head up when she heard him ask a question.

"Hmm? I'm sorry," she added, blushing.

Erik allowed himself a small smile when he saw her blush. "I asked if you still sing"

"Oh…yes. I.I replaced Carlotta at the Opera Populaire"

He nodded feeling a sense of relief flood him. "Good girl" he said softly.

They looked away from each other for a moment before Erik spoke "She's remarkable. You have done well raising her alone"

She smiled "Thank You, I couldn't have done it without Madame Giry or Meg. They have helped me so much" she set her cup down and looked him in the eye "Why did you deceive me?" she asked quietly.

He closed his eyes, the question he had been dreading…"Because I wanted you to have a chance of a life with your boy. I honestly had thought that I would die, but fate had the last laugh as you can see I am very much alive," he said bitterly.

She shook her head "Why does everyone insist on doing the best thing for me without asking me what I want?" she asked, anger lacing her voice.

He looked at her in surprise, his mouth open to respond but nothing came out. She pressed on, sitting forward on her seat. "Erik, I made my choice. You were my choice! I have loved you for 6 years! Even when I thought you were dead I loved you! Why are you unable to see that?" she demanded. "Stop trying to do what you think is best for me and listen to what I am saying" she reached out to take his hand but saw him tense up and withdrew her hand as though she had been burned.

Instead she shot up from her seat and went to the mantle and leaned against it. "I love you Erik! I want you! That's all I've ever wanted!" she felt the tears that had been threatening since she had escaped to the kitchen begin to fall. She couldn't stop the sob that tore through her. "But you left! You abandoned me! And you've left me to live my life as a widow!"

Erik too stood up "You left too Christine! Or do you not remember that night on the roof when you betrayed me! Or the fact that you did leave with that boy!" he hissed.

She whirled on him "That's because you frightened me Erik! I was a young child then! I thought that the passion I saw in you was violence! I was scared!" she shot back.

He wouldn't back down though, drawing himself to full height over her. "I gave you everything! And you betrayed me!"

She bit her lip, turning around unable to face him any longer. "I made my choice Erik…you were my choice, but you forced me to leave. I wanted to stay by your side. To be your wife" sobs choked her as she recalled that night. "God Erik! I'm…I'm sorry! I di-didn't want to hu-rt you" she choked out.

"And I'm sorry I did, I've punished myself for that since the night you died" she cried as she turned to face him once again. She approached him slowly "But you left too" she ended softly, sorrow in her every word.

Erik watched as the tears flowed down her cheeks, he wanted to hold her and kiss away her tears but he couldn't move from his spot. She wrapped her arms around her middle and sunk on the divan before letting the sobs take over her small form. He watched helplessly as she cried a world of pain. He finally walked over and sat next to her tentatively. He placed an uncertain hand on her shoulder.

"Please don't cry, you know I can't stand to see you cry," he pleaded softly.

She shook her head helplessly "I'm sorry Erik, please forgive me I'm…I'm so sorry" she sobbed.

He felt the sting of tears in his throat and behind his eyes, he took a deep shuddering breath before he did what he had wanted to do from the moment he saw her all those days ago. He pulled her into his embrace, feeling her melt against him crying into his shoulder. Her arms came around him; her sobs shook her entire body. He held her to him, daring to place light kisses on her head.

She felt her entire world melt away when she felt Erik pull her into his arms. This was where she really belonged. In his safe embrace. She finally managed to pull herself together, daring to look up into his eyes. It seemed like an eternity before his lips touched hers and she was lost again.

She heard a soft giggle from the doorway and pulled back to see Madeleine standing in the doorway grinning. She ran to her mother and buried her face in her skirts for a moment before looking up at Erik. She climbed up into his lap and rested against him. A quiet contentment surrounded the three of them. She looked at her mother with a knowing glint in her eyes.

"Maman, I know Monsieur Erik was your Angel of Music…could he be mine too?" she asked, eyes wide and innocent.

Christine smiled, knowing she should never underestimate her daughter's intelligence. "I think you need to ask him," she said lightly.

Madeleine looked up into her father's eyes "Can you be my papa and angel of music at the same time? Because if you can't, I…I think I'd like for you to be my papa"

Erik looked down at his daughter unable to wipe the look of utter shock off his face. He was aware of Christine beside him, crying a new river of tears. In his shock he hadn't seen the little hand move and take the mask off. It wasn't until he felt her lips on his scarred face that he realized what she had done. He was about to rage when he looked down and saw the look of utter devotion and love in his little girl's eyes.

There was no horror or revulsion in her unique eyes but love and adoration. He felt a tear slip out, she wiped it away with her little hand grinning at him still.

"I..I think I'd like to be both…very much so" he finally managed to choke out, his voice thick with emotion.

Christine leaned against Erik, resting her chin on his shoulder smiling at their child. Erik first kissed Christine, then Madeleine who returned the kiss and slid off his lap. She waved at the two of them before scampering off down the hall.

Erik pulled Christine to him, kissing her again. She wrapped her arms around his neck, digging her fingers into his hair.

"I love you Christine," he whispered after a moment.

"I've never loved anyone else," she declared.

He looked down at her, smiling for the first time. This is what acceptance feels like? An entire lifetime of hatred and loneliness who knew that the innocent love of a child could complete someone's life so completely.