Author's Note: I love Star Wars, but I have never written a Star Wars story before. My favorite character is Darth Vader, and I like Luke a lot too. I really like Father/Son stories, and I have had this idea in my head for a while now. This story is AU. It takes place right after Luke finds out about his father and falls down the shoot at Cloud City. In this story Leia and Luke have not formed as close of a bond so she does not hear him when he calls for her. Poor Luke ;)
Disclaimer: Star Wars and all of its lovely characters do not belong to me, but to George Lucas.
Note- Thoughts are Italicized.
Luke clung to the thin strip of metal with his one hand. Pain…so much pain…but I can't think of that now…He took a deep breath and focused all of his energy on his one hope.
"Leia…Leia hear me…please Leia," he screamed through the force. There was a flicker of her awareness that drifted farther and farther away. Luke knew it was too late. He was lost and a wave of anguish washed over him. Ben…Ben, why didn't you tell me…
Striding through the corridors of Cloud City, Darth Vader addressed one of his men who was struggling to keep pace.
"Captain, are you certain the hyperdrive on the Millennium Falcon has been disabled?"
"I am certain Lord Vader," was the man's quick reply.
"Then prepare your men and set your weapons to stun. You will let me know when they are apprehended," Vader commanded as he turned to board his shuttle.
Darth Vader had more important things on his mind than the Millennium Falcon. He knew that his son was hanging precariously below the city.
"Son, do not worry. This is your destiny…I am coming."
Leia glared at Lando as the hyperdrive on the Millennium Falcon refused to work. Chewbacca roared in frustration waving an angry fist at Lando.
"It's not my fault! They told me they fixed it," Lando exclaimed angrily, "I trusted them!" Chewbacca rushed to the back of the ship to try to fix the problem. At that moment Leia thought she heard something.
"Leia," the princess shook her head in frustration. Now was not the time to be hearing things or feeling guilty over leaving Luke. If they had stayed they would have been captured as well. Once we rescue Han we can find Luke. Vader wanted him alive so he should survive for now. That thought did not make the princess feel more at ease though. Before she could further contemplate the matter, the hyperdrive kicked into action and they were far away from Cloud City.
Please Review. I have a general idea where I want to go with this, but there are so many possibilities. Hmm… I'll listen to suggestions, but I do have my mind set on some things. Thanks for reading! Oh, and I know this was short and strangely organized, but it's just going to be like that for the prologue.