A/N Okay, this is a slight redo of chapter 12 that I must have lost or something. Anyway, I think it's hilarious! It's not finished, obviously, but it's still really funny!

Firestar nodded as Coalheart and Brightheart explained their ideas. His eyes danced with adventured and, with a worried expression, Cinderpelt drew him off to the side and whispered to him.

Firestar returned with a disappointed look in his eyes, and he called, somewhat half-heartedly,

"Who volunteers to help?" Graystripe smirked from where he sat perched on the pile of fresh-kill. Brackenfur stepped up.

"I am not going to do this!" he announced, smiling bleakly.

"Then I don't care!" Firestar mewed. Coalheart's laugh was transformed into a hacking cough. Mousefur danced around.

"I will do the dirty work! Last time it was really fun!" the clan looked at her. Graystripe stood up.

"If Mousefur is doing this, I am too!" Firestar looked furious and the two warriors flinched under his lava stare. Nobody else stood up so Coalheart, Sorreltail, and Brightheart stood up, grinning sheepishly at their identical thread of thought. Firestar's eyes narrowed and he said flatly,

"Ah, whatever. You guys can organize yourselves! Come on, Thunderclan. Lets go sit like elders at SunningRocks." The clan, who was bewildered at their leaders anger, followed him.

"Who is going to start the line?" asked Graystripe, immediately taking charge.

"What about Firestar?" Brightheart asked, looking scared.

"Oh him. He's just annoyed because Cinderpelt wont let him risk his two remaining lives on dogs." The group of cats fell into amused purrs.

"I want to lead!" Brightheart interrupted their laughter.

A/N Hahahahaha!