A/N: Hi guys! This is my sort of first fanfic. I hope you like it. Disclaimer: I do not own FMA or any of the characters. Though I wish I did.

Sub-A/N: Hey, this putsthesnapinyourblonde's big sister, kikyophobia. Some of you InuYasha fans might have heard of me. Anyway, I'm her editor.

Quiet sobs could be heard through out the funeral. No one had expected the powerful Roy Mustang to have died. His subordinates all stood staring at the Colonel they had loved and followed for all those years; lying in a casket as the pastor continued his sermon. As they all were leaving the church Edward stopped. Havoc turned giving him a questioning look. "You coming chief?" he asked.

"Yeah." Edward said, his gaze lowering. "You go ahead. I'll catch up, I just… forgot something."

All the other subordinates gave him a saddened look. They all knew that he had always admired the colonel. He had always wanted to just like him. They simply nodded and left him alone.

Ed staggered over to the open casket, looking at his colonel. He shook his head. "How could you?" He said, his face hidden behind his bangs. "How could you break your promise? Y-you promised… You promised… You promised that you'd never leave me alone!" Ed sobbed as tears fell from the corners of his eyes. He sat there crying until he remembered something very special resting on his left hand.

A heartbreaking grin found its way to his face. Edward tugged his glove off his hand, his eyes settling on the beautiful diamond ring. He laughed weakly. " Remember when you gave me this? We were both crying. But they weren't tears like this. Those were happy tears. That was when you promised me…" The depressed smile faded, his face taking on a frown the proposal replaying in his mind.


"I'll never leave you alone, Edward. I love you so much… and that's why... I wanted to ask you," Roy got down on one knee. " If you'll marry me?"

Edward nodded, tears running down his cheeks. "Yes, of course I'll marry you Roy."

Roy smiled and placed the ring on his love's finger.

Edward laughed. "It's a good thing I lost the right arm instead of the left, huh? 'Cause a ring on an auto-mail finger would just look weird."

End Flashback

"I guess there's only one decision I can make" Edward murmured. " I know it's stupid… but… I'll make it work this time. I'll bring you back Roy… no matter what."


Edward let a feeble sigh escape him. It had been two weeks since Roy passed away, though it still felt like it happened yesterday. Tears and a weary expression seemed to linger on Ed's face as each day went by. Ironically, He could feel emptiness filling his fragile soul. Everyday without Roy was like a never-ending drought; everything that once made life beautiful began to shrivel up and die away.

I woke up at 5 a.m.
Hearing your voice again
But it was just the TV
Coming from the other room

Your half empty coffee cup
Is sitting right where it was
I almost moved it last night
But it didn't feel right
It's too soon, it's too soon
It still feels like

You were just here
You were just holding me
I was alright
I never would have believed
That you'd go away
That you could just disappear
When you were just here

Ed rolled over inhaling the sweet sent of the comforter he had sprawled out across. He smiled gently. This is where he felt closest to Roy, and where he and Roy were closest. Edward glanced down at his hand, watching his fingers caress his engagement ring. It was interesting that something that was worth so much was completely useless without the person who gave it to you.

The calendar on the wall
Doesn't miss you at all
It still says you'll be there
With us all on christmas eve

The picture you hung last month
Keeps staring back at me
There we are still laughin'
Like nothin' ever happened
I still feel you in the air
It's not fair, it's not fair

Edward slapped the pillow on his face, letting the fabric soak up his tears. Only a knock at the door kept him from breaking into violent sobs. Edward staggered down the stairs and slowly opened the door revealing a very worried looking Alphonse. (A/N: BTW, they both have their original bodies back. Don't ask how, it's not important.) A saddened smile graced Edward's face as he ushered his brother in.

I reach out and you're not there
But I still feel you everywhere
No matter how much I try
Or how hard I cry
It still feels like

You were just here
You were just holding me
I was alright
I never would have believed
That you'd go away
That you could just disappear
When you were just here

There was a long moment of silence between the two. Only the sound of the clock ticking and the occasional sigh was heard. Alphonse broke the silence. "Brother…I know you're depressed…but you just need to move on."

"I can't." Edward replied sternly.

"Why not!" Al questioned, abruptly standing up. "You can stay sad for longer than this, that's fine, but you'll have to get over it eventually! You should move out of this house. If you stay here, your memories of Mustang will only continue to haunt you! You can live with me, just like old times."

Edward stared at his brother sadly. The tears that threatened to fall on the bridges of his eyes. "Al… I won't. If I left…that'd be like…throwing away every memory Roy and I ever made in this house. I don't want to leave. I can't." He raised his voice angrily. "If that's all you came to say then leave!"


"No, Al! Just shut up! I don't want to hear it, especially not from my little brother! I thought you'd understand. You're the only one who knew about Roy and I! Now get out!"

Al's brows furrowed and he raised his hand and slapped Edward hard across the left cheek. "Edward, Roy is dead! And moping about isn't going to change anything!" Alphonse screamed. "You know good and well he won't come back, that the flow of the world only goes one way. When they die, they die, and you need to learn how to accept that, brother! What would teacher think if she saw you now? What would mom think?"

Another overwhelming silence cloaked the room. It seemed as though the world had stopped. Ed's left cheek shone a bright pink and stung his face. Al's expression softened.

Edward looked at Alphonse helplessly. "Al, I'm sorry. I don't know what to do. I'm nothing without him. Roy…I loved him… So much, and still do." He fell to his knees burying his face in his hands, hiding his tears. "He…was my…everything," he sobbed.

"Brother." Al said, kneeling beside his brother. His eyes traveled over to Ed's arms, a glare forming quickly on his features. "Brother." Edward looked away, hiding his face behind his golden bangs. He whimpered helplessly when Al grabbed his arm. "Ed, you've been cutting yourself!"

"Let go! It hurts!" Ed pleaded struggling to get away from his brother. "Stop it, Al! Let me go!"

Alphonse squeezed Edward's arm. "Brother, don't you ever cut yourself again! If you do, I'll drag you out of here immediately! Do you understand me!" Ed stared in awe at his brother's forcefulness, nodding slowly. Al let go of Edward's arm and stood up. "Good. Now, I'm heading out to Resembool to visit Winry and Aunt Pinako, okay?" Alphonse opened the front door. "Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." With that Alphonse left, the door softly clicking behind him.

Edward sat alone in the dark that night. He looked at the ceiling sorrowfully. "I'm sorry…Al. But, I have to."


Golden eyes scanned over the large transmutation circle on the floor of the basement. "Almost perfect." Edward then made a couple adjustments to the circle, giving it one last check before sitting back down and opening his alchemy book, reading over the ingredients of the average adult human body. " Water: 35 liters. Carbon: 20 kilograms. Ammonia: 4 liters. Lime: 1.5 kilograms. Phosphorus: 800 grams. Salt: 250 grams. Saltpeter: 100 grams. Sulfur: 80 grams. Fluorine: 7.5. Iron: 5. Silicon: 3 grams. And, trace amounts of fifteen other elements. That's everything." He murmured. "Perfect. You ready to come back, Roy?"

Ed placed his hands on the circle, causing it to glow with a golden light. Everything was going perfectly. But then, it all took a turn for the worst. The yellow glow that was once there vanished. Shifting into an ominous violet beam as lengthy black arms starched out, taking hold of Edward's right arm and shredding it from his body.

A scream echoed through the night to uncaring ears. Blood was scattered throughout the basement. "No! This isn't what I wanted!" Edward cried. "Not again! Damn it! It took my arm!" He tightly held the bloody stub that was now his shoulder.

A light choking sound caught his attention. When he looked up, his amber eyes widened with fear. Edward let out another pain filled scream. He scrambled towards the stairs hastily, the 'thing', whatever it was, was slowly crawling after him.

Its arm stuck out of the back of its neck and grabbed Edward's leg. Ed shook his leg furiously, screaming as tears stained his cheeks. "No! Let me go! Please!" He finally shook his leg free and crawled out of the basement quickly.

It cried. The creature sprawled out on the bloody floor, screeching, and inhaling choking gasps as if calling for Ed. It crawled over to the wall and edged out of a large hole, which had been destroyed during the transmutation, into the rainy night.

A young woman walked along the sidewalks of Central. After hearing of the colonel's death she had a feeling that the boy would make the same mistake again. She stepped carelessly into the yard as the monstrosity crawled out of the house. She looked at the creature on the ground. "I see," she said calmly. "So, he's done it again has he? I saw this coming. That boy will never learn." She reached her hand out to the monster offering it small red stones. "Here, eat this."


Alphonse sat quietly I the backseat of the car. He was coming back from Resembool to check up on his brother second lieutenant Havoc had generously offered him a ride. "Um…Havoc?" Al asked. "Has my brother been acting any happier since I left?"

Havoc glanced at him in the rear-view mirror. "Look, I don't know what's wrong with your brother." He sighed. "But, be has been acting a bit…crazy."


"He always has a hopeful smile. But, his eyes…they hold so much sadness. Why's he so upset? I would say that he's sad about the Colonel, but they hated each other, so that's out of the question." They pulled up in the front of an apartment building. "Here you go."

"Thanks Havoc."

Once Al was sure the car was gone, he ran toward the Mustang estate. 'Brother, you better not have done anything stupid!' he thought.

Alphonse burst into the house to hear a light whimpering sound coming from the kitchen. He scurried in, greeted by the sight of his older brother leaning against a wall, crying, and hold a bloody shoulder. Al ran to his aid. "Brother!"

"Al?" Ed asked in a hoarse whisper.

"Brother, what happened?"

There it was again, that sad smile. "I really thought I could do it this time. Yet, once again I was blinded by my love."

Alphonse stared in horror. "Brother…you didn't…you didn't try to bring Roy back, did you?" When he received no reply he called the ambulance and they took Ed to the hospital.


"Envy," a woman called.

"What" Envy asked with a sigh, his emerald hair turning along with his head.

"We have a new comer," she said, stepping aside, revealing the wet, now human looking creature. A wide smirk spread across Envy's face and a chuckle escaped his lips when he saw his new ally.

"So, who's this?" Envy questioned kneeling before it.

The homunculus looked at Envy, its dark eyes gleaming as water dripped of its dark hair. It spoke in a soft, confused voice. "Who…am I? That boy…"

The woman cupped his chin in her hand. "Shhh, don't try to remember." She turned her attention t Envy. "Envy, you will take care of him."

"Envy?" the homunculus asked.

The woman looked back at him. "Yes. That's very good…Lust."


A/N: Ok, how was it? No flames please. Keep in mind that this is my first one. Please review. Thank you.

Sub-A/N: Hey everyone, it's kikyophobia! I hope you enjoyed my little sister's story. She worked hard, so be nice. Oh, and have a nice day.