Disclaimer: Naruto and all of its characters aren't mine
Credits go to my brain! and also to Mizuumi and Aoi for helping me by giving me a bunch of ideas… and lastly to some part of my brain which made me remember something which gave me the idea for this plot!
Lastly, PLEASE REVIEW! it would my self-esteem some good.
Note: the 'doki doki' is supposed to be a heartbeat
Ignorant Lover – Chapter 1
It's winter, there isn't any school today, on the TV was mostly news or even some boring cartoons.
'I guess I'll go take a walk… It's so boring here'
I got up from the couch and took my jacket from the coat rack and left.
The snow wasn't that deep, so it was easy to walk in it. A rain of snow was steadily falling from the sky onto my palm. My hands were getting cold. You see, I forgot to put on my gloves. I just put my hands in my pocket to keep them warm.
I continued walking through the area. I stopped and looked back after hearing someone call out my name.
It was Naruto, a friend of mine since a long time ago, also a classmate of mine. He had his arm raised and waving at me as he was running in my direction. I also put my arm up to give him a wave. When he got in front of me, he stopped and he was panting.
'Hey Sasuke! What're you doing out today?'
'Might I ask you the same question?'
'Hehehe… I guess I was bored with nothing to do at home. You?'
Naruto looked up and looked at me in the eyes with a smile on his face. I felt blood rushing to face face.
'doki doki'
'What's this? My heart's beating fast… it's going 'dokidoki'… why?'
'Ne, Sasuke-kun… why's your face all red?'
When I got my head straight again I saw Naruto pointing at me. I shaked my head a bit and got my brain working again.
'What? It's red?'
'Yeah Sasuke, it's very red! You're like a tomato! SASUKE TOMATO!'
Naruto then started laughing his head off. He was going 'SASUKE TOMATO!' again and again. The sound of his laughter… It makes me feel… strange.
'doki doki'
'There it goes again…'
It seemed that Naruto had stopped laughing. And he looked at me again and smiled.
'His…smile… so cute…'
'doki doki'
What's wrong with me? It's going 'dokidoki' again!'
'Ne, Sasuke, let's go eat! I'm hungry!'
'What? Eat? Bu—'
'See! You're hungry too! Your tummy's making noises already so let's go!'
'Alright then, whatever'
We were in a fast food joint eating miso ramen. There weren't that many people today due to the snow. I was watching Naruto eat his ramen since I already finished mine.
'Sasuke, you're done already? You sure eat fast!'
I could see the surprise in his face. He just couldn't believe it so it seems.
'Yeah I'm done already.'
'Hmm… Maybe you just threw it in the trash… or maybe you gave it to a cat!'
'Of course I didn't! That'd be a waste of money. Why would I do that anyway?'
'I guess you have a point.'
I was just observing Naruto as I was waiting for him to finish his food. I was having that strange feeling again. It wasn't there before I met up with Naruto. Come to think of it, everytime I'm with Naruto… I start feeling weird.
'doki doki'
I put my hand on my chest and felt my heart beat. It was beating loud and fast.
'Why? Why's it beating so fast… why?'
I feels weird. My heart was beating so fast without a reason. I don't know what's going on. It's just that… It feels strange…
'Hey Sasuke-kuuuuuun, I'm done already.'
I was put out of deep thought as I heard his voice calling me. My head moved quickly and I looked at Naruto.
'Huh? Oh sorry, what did you say?'
'I said I was done. So let's go already'
'Sure sure'
We both got up and Naruto's foot got caught on the table's leg and tripped forward.
I moved forward and caught him before he hit the ground. He looked up at me and smiled.
'So… cute…'
'Thanks Sasuke.'
'Uhm… No problem…'
He smiled at me again. After some while, he started poking my chest.'
'Hey… Can you let go of me already?'
'Uh… sorry about that'
I let go of him just as he said. He smiled at me still.
'Hey Sasuke, let's go.'
He grabbed my arm and pulled me outside. He was dragging me somewhere, but I don't know where.
'Hey Naruto, where are we goin'?'
'We're going to my house! It's getting cold already, since yours is farther from here, we'll go to mine.
'To… his house…?'
My heart was beating fast again and my blood was rush through my veins fast.
'doki doki'
As we were running to his house, Naruto looked back at me for a moment and we stopped.
'Why's your face all red again?'
More blood rushed to my face again. I was feeling uneasy around him. A strange feeling considering we've been friends since the 2nd grade.
'I-I-It's nothing…'
'We should hurry home then. You might be sick or sumthin.'
As we were walking to his house, that strange, uneasy feeling didn't leave me.
'I don't get it… Why am I so uneasy around him? Why am I blushing when he gets near me or when he's concerned for me? Why's my heart beating so fast when I'm around him? I-I-It can't be what I think it is… It's just not possible…'
We finally got to the front of his house, and Naruto unlocked the door and went inside.
'Hey Sasuke! Come in already! You might catch a cold.'
'doki doki'
My heart was beating fast again. Was I nervous? It's this uneasy feeling again. I stepped inside. Unknowing of what the reason behind the 'doki doki' thing is. I just went in.
'I'll start the fire. You just sit there, I'm going to make us some hot chocolate.'
I sat down on the mat and made myself warm under by the fire place.
'Naruto… Why can't he leave my mind. He's always there… I really didn't want to think… But… could it be that… I-I'm in love? It can't be… How can I fall in love? It's Naruto, he's just a close friend of mine… No more than that…'
I never thought that it could really be true. It just wasn't possible. If I really did fall in love then I should've realized it a long time ago.
'Why… There are a lot of girls who've confessed to me, but I never took a liking to any of them. And now, of all the people… Naruto…'
After some time, Naruto came back, bearing a tray with two cups of hot chocolate. He was running hurriedly toward the table that the cups were wobbling at his every step.
'Be careful with that Naruto.'
'Yeah yeah!'
He laid the tray down on the table and took a cup and gave it to me.
'Here, it'll make you feel better.'
His concern was just... strange... I feel happy around him... in his every act of concern toward me, I can't help it but just be glad.
When I accepted the cup, he gave me another smile. A smile so sweet you can't imagine. As I was drinking, I was thinking of the strange feeling.
'I find it strange... I guess it really must be love. I enjoy his company, I'm always happy in his presence, and this strange feeling, aslo the rapid heartbeat and the blushing because of him... I really is love.'
'Naruto... I... uhm... nevermind...'
'What is it?'
I couldn't tell him know. I can't... I don't know how he would respond to what I say. How would I know... I'm afraid of how he would react when I tell him...
'It's nothing... don't mind it. I'd best be going now.'
I was about to leave until someone pulled on my jacket. I turned my head to see. It was Naruto. He looked sad and concerned.
'Sasuke... Are you feeling any better yet? If not you can stay here!'
I can sense his concern for me. He thought that I was sick or something. I guess I should reassure him that I'm fine.
'I'm alright Naruto... I'm fine.'
'I'm glad'
He looked up to my face and his face painted another smile. A smile that shows his relief along with his joy. He then let go of my jacket, and I went off. I closed the door behind me. I slowly walked away in thought.
'I've realized now that I love him... But how? How would I let him know how I really feel about him?'
A/N: ok… there… that's done… to be continued…later on… in the future… once I get a few reviews and a bunch of ideas.