Sasuke II

I want to make one thing


Before I let any where near the rest of my

… thoughts

And that is

That I did not kiss Naruto

No matter what Itachi says

No matter what Naruto believes

No matter how much Gaara glares

I didn't.

Because one minute we're

In Science class

And the next minute

That idiot's all over me.

And sure, I should have pushed him off

Or struggled a bit

But I didn't


I just stood there.

Not pushing him away.

But not kissing him either.

Within hours everyone knows.

Within minutes I'm read to die of embarrassment

By today I was ready to run away to join the circus.

But instead Itachi hauls me out of bed

"Stupid little brother."

And sends me on my way.

Naruto's door is still closed as I leave

And I assume he's either




That lucky bastard.

That women

The one whose house we live in

Glares at me as I leave

And I wonder for the millionth time

How much she knows.

But flash forward to now

Sitting in a calculus class,

Ignoring the teacher

Ignoring the students

Ignoring the world.

Last period

Seeing Naruto



And now I wish

I had said



To him.

A little more

Then the customary


When he turned to me

Eyes blue and beseeching.

And I know he's as confused as me

Maybe a little more

Maybe a little less

But I don't have any


That he thinks I have.

The world spins on

The teachers teach on

Naruto and I continue on

Without answers

And I didn't kiss him back.

Not even a little bit.

Not because I didn't want to.

I just didn't.


End Chapter 6

A/N: ::ducks flying objects:: I am so sorry! I realize I haven't updated in… well, forever. Real life decided to start kicking my ass and I drop out of fandom for an awhile. But I'm back! I don't know how often I'll be updating but I promise it won't be another two years!

Reviews always help the process. Just a little hit. : )