I didn't mean to kiss him

Ok that's a lie

I did mean to

Its all I've wanted

The next morning he, not he, tramped into my bedroom at 5 am

"We're going out"

No time to rub sleep out off my eyes

No reasoning with Gaara at this ungodly hour

He was most likely awake all night anyways

I don't want to!

"Shut up. Just hurry up."

Yes mother

"Bite me"

An orange t-shirt and the same jeans as yesterday

Decorate my body, taking the soft glow

Replace it with invisibility in the sea of normal

Gaara is his own ocean in his black

But that's not on my mind

It's his face

I'm ready

"Then shut up and lets go."

Then lead the way

That earns me a sharp glare and allows a smirk to form

I don't know where we are going, no point in questioning

No pointing wasting the effort dragging

My mind away from him

If I whine enough, maybe Gaara will let me turn around

Go back to sleep,

Back to my …ahem… dreams

Where are we going?

Both Gaara and I are surprised by the

Grey weariness that laces my tone

Like a drug, or a snake

Gaara shrugs it off

He doesn't ask what I'm thinking

Or why I blush when he walks by

Just like I don't ask him

Where his bruises come from

Or why I've only been to his house a handful of times

In the nine years we've been friends

"Movie, mall, I don't care, just out…"

Very unlike Gaara

Gaara Antisocial

Gaara + Mall + Pyrolike tendencies Not a good idea

And I'm not even good at math

Or we could go to school like we're suppose to on a Tuesday morning

See, I can be smart when I want to

Gaara blinks like the thought never occurred to him


And the beast is reasoned with

Praise me, I have mad skills

Maybe he will be at school today

He seems like the kind of person who actually goes to school

Not like Gaara

Not like me

Or that one kid who we know

Never caught his name ….


End Chapter One

Ok, let me explain myself. Ahem. I love poetry and I love stories written in a long poem. So I was reading all the High School AU Naruto fic and was all like "Hm…." And this fic was born. I like to think this is an original idea but I don't know if any other authors have written anything like this. Sorry if you/they have, I didn't steal your idea I was merely trying to write a fic that popped out of my head. Don't Blame me, blame the inspiring shampoo bottle. Sankyuu and good night. Please Review, I will try and update.