Title: The World is Black

Summary: Jack is the main character. its an angsty telling of Jack's past and present. bad at summaries. It's older. And its Jakrai. rated M

The last chapter...

Disclamer: I don't own Xiaolin Showdown

Chapter 9- The Final Goodbye

Jack was again cold and starving. He hadn't given him anything to eat in a few days. This time he was outside locked up in the dog kennel in the dead of winter. Of course they had no dog, and never had. He purchased this cage just for him. And now he was cold and frozen to the bone starving and shivering to death. Large bruises and new lacerations covered his body from their last encounter. Jack looked a particularly long one his left arm. It looked it was starting to get infected. That happened from time to time. He did nothing about it and eventually he'd be able to spray disinfectant or other things on it and it would go away. He was always so surprised his body was so immune that it didn't spread or anything. Jack never felt it lucky... he wished it would kill him. But no, he remained living.

He heard a noise like the snarling of a dog and lazily stared up and at the door to cage. Jack's heart jump and he swore he was going to die right then and there. There He was staring back at him. When had He come?

"Lazy, bitch, take you long enough!" He growled, "I've got a surprise for you."

And yanked the chain so that the dog was very close to the cage.

This dog was no ordinary dog it was big, black, and ferocious looking. It wore a muzzle and was practically foaming at the mouth. Jack instantly knew that dog was going to tear him apart. Or at least bite him, A LOT.

He opened the cage and took the muzzle off the mutt and shoved it into the cage and locked the door behind him. He laughed and watched in satisfaction as the dog attacked Jack and bit him repeatedly. His life blood seeped through the wounds and onto the ground… After what seemed to be a life time, the dog had stopped, probably got bored with its new chew toy.

Jack woke up to a bright new day. Not, he thought to himself and sat up. To his right he noticed a white envelope with his name on it. He immediately recognized the hand writing. It was His.

Jack was dizzy with rage as he approached his house. Why did his dad take Raimundo? The answer he didn't want to think about. To kill him, and to lure Jack to Him, Jack thought bitterly, so much for not wanting to think about it. He had taken the Shroud of Shadows from the vault. Jack was sorry he stole from the monks after they had treated him so well, but he had too. In his room lie the gun and he needed to get that gun before he had any confrontations with Him. He only wished to god that He hadn't killed Raimundo yet.

As he crossed the house and into his room, his mind played over images of the things He had done to him, only it wasn't him being tortured it was Raimundo. This only fueled his anger and he whipped into his room and pulled out the gun from where he'd stashed it all those years ago.

It was time to finish this once and for all. After that he knew exactly where to find Him; in his room. They had to be in there.

Jack removed the Shroud of Shadows, and then thought better of it. If he could sneak up on Him it would be better.

He was now at the door. Jack audibly gulped as he slowly reached for the handle and even more slowly turned it. With the door opened he crossed into the room. There was nothing visible in the main part of it so he went into the closet. In the middle of the large closet was Raimundo and a pool of blood. Jack screamed and ran over to him shouting his name. But it was too late He had shot him and the blood was everywhere. He had never thought he could be so enraged as he was right now.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS! YOU'LL PAY! I SWEAR YOU'LL PAY! YOU'LL PAY FOR EVERYTHING!" he shouted at the top of his lungs not caring if he heard this.

Completely lost he latched onto Rai's body. He cradle him in his arms and left the room. There was no way he'd leave Rai in there to rot. Carrying Rai's body he ran around the house like a wolf hunts it's prey. Jack crossed the front room and gasped. There He was in the front room and He had Kimiko. She was unconscious as he held her up by the collar of her shirt. He laughed as held a gun to her head.

"How sentimental, Jack," He sneered, clutching the gun to Kimiko's head. "You ready for number two?"

Jack gently put the Brazilian down before facing Him.

"Leave her out of this," Jack said coldly, raising his own gun so it was aimed at His head.

"I see you found that thing, I guess you're more better at hiding things than I thought. I looked for it and couldn't find it. I assumed you got rid of it," He stated, the corner of his lips curling into an evil grin.

"I'm gonna blow your head off," Jack snarled, and cocked the barrel, "you've done too much to me and killed the people I loved!"

"Awww, that's so sad," He laughed sarcastically, and nudged the gun at Kimiko's head, "Should I do away with this one too?"

"Don't you dare!" Jack shouted and pulled down his goggles over his crimson eyes, he meant business.

"You're already going to kill me might as well take down as many of your friends as possible first," He laughed and pulled the trigger, blowing Kimiko's brains out.

The sound of the blast, the sight of Kimiko's blood made Jack snap.

Jack growled and pulled the trigger to his own gun, splattering His brains all over the floor. It was over. Jack dropped to the ground and started crying. He sat there and cried for a good long time. Everyone was dead now. Well, not everyone exactly... There was still him.

Getting up, Jack walked over to Rai's lifeless body. Getting down on his knees, Jack grabbed Rai's cold hand in his own. He clutched the gun in his other hand, closed his eyes, and brought it to his temple. Jack counted to three and on three he pulled the trigger.

End of Fic.

Well, that's the end... or not... I wrote something else for the end of this... it's called, 'In the End' and it's goes on after this, the main character is CB. It's his thoughts and some happenings after this. It's really good, go check it out and review, please!