A/N: So, I know it's been a long time since I've updated, so I'm not going to delay this anymore by a long rambling A/N.. Just have in mind that this was quickly edited cause I wanted to get it up, I might come back and fix it later, but for now this is how it is. Check my site for more info on when you can be expecting updates and such.

Thanks to the following for your reviews: Unawokendream, Trory, princetongirl, eternalgorithm, just call me fred, LoVe23, Silver of Melody, photoboothromance, nemo123489, TVHollywoodDiva, mrmp, Joise.

Disclaimer: Still don't own them.

Chapter 5

They had been driving for what seemed like forever when in reality it has only been less than a couple of hours. After they started their drive Rory filled Steph in with more details about the previous night, including who her new husband to be was, at which Steph looked shocked and let out a low whistle. Apparently Steph knew Tristan from the early days growing up in society.

After Steph was all filled in Rory was gradually getting more and more bored because Steph thought that it would be a good idea to take Finn's Escalade since both of their cars were too small to carry the massive amounts of bags they were planning on collecting throughout the day, and well Finn had strange taste in music, and nothing to keep Rory occupied. So there she sat in Finn's car in silence, because listening to the CDs Finn kept in his car was painful, and radio stations these days sucked, so all that Rory had to keep her busy was to bug Steph about where they were headed.

Rory let out a sign, and leaned back further into her seat.

"Just chill Ror, we're almost there, I promise. And this time I'm not just saying that to keep you quite." Steph said as she flashed Rory a smile.

"I don't understand why you couldn't just tell me where we're going. I mean when we said shopping I thought that we'd be shopping in New Haven, hell even Hartford, but we've been in the car for 2 freakin hours and you keep saying that we're almost…"

The car past a 'Welcome to Boston' sign, and Rory shot Steph a look, even though Steph couldn't see her because she was concentrating on the road.

"Boston. You brought me to Boston? Why the hell would you drive us all the way to Boston just to do some shopping?" Her voice rising slightly as she spoke.

"Well I thought that along with the shopping that we are going to partake in today, we should add in a few spa treatments and well, the only place I trust with my nails is this place in Boston. Also I figured if we have time we could go and walk around the Harvard campus, maybe end up at the Pub and make some gorgeous Harvard men want us, even though they can't have us, because we're both taken women." Steph said with a smirk. "But from the sounds of it, there is some deeper meaning on why you don't want to be here."

Rory let out another sigh, "It's just that my dad lives in Boston, and well I really don't want to think about what's happening in my life right now… but this day sounds like fun, so lets do it! The spa actually sounds amazing."

Steph let out a cheer, and a huge smile spread on her face "I knew you'd like it, you'll see we're going to have lots of fun!"


Rory and Steph had been walking around for about an hour and they already had more bags that they could carry. And although they had taken the boys credit cards on the way out of the apartment Rory realized that she had the 'emergency only' credit card her grandparents had given her. Well according to Rory this was classified as an emergency. "We should've gone to Harvard first then we could've gotten those hot guys we were talking about to follow us to the mall and carry our bags." Steph said as she adjusted her multiple bags once again.

"Why don't we go and sit down on that bench over there for a few minutes, give our arms a rest" Rory suggested, wanting nothing more than to just stop and sit down in the middle of the mall, but a bench sounded so much better.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, I'm already tired. We should leave here soon and head for the spa because I don't know about you, but I am so looking forward to those massages I booked us."

Rory nodded as she plopped herself down onto the bench, dropping her bags in the process. Steph followed but quickly jumped up again.

"I just spotted some cute guys that I think would be excellent bag carriers. I'll be back in a sec."

Again, Rory just nodded, she wasn't going to move so Steph could handle this one on her own. Just then her cell rang; pulling it out of her purse she answered it without checking the caller id.


"Hey Ace."


Tristan couldn't believe he had been dragged to the mall. He hated the mall. It was just a big waste of space filled with superficial blondes with their daddy's American Express platinum cards, just shopping their lives away, cause god forbid they actually do something with their lives instead of just becoming someone's trophy wife.

Okay, so he was feeling bitter today, but when Alex had dragged him out of their apartment earlier he thought that they were going to a local coffee shop for breakfast or something, not to the mall. But apparently it was Alex mothers' birthday and he had to get her a gift. Tristan didn't fully believe him, but he had tried to argue his way out of it, and had lost.

Alex was looking into the window of some small jewelry store, which just reminded Tristan of what had happened the night before, so he decided to head over to the food court and grab a coffee.

By the time that Tristan got back from getting his coffee Alex was talking and laughing with a blonde girl who was bouncing around. When he reached the couple, both of them stopped laughing and looked at him.

"Hey dude, this is Steph, she and her friend were wondering if we'd like to go to the pub with them later…you in? Alex said turning his attention to Tristan.

"I don't know, I'm not really in the mood." Tristan explained, not recognizing Steph.

Alex nodded at this. He then turned to Steph who was looking at Tristan somewhat shocked, and he swore he could hear her curse under her breath. Alex didn't think anything of it; just probably that Tristan was stealing the spot light yet again.

"Hey could you just give us a second?" Alex asked Steph. She just nodded as the two guys turned around and walked out of ear shot.

When the guys were out of ear shot, Alex started in on Tristan. "Dud I know that you're still upset over what happened last night. But dude she's hot and can talk without saying 'like' every other word. Please do this for me."

Tristan sighed. He knew that Alex put up with a lot of his shit, so he nodded while speaking "Ya, alright, for a little bit I guess."

Alex smiled as they turned back towards Steph who was looking at a brunette sitting on a bench talking on her cell, her head down.

"So good news, we will be joining you today! Ready to go?" Again Steph just nodded, but gave Alex a small smile as they started to walk towards Rory.


Steph walked up to the two cute boys she has spotted from the bench, but just as she approached them the blonde one walked away. Oh well, she thought, she worked better one-on-one anyways. The man in question was looking at a beautiful crystal sculpture in the window of a jewelery store. This was almost too perfect of an opening.

"Wow, your girlfriend is one lucky lady. She'll be happy to know that her boyfriend has such good taste." Steph said as she went and stood next to Alex.

"Nah, no girlfriend... my friend was all depressed, moping around our appartment so I told him that I need a gift for my mothers birthday, but that was just a lie ." Alex replied as he turned his attention towards Steph.

Steph smiled "Ah, so you're a liar... I don't know if I should be talking to you then."

"Oh you don't have to worry, I wouldn't lie to such a pretty girl. I'm Alex." Alex said as he stuck out his hand for Steph to shake.

Steph shook his hand, "I'm Stephanie. You had a blonde with you, did you not? Cause if yes, then I have a firend over there," Steph pointed toward Rory, "and we were admiring from afar, then we thought 'Hey why don't we see if they want to join us at the Harvard Pub for lunch.'"

Alex smirked "You mean that you want us to carry your shopping bags, then if we succeed in doing that then we'll be repaid by being allowed to buy you lunch at the pub."

Steph let out a laugh "Exactly!"

Alex laughed with her, just as another person joined them. Tristan was standing there looking at the couple. Just then Steph placed him in her mind and stared at him shocked. Shit, Rory was going to kill her. By the time she zoned back in on the conversation, Alex was telling her that they were joing her, and they were headed towards Rory.


Just as Steph and the boys were approaching Rory she snapped her phone shut. Steph knew something was wrong, because as long as she had known Rory, Rory never just cut off a conversation unless she was really upset at the person on the other line.

Rory lift her head and looked at Steph. Steph was about to ask Rory was going on but was stopped when Rory gave her a look that said don't even go there and Steph just nodded in understanding before introducing everyone.

"Rory, this is Alex and you already know Tristan. Alex this is Rory."

Rory gave Alex a small smile, before turning her attention towards Tristan, who was just standing there, head down, with his hands in pockets.

"Hey Tristan." Rory spoke to him as she rose from her seat. He looked up at her with shock apparent on his face, obviously not expecting her to acknowledge him.

"Hey Rory." He replied, his eyes locking with hers briefly before he returned his gaze downward.

Alex looked between the two not sure what to make of the situation in front of him. The air around them seemed to have gotten tense, so he decided to intervene.

"Well now that we all know each other, how bout we head out and go get some lunch, 'cause I don't know about you, but I'm so hungry I could eat a horse."

Everyone gave a small smile at that, and it was all that was needed to get the group of them moving. Steph and Alex took care of most of the bags and started walking towards the exit, leaving Tristan and Rory to follow.

-- --

So how was it? Push that pretty go button and send me a review and let me know what you think.

Be on the look out for a new chapter soon, I'm on a roll with my writing so hopefully won't take me too long to get out the next part.

Also, I'm looking for a beta.. anyone interested just drop me a line or add me on msn: victaurus(underscore)hotmail(dot)com