A/N: Well here is a new idea from my pretty blonde head. This is my first Trory, so be kind. Also I'm in a weird mood, so if this seems kinda weird let me know and I'll rewrite it. (Part of this mood has to do with listening to Prozzak… Anyone remember that band from like years ago? Anyhoo yes I've started listening to them again, haha!) Also my new system is to try and update every Tuesday this goes for all of my stories until they are finished. Look at my blog for more details. Ok so please Read and Review.

Disclaimer: don't own the Gilmore Girls characters or the idea… My birthday is coming up though and I wouldn't mind getting Matt Czuchry or Milo Ventimiglia or hell both would do, as gifts ;)

History: Ok here is some history that you need to know before reading. Rory never dropped out of Yale. She moved in with Logan for her third year, and his last. They never broke up when Jess came to visit, oh and Chris is paying for Yale, but the Grandparents still insist on Friday night dinners. Rory will be slightly OOC for this story, so please don't complain about it…

Get Ready For Change

Rory was once again getting ready for her weekly Friday night dinners. During this time she was really starting to regret the fact that she had been the one to reinstate them after they had just gotten out of them after Chilton. The only conclusion she could come to was that her mother had drugged her coffee that morning. Yep that had to be it. Well the fact that Yale wasn't free might've had something to do with it at the beginning, also. But her grandparents weren't even paying for Yale anymore, yet they still insisted on these damn dinners.

She was just putting the finishing touches on her barely-there make up when her cell started to ring. She didn't know who would be calling her. Logan was in London again, and she had already talked to him earlier that day. She looked at the caller ID and was shocked to see her mothers' number on the screen. She was going to be seeing her in a half hour, why would she be calling? Only one way to find out.

"Hello" Rory said as she started to put some things into a small purse.

"Hey babe, what's up?"

"Just getting ready to go to the grandparents. Not that I don't love talking to you mom, but is there a reason that you called?"

"Blasphemy! Now I need a reason to call my own daughter! What is the world coming to!" Lorelai said with sarcasm sodden from every word.

"Well when I'm going to see you in like 30 minutes, yes you should have a reason" Rory said as she shut the door behind her and locked it.

"Well your right I do have a reason." Lorelai said then paused.

"Okay then, are you going to share what this reason is with me?"

"Well…. I don't know if I really want to share what it is" Lorelai said teasingly.

"Mom" Rory said warningly. At this point was getting into her car but waiting for Lorelai to finish.

"Okay, okay, well it seems the Gilmore's are up to something. There's a car in the driveway, and it doesn't look familiar."

Rory had decided to start driving upon hearing this. She really didn't want to get a lecture from her grandmother about being late when they had guests. Even though the guest part was new news, it didn't matter to Emily Gilmore. "Well ok then, I'm on my way, so why don't you go inside and see who our mystery guest or guests are?"

"Do I have to? I mean I can just wait here for you to get here!"

"Mom, just go, then you can call me and let me know who it is"

"Pfffffff fine! Just because I love you I am willing to go in and risk my sanity"

"Love you too mom, bye!" With that Rory hung up and turned up her radio for the rest of the trip to Hartford.


Rory arrived at the Gilmore mansion just over a half an hour later. Traffic had been a pain tonight. Lorelai had called and told her that the guests were the DuGreys, and that she should be cautious because Emily had a look about her that was just sending an off vibe. DuGrey now that was name that sounded familiar but why?

Rory walked up to the door and rang the bell, only to come face to face with a terrified looking maid. Typical was the only word that Rory could think of to describe the situation. Rory gave her coat to the maid and made her way into the parlor. She scanned the room seeing two people that she didn't know and her grandparents, who both seemed rather happy about something, and lastly her mother who seemed pissed about something.

"Hi, Grandma, Grandpa." Rory said kissing Emily's cheek and giving Richard a hug

"Rory good to see you" said Emily. "These are our friends Stephan and Joanna DuGrey." They look familiar. Maybe I've met them before but I can't remember the meeting thought Rory.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. And Mrs. DuGrey." Rory said in the society voice she had perfected over the years. Rory then went and took a seat next to her mother on the couch across from the DuGreys.

"Likewise Rory" replied Mr. DuGrey.

Her grandparents and the DuGreys started to talk among themselves the women looking almost too happy. Rory took this time to find out what was going on with her mother.

"Hey mom, what's up? You look upset." Rory said stating the obvious.

"Oh trust me you'll be looking just upset as I am any minute now," Lorelai replied with the venom dripping from every word.

"Mom, what do you," Rory was cut off by the arrival of another person.

"Sorry I'm late everyone, traffic was terrible" said the voice that cut her off.

Rory looked up, she knew that voice, it was the voice of a person she never expected to see again. When her sight reached the speaker her suspicions were confirmed. She hadn't seen the owner of the voice since he had got shipped off to military school four years ago.

Ok so let me know what you like by hitting that pretty go button in the left corner. Should I continue? Let my know!
