Noriykoi: This is the final chapter, I had writer's block for the longest time, and personaly I think I could have wrote a better chapter, but...

Foxfire: She having a mental brake down.

Noriykoi: Dang Right!

Chapter 8

"Oh wait the thirds ones moved. It's a girl." Megumi said .

"Oh freaking goodness." Kaoru said than fainted.

"Triplets. One son two daughters." Kenshin said to himself before fainting him self.

"Well that was unexpected." Megumi said to the air.

Two Months later

"He so adorable Megumi." Kaoru said holding Megumi's newborn son. "I can't wait until these three are born, which should be any day now."

Kaoru was as big as a house in her opinion. Of course Kenshin thought she was the most beautiful woman to walk the earth. "I mean I can't even move any more. I hate being on bed rest it so boring."

Kaoru was about to complain some more to Megumi when a sudden pain hit her. Her water had just broke.

Elsewhere in the Mansion.

Kenshin sat within a meeting of elders. When he herd Kaoru yelling at him. And what she was saying wasn't very pretty.

"KENSHIN, YOU FUCK SON OF A BITCH I'M GOING TO KILL YOU. I'M GOING TO TEAR YOU IN TO PIECES SO SMALL ..." The treat cut off and changed to a scream of pain.

"Excuse me." Kenshin said before rushing to his room.

When Kenshin arrived he herd the cry of a baby, and Megumi telling Kaoru to push.

"I'm fucking trying." Kaoru said. "Next time he's giving birth to triplets..." Another scream of pain, and a baby's cry

"That's number two. Only one more to go. Now push."

A final scream of pain followed by labored breathing, but their was no other baby's cry.

"No, no, no." Kaoru was crying.

He entered the room only to see Kaoru holding a pink bundle, and crying.

"Kaoru, give me the baby." Megumi said trying to get Kaoru to relays the bundle. Megumi layed the pink bundle down to the side before picking up a blue bundle, and handing it to Kenshin.

"Your son, milord."

He held his son while Kaoru held one of their daughters. The only one because her sister was dead. His daughter was dead.

"What are their name Kaoru?"

"Kenji, Sakura, and Yuri."

5 years later.

"Kenji, Sakura, time for cake."

"Yay, cake." Two voices cried out.

Two little bundles of energy both with red hair ran as fast as they could into the mansion. They plowed strait into a amber eyed man they called...

"Daddy, its time fore cake."

"Well than we better you better eat it before uncle Sano decide to eat it." He said

" Hurry Kenji. Don't want uncle Sano to eat." Sakura said to her brother.

"Yeah, ets go stop him."

Kenshin watched them run down the hall.

"Lets go Kaoru before it gets dark."

"Yes, lets."

They walked up to a single grave stone.

It read:

Yuri Himura

born / died April 16th


Kaoru placed flowers upon the grave. She than stood up and turn to Kenshin.

"Lets go."

And they did. They lived contently for the rest of their very long lives.

The End

Noriykoi: I suck I know, but don't kill me I am simply to busy and I'm on writers block. and oh i don't belive i could of wrote a happy ending. Kaoru is a vampire. she never wanted to be so even thought she learned to love kenshin. she still resents him. she also is still heart broken from the death of her child, blame rayvn. i read one her stories and it inspired this ending.

Foxfire: you are going to write a seaqule right?

Noriykoi: I'm sure as hell gonna try bye see ya next fic