Hey, guys! That's me again, Chelsea, the author of 'Calèbeo & Corneliette'. You must have already read it; it is one of the most romantic fics on the site.

Anyway, this is my second story and the first ever My Scene/WITCH crossover. So, if ya need information about My Scene, just E-mail me.

Well, for you just to orient in this story for the first time, here are the names of the main My Scene characters:

-Chelsea Wellhord (that's where I took my nick name)

-Westley Madison Benk

-Barbara (or just Barbie) Bradshaw

-Nolee Ellhart

-Delancey McQueen

-Hudson Brown

I'm thinking to write a sequel in three parts, but later about it. My great pen-pal LoveRose is helping me with this story, so the fame we get will be shared between us two. And in this story all WITCH girls are 16 and are studying in the last school grade. Well, what else can I say? Oh, ya, and I'm gonna make a sequel in two more parts for this story.

Anyway, enjoy

Chapter 1

New York, West Side High

«All right, so the test is over» Mr. Nolan (the Math teacher) put the pile of test sheets he had just collected from the students on his desk. The students looked intense. Westley started to gnaw the tip of her pencil, she was worried that much. «So, as I have already said, » the teacher continued «this test will help you when you pass your university exams, so I hope you all coped with it. In Heatherfield at this moment is being written the same mathematic test, and those of you who get an A on this test will also go to Heatherfield for two weeks to pass another test» the bell went for a break and the students started to put away their things. «I will tell you the details tomorrow» Mr. Nolan cried after the students, but nobody was listening.

«Great! » the old man lowered on his chair «I hope this time those young people will think if only a little about their future and all pass the test»

Math was the last class that day and the students started to leave school. The five girlfriends went outside the school building holding books.

«Yeah, this was a very difficult test! » Chelsea noticed removing the lock of brown hair from her face. The girls nodded.

« Oh my gosh, even I am not sure in anything I wrote! » Nolee sighted.

«Oh! » Westley slapped her forehead. «If even you, the math genius, didn't cope with it, what can be said about me! I will have a C maximum! It's horrible even to think of it! Why did I go shopping yesterday instead of preparing? »

«Calm down, Westley» Chelsea tried to calm her friend «Don't blame you, maybe it's not that bad»

«Aha! » Westley said with a passive face «How could I make it good if I wrote everything on the intuition? Nolan will gloat, he always cavils at me»

«He's not that bad person» Nolee shook her shoulders «He only wants you to work better»

Westley sighted.

«Ok, guys, be more optimistic» Delancey waved her hand. She didn't really care what she would get for the test. «I don't even say about myself. I don't even care what I get, and I probably wrote worse then Westley. So, please, let's stop talking about it all. Anyway, tomorrow we'll know everything and why should we spoil the day with choppiness today? »

«Oh, and just imagine if we all pass it! » Barbie rolled her eyes dreamily «Then we all will go to Heatherfield and find new friends there…»

«And two whole weeks out of school… » Delancey also said dreamily.

«Delancey! » cried all other girls.

«What? » the striped-haired girl looked innocently.

«So, come on, girls. Let's go to the dish, guys must already be there waiting for us» Barbie said.

«Yeah, and tomorrow we'll find out everything » Chelsea said. And the team went away.

That time at Sheffield Institute, Heatherfield

(This piece written with LoveRose's help)

As you know, Will and Cornelia are in separate classes from Irma, Taranee, and Hay Lin. Yet today, the two classes were put together in one big room for something they didn't know about. Of course, Will, Irma, Taranee, Cornelia, and Hay Lin all sat together.

«Alright, students! Listen up, » Mrs. Knickerbocker said. Everyone automatically stopped talking. «At this moment you will take the grand mathematical test that I said in the announcements a week ago. You should be prepared by now » she looked at everyone. The 5 girls shared worried glances.

«Oh man, oh man! I totally forgot! I was too busy with all the stuff» Irma whispered loud enough for her friends to hear.

«And by stuff, you mean eating cookies and watching 'Boy Comet' on TV, right? » Hay Lin giggled softly.

«Duh! » Irma replied.

«And I haven't been able to do anything because of all this guardian stuff and Matt» Will smiled at the thought.

«I didn't study at all; I was too busy with all the other homework things! » Taranee shrieked softly. They all gave her a 'whatever' face. «What? » Taranee asked.

«You always say that, and you ALWAYS pass» Hay Lin replied.

«I do not! » Taranee crossed her arms.

«Fine whatever. I was trying to prepare for it somehow, but now I can't remember a thing! Gosh, I'll have to rely on my intuition one more time» Cornelia frowned.

«We will now distribute the test! Keep in mind that this test will help you for when you go to the university tests» Mrs. Knickerbocker explained.

The tests were given.

«Begin» Mrs. Knickerbocker said. The girls were having a very hard time to do it, but after about an hour, they were finished with the test.

«If you pass, you will be able to meet new people from New York City. They're taking the same test at this moment. So, those students from West Side school, who get an A mark, will come here and will be neighbored with those, who get an A in our school. I will post the results and explain the details tomorrow. Dismissed! » Mrs. Knickerbocker said. The 5 girls already walked out of the classroom.

«I bet you girls 1,000 dollars that Taranee got a B or above» Irma said.

«Yeah» the girls agreed...except Taranee.

«I'm not that smart! I'm sure that I really can fail, oh my gosh! » Taranee complained.

«Right», Hay Lin grinned.

«Fine, don't believe me» Taranee crossed her arms.

«Come on, just don't panic» Cornelia said closing her locker door «My knees are shuddering too; don't think that I'm not worrying. But just image how cool it will be if we pass! »

«If we do pass, I wonder who we're gonna meet» Will said suddenly.

«Yeah, but I doubt I'm gonna pass» Irma responded.

«I'm with Irma, but it would be totally awesome if we all passed and got new buddies from the 'Big Apple'» Hay Lin put her arm around Irma.

«Yeah, totally awesome! I wish I could make neighbors with a girl really similar to me, guys» Cornelia smiled dreamily. «But let's not think about the test results right now in order to keep our nerves» she noticed.

«Corny's right, let's not think about it and get a smoothie or something» Irma smiled.

«Ok, but… stop calling me Corny! » Cornelia stomped.

«Hey, habits are hard to break» Irma responded.

«Let's just go! » Taranee laughed.

And the 5 girls walked to the smoothie place. They didn't suspect yet what a new adventure they will have soon.

The next day at West Side High, New York

The bell rang and the students took their places. Everybody was a bit worried, at least they were going to be said the results of the yesterday's big test.

Mr. Nolan didn't show any emotions though. He was calmly walking around the class, while the worst students were just about to die from impatience of discovering their mark.

Finally, when the silence in the class got unbearably tedious, he started his speech. «Well, the results of the test are… not bad» he said trying to find the right word «I thought you will do it much better, but most people got B marks. Fortunately, there are not many F marks, only from our 'best' students» he made the inverted commas sign with his fingers.

«Oh, come on you, old sod! » Westley though nervously «Stop torturing us, say that I have at least C, or I will go off my head right here and right now! »

«All right, students, so, your marks» 'the old sod' said as if he read Madison's thoughts «Four people in the class have total A marks» The girls held their breathe. «So, » Mr. Nolan continued «First, it is Miss Wellhord»

«Yes!!!!!!!!!! » cried Chelsea that loud, that everybody nearly became deaf, and jumped on her chair. She was so worried with that mark and really did it. Hudson looked at his beloved and sighted dreamily.

«Shh, Miss Wellhord, I understand your joy. You have the most perfect work so far, an A+, as usual. Class, follow her example, this girl will succeed in her future life» he said to the students. Another excellent work belongs to…» he turned straight to Nolee «Nolee Ellhart»

«Whoohoo! » Nolee cheered and gave a high five to Chelsea. Mr. Nolan looked at Nolee a bit strictly. He always wanted ideal discipline in his class. «Good, Nolee » the teacher smiled «You're a real math genius as your friends say» The five girlfriends exchanged surprised glances. They completely didn't expect that Mr. Nolan cared their out-of-school life.

«So, the next one is» Mr. Nolan continued «Miss Benk! » he turned to shocked Westley surprised himself. «I'm really astonished, Miss Benk. I confess that I wasn't expecting this from you. You see, Miss Westley, you can really work when you want to»

Westley couldn't believe her ears. «Really? I did it? I did it!!! » she shouted out loud and raised her hands.

«You did it! » Chelsea, Barbie, Nolee and Delancey cheered and Chelsea and Nolee hugged the girl (Chelsea was sitting at the desk just in front of Madison and Nolee was sitting just behind her).

Sutton also smiled. He liked Westley very much; he even had a secret crush on her, and believe me, not because of her father's money.

«He's not such an old sod as I thought! » Westley smiled satisfied.

Mr. Nolan knocked at his desk. He couldn't stand noise in his classroom.

«Let me finish! » he said and the class fell silent again «So, the last student to have an A is… Miss Bradshaw»

«Oh, my gosh! » Barbie whispered with joy and closed her face with her hands. She still couldn't believe that she did it. Then she sent an air kiss to River, her only love and her boyfriend since 8th grade.

The five girls cheered again and Mr. Nolan smiled. «Well done, Barbie! » he said softly. Everyone was astonished; Mr. Nolan never called her in such a way, only 'Miss Bradshaw' or rarely 'Miss Barbara'. He really cared his students' out-of-school life!

«Those are all A marks» Mr. Nolan declared.

Delancey sighted sadly. That was not because she cared so much about her mark. That meant, that Barbie, Chelsea, Westley and Nolee would all go to Heatherfield for two weeks, and Delancey would stay. And she wanted so much to go with her best girlfriends. They were one team and were used to do everything together, and that test separated them. Now Delancey regretted that she didn't prepare for the big test.

The four other girls also regretted that their best friend won't be able to go with them.

Ellis, Delancey's boyfriend, also was sorry for her. He knew that it was important for Delancey, as she didn't have such good friends in Los Angeles, where she came from when she was 6.

«Those are all the A marks you have… » Mr. Nolan repeated «but, there also are two A- marks»

Delancey raised her head.

«Those are Miss McQueen…»

Delancey didn't let Mr. Nolan finish. She yelped joyfully so loudly and stridently, that the Math teacher closed his ears with his palms. The girl also cried with joy and it became so loudly in the classroom, that Mrs. O'Connerry, the teacher from the next door class, peeped in to find out if anything serious was up.

«What happened? Why so much noise? » she looked at poor Mr. Nolan with an all-consuming glance.

«Nothing, I'll settle it down, Mrs. O'Connerry» the poor, poor teacher tried to justify.

Mrs. O'Connery went away and the students began to calm a little.

«Don't let me down, students. You see what they can do with me! » the old man said in a really unhappy voice.

When it was silent again, Mr. Nolan tried to continue the announcement. «So, these are Miss McQueen and Mr. Brown»

Hudson gasped. He didn't expect that he would pass the test. That meant that he was also going to Heatherfield with the girls… and Chelsea. Hudson was in love with her. He was a handsome guy and he had success among young girls, but Chelsea was the only for him. He never felt this way about anybody before. But he couldn't confess his feelings to her, he was frightened. Maybe he could do it in this trip? Maybe he would finally find confidence in himself to say that. He was the only guy who was going to pass the next test in Heatherfield, maybe it was a sign for him?

Chelsea looked at Hudson when Mr. Nolan pronounced his name and blushed softly. She had the same feelings to him. Chelsea had never been going out with anybody before, even though she had a big success among guys and could get any of them easily. But she loved only Hudson and didn't want to date somebody else. Yet she was not confident to open him all she felt. (I guess you understand all the difficulty of the situation. If you read 'Calèbeo & Corneliette', Chelsea and Hudson have the same situation. On the whole, they had the similar relations as Cornelia and Caleb, so these will be two main pairings in this story. P.S. In this story C&C are not going outyet

«So, » Mr. Nolan continued «All six of you are going to Heatherfield for two weeks to pass another test, which will be even more difficult, but I hope you will cope with it. So you will be neighbored with the students from the Sheffield Institute, who also have A marks for this test. I will get the test results from the Sheffield Institute later, so come to the principal's office with your parents at… » He looked at his watch. «at five o'clock to discuss everything. Mr. Brainberry, the principal will tell you all the details then »

The bell went for recces. «Everybody dismissed. The other results are on the bulletin board » Mr. Nolan said and all the students stood up from their seats. «Don't forget to read paragraph 10! » the old man cried after the leaving young people, but of course nobody was listening, just as usual.

Math was again the last class that day, so the five girlfriends gathered at their lockers. Hudson, Ellis, River and Sutton also came there.

The girls were so much excited and happy, that they yelped cheerfully and all five of them hugged each other.

«I still can't believe that we did it! » Chelsea said breathing hard after the embrace.

«But we did, and the coolest thing is that we all now go to Heatherfield» Barbie noticed.

«Yeah, totally! And we'll skip school for two whole weeks! » Delancey grinned.

«Delancey! You always think about skipping school! » Chelsea said disapprovingly. «By the way, that test is gonna be more difficult than this one and we'll have to prepare hard for it. So, it won't work to relax all the time»

«I know» Delancey bit her lip «But it will really be cool to hang out there. And we're gonna meet new people there, remember! »

«Yeah, I already wonder what my future neighbor will be like» Westley said «And I really can't believe this all is happening to me. I thought I would fail for a 100! You know, Nolan is not that bad as I thought! » she smiled.

«The reason is not in Mr. Nolan, girl» Nolee smiled «That's you who did the work and the teacher only fixes the results. You results! And they were great! »

Westley smiled and nodded.

«Hey, Hudson made great too» Sutton said «At least he is the only guy to come»

«Yeah, he is lucky» River said a bit jealously (but only a bit!). Of course he meant that Hudson will be able to spend that whole time with Chelsea and all the team knew about their relations and even tried to urge them both on a little finally to confess each other. You know love's a difficult thing! «He will be able to go and I'll have to separate with my Barbie for two whole weeks! I'll miss you very much» he said to his girlfriend.

«Me too! Promise that you'll call me as often as possible! Gosh, I won't be seeing you for two whole weeks! » Barbie hugged gently her beloved. All the girls sighted romantically. Yeah those two were a real couple!

«I do promise! And I wish you luck in the test» River also hugged her.

«We all wish six of you luck» Ellis said and hugged Delancey. He also had to separate with her for two whole weeks.

«Thanks! » the girls and Hudson said.

«So, that means that a life full of adventures begins? » Hudson supposed.

«Yeah, and this adventure will really be awesome, I feel it » Chelsea smiled.

«So, let's celebrate it! » Barbie suggested «How about eating out somewhere? »

«Great! » Westley accepted the suggestion «Anyway, we're going Heatherfield! »

This time at the Sheffield Institute, Heatherfield

(Again with LoveRose's help)

«Well, students, I see that your results came out to be pretty much where I expected them to be» Mrs. Knickerbocker started, «yet there were some failing grades»

The 5 girls bit their lips and glanced at each other.

«That's totally me» Irma whispered.

«There are 5 students who surprisingly got the only A marks» Mrs. Knickerbocker explained.

The girls looked at each other again.

«Not us» Will whispered.

«Here are the 5 students who will meet people from West Side High from New York» Mrs. Knickerbocker started.

She looked to the back to where the girls were sitting.

«The highest who got an A+, a perfect score, is Miss Cornelia Hale» Mrs. Knickerbocker smiled.

«No way, seriously?! » Cornelia smiled widely.

«Yes, Miss Hale, you did a marvelous job» Mrs. Knickerbocker said.

«Oh my gosh! A perfect score! Yes, yes, yes! » Cornelia stood up and started to jump.

«Nice job, Corny! » Will put up her hand and gave a high five.

«The next highest is Miss Irma Lair» Mrs. Knickerbocker continued.

«Are you sure there wasn't a glitch, Mrs. Knickerbocker, cause I couldn't have possibly gotten an A. I can barely get a B-» Irma said smoothly.

«No joke this time, Miss Lair» Mrs. Knickerbocker said.

«OH YEAH! » Irma jumped up.

«Go Irma! We're smart for once! », Cornelia put two hands up. Irma was happy enough to, for once, agree with her and give her two high fives.

«YEAH! WE ROCK, CORNY! », Irma yelled again.

«Shh, please not so loud, young ladies. Miss Cook? You also received an A» Mrs. Knickerbocker smiled.

«See! I told ya so! », Irma laughed. Taranee smiled and didn't rejoice.

«How come you aren't happy you totally aced it? », Hay Lin asked Taranee.

«I think it's inappropriate to stand up and start dancing like these girls» Taranee closed her eyes.

«What?! You're totally sounding like my mom! Get up and jump! », Hay Lin pushed Taranee up with the other two girls.

«Oh all right» Taranee said and started jumping up with the other girls with glee.

«Also you, Miss Hay Lin. You showed a remarkable A on the test» Mrs. Knickerbocker said.

«Did you hear that? An A! Oh my gosh! I have got to tell Eric! Oh yeah! », Hay Lin immediately jumped up and gave the 3 girls a high five. As you all know, Hay Lin and Eric had were together and in love deeply, but Eric was out of town.

«Oh great, now I'm a loner» Will frowned.

«No you are not, Miss Vandom. You received an A as well» Mrs. Knickerbocker looked at a piece of paper. Will looked like she was going to explode with joy.

«Well, an A-, but you got an excellent grade» Mrs. Knickerbocker added.

«How did I pass? I don't know, but who cares! I passed! » Will jumped up and gave her girlfriends a high five.

«Well done, girls! You really care about your future and you'll make a progress in it! » Mrs. Knickerbocker smiled and everybody cheered the guardians. The 5 girls smiled wide and waved shyly. The girls sat down.

«Now, today, at 6 p.m., I would like to see your parents to discuss the details, Miss Vandom, Lair, Cook, Hale, and Lin» Mrs. Knickerbocker said.

«Why does she always call us by our last name? », Hay Lin asked Irma silently.

«Cause she's weird» Irma replied giggling. Hay Lin giggled with her.

«Dismissed! The results are posted at this moment on the bulletin board. Have a nice weekend», Mrs. Knickerbocker boomed. Everyone ran out the crowded door and towards the test results, except the 5 amazed girls.

«I seriously can't believe we all got A's! And plus, we're in this together! » Cornelia smiled and danced around. The girls headed for their lockers.

«You can say that again, it was really lucky», Taranee said as she put the combinations to her locker.

«Yuppers, now all I gotta do is call Eric and tell him» Hay Lin blushed.

«Eric, Eric, Eric. Is that all you think about now? » Irma grinned.

«Well, how could I not? Just fall in love and you'll understand. He's in Mexico! So far away» Hay Lin smiled.

«Riiight», Irma closed her locker, only to see Martin's face. She gasped and stepped back.

«Oh, phew, it's only you, Martin» Irma sighted.

«I can't believe my muffin cake got an A! » Martin smiled widely.

«I am NOT a muffin cake! I'm not your any kind of cake or muffin and especially yours» Irma put her hands on her hips.

«Whatever you say, my little cupcake! », Martin walked away.

Irma slapped her forehead. «Someone's got a boyfriend» Hay Lin teased.

«Yeah, right» Irma growled. «But if he was in Mexico at this moment; I wouldn't call him to tell I have an A. The only reason I would call him was to wish him never come back! »

«Hey, calm down. We should be happy» Will said.

«Yeah, why don't we go celebrate or something? » Cornelia suggested.

«Yeah, I agree» Taranee added.

«Ok, let's go somewhere» Will smiled. The five girls walked side-by-side out of the active school.

«Do you guys think the people we're gonna meet are mean or nice? » Taranee asked.

«Beats me» Will replied.

«I hope they're not mean» Cornelia sighted. «It would be so great to make new friends! »

«Who's mean? » they heard a familiar voice from behind. They turned round and saw Caleb standing behind them.

«Hi Cornelia» Caleb blushed.

«Hi» Cornelia blushed too.

«Hey! Are you totally ignoring us?! » Irma said.

«Oh! Sorry! Hi guys» Caleb turned more red. «Ahem, so who do you guys not want to be mean? » he asked.

«Remember that huge test we told you about? » Taranee explained as all 6 of them started walking together.

«Yeah. How did you guys do on the huge math test? » Caleb asked.

«We all got A's, so we're gonna meet people from New York. And your beautiful future wife got a perfect score» Irma grinned.

«Irma! » Cornelia and Caleb screamed in unison and blushed. They looked at each other and blushed deeper.

Now that the Will, Irma, Taranee, and Hay Lin knew Caleb loved Cornelia AND that Cornelia loved Caleb, they were trying to get Caleb to spit it out to Cornelia. Yet, no matter how many times they tried to tell him that Cornelia shared the same feelings, he said that he was too embarrassed and nervous to tell her. And, honestly, Caleb didn't want to rely everything on them. He had to trust himself and tell her when he was ready.

«Caleb, why don't you just say it! » Hay Lin said.

«What are you talking about? » Caleb said quickly and nervously. Hay Lin was about to speak, but Caleb talked for her, «I'll say it when I think it's the right time»

«What are you guys talking about? » Cornelia asked. Will just grinned at her and then, «Nothing you should know just yet»

«Aw come on! » Cornelia sighted.

«Trust us; it'll be so worth the wait, won't it Caleb? » Irma smiled.

Caleb blushed and nodded.

«Hey guys, sorry about this, but I sorta have to go» Caleb said.

«Go where?» Taranee asked.

«I came here to ask you, guys how the test went and everything but now I have to get back to Meridian for a little» Caleb said.

«Oh ok. If we make friends with our new room-mates, we'll definitely get you acquainted with them all» the girls promised in unison.

«Bye, girls» Caleb said.

«Bye» they said.

«Come on, people. Let's go for ice cream» Will said. Yet all Cornelia could think about was about the test grade, and Caleb...

At five o'clock, West Side High, New York

At five, as it was planned, the five girlfriends and Hudson came to the principal's office with their parents. Everybody was excited and just a bit worried. At least they were going to have a change in their lives.

Everybody took their seats.

«First of all, » Mr. Brainberry said «I congratulate the students with passing the test. And now, » he turned to all the parents sitting nearby «we'll discuss all the details of what should be done next. Mr. Nolan had already told the students that they will be going to Heatherfield to pass the next test in turn. It will be passed by both West Side High and Sheffield Institute students in the end of the next two weeks. Now ask me for all the further information you need. Mrs. Ellhart…»

Nolee's mother stood up. «When will our children leave for Heatherfield? »

«Tomorrow morning. They will spend their two weeks preparing for the test and then sit their exam in the Sheffield Institute building. Mrs. Brown…»

«And how will our children get there? » Hudson's mother asked.

«We can get their on our own, Mrs. Brown» Westley suddenly answered «I can take the girls in my car. Oops! » she suddenly slapped her forehead and felt embarrassed, cause she interrupted Mr. Brainberry without permission.

«Westley Madison, your manners! » her father said strictly and then suggested to others «I will accompany the girls on my own car. Furthermore, Hudson will be able to come with us in my car, because there is room only for 5 people in Westley's car »

«Oh, thank you Mr. Benk» Hudson thanked the man.

Chelsea raised her hand.

«Yes, Miss Wellhord» Mr. Brainberry said.

«Well, » Chelsea started shyly «if we'll travel there like this, then, maybe I could take my motorbike with me to Heatherfield. Can I, Mr. Brainberry? »

The principal was astonished with the news that Chelsea had her own motorbike. He could only point at Mr. Benk.

«Oh, Chelsea! » her mother interrupted the conversation «Daughter, again you're going to make problems with that your motorbike. Why didn't I and your father buy you a normal car? »

«But Mom! » Chelsea hauled «Please, let's don't make a discussion here»

«You daughter is right» Westley's dad smiled «Of course, Chelsea. We'll think something up to transport it with us»

«Thank you, Mr. Benk! » Chelsea's face lit up with joy.

«If nobody has any more questions, » Mr. Brainberry said in conclusion «I'll accost to the main thing. I've just got the results of the test from Heatherfield. Five girls have passed it and they will write the next test with you. So, you will be roomed with those girls, ladies, I mean you will live in their houses for the nearest two weeks before the test. I hope you will make friends with them. They and their parents are all very friendly and hospitable. So these are the address of your future neighbors» with those words, Mr. Baneberry gave each girl a card with names and addresses of their future neighbors.

«Hey, guys, what are your future neighbors' names? » Barbie whispered to the rest of the team.

«I got Cornelia Hale» Chelsea replied.

«And mine is Willelmina Vandom. What a name! » Westley said in a surprised tone.

«Mine is Irma Lair » Nolee spoke of.

«Mine is Taranee Cook» Delancey said. «Who's yours, Barbie? »

«Hay Lin » Barbie read her card «That sounds like a Chinese name, maybe she's Chinese? »

«Maybe » the other girls shook their shoulders.

Hudson noticed that he wasn't given a card and he wanted to say it, but his mother forestalled him.

«And who will be Hudson's neighbor, Mr. Brainberry? » she asked the principal.

Mr. Brainberry looked confused. «Six people in our school got A marks, and in Heatherfield only five students passed the test. That means that Hudson doesn't have a room-mate»

«But where will I live then? » Hudson asked.

«Maybe you could stay in a small hotel for those two weeks? » the principal suggested. «The school will pay for it»

«Oh, don't bother yourself, Mr. Brainberry» Mr. Benk waved his hand. «Money's not a problem. I am so glad that my daughter has passed the test, that I'll pay all the necessary expenses»

«As you wish, Mr. Benk» Mr. Brainberry said and sighted with relief. It was so comfortable to have a millionaire as father of one of the students.

«Ok, so, if everything is clear, I think our little meeting is over» he finished «Thank you for coming, I wish the students a good trip to Heatherfield and to pass the test»

Everybody thanked the principal and started to stand up from their seats.

«Uh, Mr. Brainberry! » Westley suddenly raised her hand.

«Yes, Miss Benk, can I help you? » the principal turned to her.

«I have a question, Mr. Brainberry» Westley said and everybody stopped to listen «Can we take our pets with us? »

Mr. Brainberry was confused with the unexpected question…

Later that evening, Wellhords' apartment, Chelsea's room

Everything was ready for tomorrow's trip. The packed suitcases were standing in the corner of the room. Rita, Chelsea's fluffy white terrier puppy, was snoring in her old basket, cause the new one had already been packed for the trip.

Chelsea was lying on her bed on the stomach and writing in her diary.

On the page under the heading "March 7, Friday" she wrote «Dear diary, me and my best four girlfriends have all passed the test. Now we're going to Heatherfield! That's so cool. And Hudson is going with us… »

When the girl wrote 'Hudson' her dreams flew far away from Earth and her hand wanted itself to draw a little heart next to the name.

Chelsea and Hudson had a different situation from most books about love, which told about love from the first sight. They had known each other practically for all their lives. As they were classmates, they first met in the first school grade when Chelsea was 6 and Hudson was 7. Of course then they were too young for falling in love with each other, they were just friends. Maybe a small germ of feeling was born in the bottoms of their hearts then, but as they grew, their feelings grew with them.

Chelsea had much success upon young guys, most of them would be happy to go out with her. But Chelsea didn't give chances to any of them. She had never dated anybody cause she was head over the hills in love with Hudson. The auburn-haired girl wanted more to be just his friend. But she was frightened to make the first step and finally confess her feelings to him, as most of young lovers. So everything just remained as it was. (Who will ever understand love?)

Chelsea sighted one more time and took her pen. She needed to finish her notes, so she continued.

«We're going to meet new people and I feel excited and worried about it. That's weird, me and girls met a lot of people and made friends with them and I never felt this way. Something tells me that this case is different, that it can probably change all our lives. That must sound like nonsense, but I've always trusted my feelings and they never let me down. As if our new neighbors are different from others and that we'll become different too. I wonder what all my intuition could mean. Anyway, tomorrow we'll find out everything. I hope we'll make friends with those girls. My future neighbor's name is Cornelia. A rare name. I wonder what she is like, if we are similar and if we can become friends. Tomorrow will show everything, I'm waiting for it so much! »

Rita woke up and jumped on the bed. Chelsea turned to her back and hugged her little pet.

«Rita, tomorrow we're off to a journey » she said sweetly to the puppy. «It will be an adventure; I feel it will be a big adventure which will probably change all my life and the lives of my friends. Anyway, in any case I believe the best is gonna happen…»

Well, that's all for now. This chap was sorta big, but I hope you enjoyed it. So please send us a tone of reviews, no flames! Bye for now

Chelsea Wellhord & LoveRose