Title: Not Was
Genre: Angst
Summary: This is the fic that was produced by me after feeling unusually sorry for Juliet., lol. I already hate it, but please tell me what you think.
Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN ANYTHING! Please don't sue...
She sits up ever so slightly at the sight of the woman she's been running surveillance on. She eyes the woman with the fair complexion and blonde hair; her appearance was in stark contrast to her own dark eyes and hair.
She ignores the continual sting she feels when she thinks of him and forces herself to watch the woman with the books and bags and things in her arms. She's a teacher and her name is Elizabeth. Elizabeth Pearce.
Elizabeth shuts the door to her flat and walks carefully down the steps, balancing everything she's got in her arms. The woman in the car keeps on watching. She's wondering what exactly draws him to her. There's nothing she has that she doesn't have.
Except for his love. This was the woman he married for love, while she was just the other woman. She remembers that she led him on, and how the wine he had before he kissed her affected his usually superb self control.
I am the other woman.
She waits like the predator on the hunt, she rests her hand on the handle of the door, ready to step outside at any moment. Elizabeth walks to the blue BMW and unlocks the trunk. As she loads all the bags and books, she gets out of the car and holds the package with shaking hands.
"Mrs. Pearce?" She finds her voice and it's as strong and confident and attractive as ever.
I am the other woman.
"Yes? May I help you?" She pauses and looks her in the eye. There's a sweet sort of naive kindness in her eyes and she knows why this woman would always hold her husband's heart.
"I'm Anna Bradshaw from UK shipping services. I have a package for your husband, Harry Pearce. Will you sign for it?" She stops herself from grinning, she happens to like that particular legend. That surname isn't too far off from her real one.
"Oh, yes, hang on..." Elizabeth straightens her coat and removes one of her gloves. She hands the clipboard to Elizabeth for her to sign and bites down on her lip to keep the tears at bay. After she's signed for the package and taken it from her hand, she walks back to the car and drives back to Thames House.
Mrs. Pearce, my name is Juliet Shaw and I am– was– the other woman.