A/N: As some smart guy (that's most-likely dead right now) said, All good things must come to an end, so must this fan fiction. I'd like to thank all my reviewer! I feel so loved! I must be honest with you all, I had little hopes for this story, and it's now one of my most-popular. Thanks to all you guys! I'm going to write some other High School Musical fan fictions in the future, but I have a Harry Potter one that I'll be starting immediately after finishing this one (the ideas are driving me insane! Lots of love and gratitude! The first part of this chapter takes place directly after the previous chapter, because I realized that I had one idea that I had forgotten, while the second part takes place three moths later. Don't worry; I'll let you know when the change takes place!

Chapter 8: The End

Later that day, Ms. Montez called, letting Gabriella know that her flight had been delayed, and that she'd have to spend another night at the Bolton's. Chad and Taylor came over for a little while to have pizza and watch a movie that night. Gabriella had walked around in sweat pants and her bikini top all day, but got cold while watching the movie, and decided to put on Troy's sweatshirt. She pulled the warm shirt over her head, but nearly cried out in pain when she tried to get it completely on. Her bruises and cuts were very sore, and somewhat swollen.

"Here, let me help you," Troy said as he grabbed the elastic band on the bottom of the sweatshirt, and stretched it out, so it wouldn't brush up against Gabriella's skin.

"You should really put something on those cuts, Gabi," Taylor said. Gabriella shook her head.

"They're fine. They're just a little sore," she replied.

"So, some medication will take away some of the pain."

"They're fine, Taylor!" Taylor shut her mouth, and turned her attention back to the movie.

"What was that about?" Troy whispered into Gabriella's ear. "You didn't have to snap at her like that. Taylor's your best friend."

"I don't like people making a big deal about it. I'm just a little sore, that's all. I don't see why people don't understand it!" Troy ran his fingers through her hair.

"Because Taylor loves you like a sister, and I love you more than anyone will ever understand." Gabriella smiled, and cuddled up against her boyfriend's strong body, feeling safe and secure.

three months later

Gabriella grabbed her lunch tray, and sat down next to her boyfriend, Troy. Troy leaned over, and gave her a light peck on the cheek.

"You still coming over after play practice today?" she asked him.

"Of course," he replied. "Wouldn't miss it for the world." Troy placed his hand on her thigh under the table. She shifted slightly in her seat, but continued talking with Taylor who was sitting next to her. Gabriella would never be the same again, and everyone knew that, but she was doing better. The shine in her eyes were slowly returning, and she wasn't as jumpy. Now, she would sleep all the way through the night. Before, Troy had told her to call him if she ever had a nightmare. He was used to getting at least one call every night from her. She would normally be in tears, and he would calm her down. Once or twice, she had been so shaken up that he came to visit her in the middle of the night. His parents had been amazing through all of this, and didn't get mad at him. Right after Gabriella came out about her Mom's now ex-fiancée beating her, and trying to rape her, Gabriella would push away Troy's hand if it was on her thigh. Now, it was comforting reminder of the love that they had for each other.

After lunch, Troy and Gabriella walked to class hand in hand. Everyone in the whole school agreed that they were the cutest couple around. Just outside the classroom door, Troy pulled Gabriella close to him for a kiss.

When they both stopped, he whispered into her ear, "I talked to Darbus today, and she said that she had something else to do today, and rehearsal would have to end early. What would you say if I suggested that we go up to the rooftop for a little while before we go to your house?" Gabriella giggled from his warms breath tickling her skin.

"I'd say count me in," she replied before pulling him into class.

The rest of the day seemed to drag on for both Troy and Gabriella. At long last, rehearsal for the musicale ended, and they ran up to their "secret spot" on the rooftop. Troy sat down on one of the wooden benches, and pulled Gabriella onto his lap.

"Hey, Troy, I need to talk to you about something," Gabriella said as she leaned against him. Troy wrapped his arms around her waist, and buried his face into her hair.

"Is everything alright?" he asked her.

"Yeah, everything's fine….I guess. I'm just worried about something. We got a call last night, saying that the trial against Ian's going to be soon."

"Don't worry about that, Gabi. Everything's going to work out. I've already talked to my parents, and they said that I can go with you the days that you have to testify if it'll make you feel any better." Gabriella smiled. Leave it to Troy and his parents to always be there for her.

"Yeah, that'll make me loads better. I do believe that we came up here to do something other than talk. Now, you wouldn't happen to know what that is…would you?" Troy smiled.

"I thought you'd never ask," he said before kissing her gently.

Half an hour later, Gabriella and Troy left for Gabriella's house. They were both in high spirits. Gabriella was going to help Troy with his homework, and then they were going to practice their big number for the upcoming musicale. When they got to the Montez's house, they found a police car in the driveway. Gabriella and Troy immediately ran inside, tossing their bags on the bottom of the steps. Rosa was talking to Officer Smith and Officer Grier in the family room.

"What's going on?" Gabriella asked her Mother slowly as she and Troy entered the room.

"Nothing, Officer Smith and Officer Grier were here to ask you a few more questions before the trial begins. That's all," explained Ms. Montez.

"I should go," Troy said, as he turned to leave. Gabriella instantly grabbed his hand.

"No, please stay," she said quietly.

"You're more than welcome to stay Troy. It might be easier if you did," said Ms. Montez. Gabriella and Troy sat side by side on the couch, and waited.

"Gabriella," Officer Grier started. "We need you to tell us what happened once more, so we can compare it to what you said the last time we saw you." Gabriella nodded, and slowly began to recount her nightmare.


A/N: Yeah, this seemed like a good place to stop. There will be a sequel. I'm going to start a Harry Potter fan fiction in a few minutes called Breaking Through, so if you like Harry Potter, check that one out! Thanks again to all my amazing and loyal readers and reviewers. I also need a beta, so if you'd like to make me very happy, and have the time to help me, let me know! Lots more love!
