Her Story

Chapter 1: Surprise!

Gabriella Montez had great news to share with her friends. It was their last year at East High School, but that wasn't the best part. She found her long-time boyfriend, Troy Bolton talking to their friends Chad Danforth, his girlfriend Taylor McKessie, Ryan Evans, his girlfriend Bri, Sharpay Evans and her boyfriend Zeke, and finally Kelsi and her boyfriend Jason. They were a weird bunch of students, but also some of the most popular. Troy, Chad, Zeke and Jason were all on the basketball team together. Gabriella and Taylor competed in the Scholastic Decathlon, and Kelsi, Sharpay, Ryan, Troy, and Gabriella were all in the Drama Club together. They were best friends, and could always count on each other.

"Hey, gorgeous," Troy said as Gabriella approached the group. Gabriella smiled, and gave him a small kiss on the cheek before wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Hey yourself," she replied.

"So, Gabi, what's this 'big news' you texted me about before school?" Taylor asked her friend. Gabriella smiled some more.

"My Mom's getting married!" she announced. Everyone was thrilled about this, but especially the girls.

"To that Ian guy?" asked Kelsi.

"Yeah, I get to 'bond' with him this week while my Mom's out of town for some conference."
"That's great!" Taylor shrieked. "He's really nice. I'm glad your Mom finally found someone worthwhile." Everyone agreed. Gabriella's Father had walked out on them when she was just 2 years old, and it's been her and her Mom ever since.

"Hey, don't forget my pool party this Friday. It's at 5:00," Chad reminded her.

"I'll be there, don't worry about it." The bell rang, signaling that they had to get to class. Unfortunately, homeroom was now in the middle of the day, so they all had different classes to go to. Troy kissed Gabriella, and whispered goodbye.

"I'll see you on the roof during free-period today," she said to him quietly, and she left.

On her way to class, Gabriella passed Coach Bolton. Coach had gotten over his original disdain for Gabriella, and now he and his wife approved of their son's long relationship with her, and felt lucky that he had picked such a sweet girl.

"Hello, Coach," Gabriella said as they passed in the hallway.

"Why, hello Gabi. Anne wants to know if you'll be coming over before Chad's pool party on Friday," he replied.

"Tell her I'll be there. I'd better get to class."

"Wouldn't want to end up in detention." She smiled.

"No, I guess not. I'll see you later."

School seemed to drag on forever, but then again, every Monday does. Troy walked Gabriella to the corner of her street, and continued home with Chad. When Gabriella got to her house, her Mom had already left. She left a note on the counter for her.


Please be good this week. I'll call whenever I can to make sure things are going well. Have fun at the party this Friday, I told Ian about it before I left. Be good!



Gabriella folded up the note, and threw it away. Then, she found herself a snack, and began to do her homework. Around 5:30 she heard Ian come home.

"Gabi, you here?" he called out.

"Yeah, I'm upstairs finishing up my homework. I'll be down in a second!" she replied. She finished her sentence, and closed her history book.

When Gabriella got downstairs, Ian was digging through the refrigerator looking for something to make for dinner.

"Looks like we'll have to go shopping tomorrow," he said as he closed the door. "How does pizza sound for tonight?"

"Great, I'll get the phonebook." Gabriella opened the pantry, and pulled out the phonebook so they could order.

"So your Mom told me that you're going to a party on Friday. I guess she already asked you who's going to be there and everything, but I'm going to ask you all that stuff too."

"Okay." Gabriella began to flip through the large book looking for the number to her favorite pizza parlor.

"Where's this party?"

"Chad Danforth's. He lives about 2 ½ blocks away next to Troy Bolton's."

"Who's going to be there?"

"Chad, Taylor, Troy, me, Ryan, Bri, Sharpay, Zeke, Kelsi, and Jason. That's it. And yes, Chad's parents will be home, and Troy lives next door, so his parents will be keeping an eye on us too."

"How do you know these people?"


"Have you met their parents?"

"Yes, Coach Bolton is the basketball coach at East High, so I see him in the hallway all the time. I've also been to Chad's house for a project a few times last semester. I've also been to Troy's house a lot."

"Now, Troy's your boyfriend…right?" Gabriella nodded.

"Oh, and I'm going to Troy's house a little early. The party starts at 5:30, so I'll probably go to his house a little before 5."

"Your Mom never told me about that. I don't know if I feel comfortable with that. You should come home and get your homework done."

"I'll have all weekend to get my homework done. Plus, I'm sure my Mom just forgot to tell you that part. I get home at 2:30, so I'll do what homework I can, and finish the rest after I get back at 11."

Something about Ian change. He no longer looked like the kind man that Gabriella knew. He seemed almost mad that Gabriella wouldn't listen to him. The truth was, her Mother had completely forgotten to tell him about her going early to Troy's, and was going to call them the next day to tell him. That wasn't soon enough for Gabriella though. Ian brought his hand back, and slapped her across the face. She was so surprised by the force that she hit her side on the marble countertop.

"You will finish all your homework before you go to that party or you won't go at all. Do I make myself clear, young lady?" he demanded. Gabriella was so surprised that all she could do was nod.

"I'm not hungry anymore," she said quietly before retreating to the safety of her room where she spent the remainder of the night.