
It hasn't been that long since I've bothered to update, has it?

Well. I have a good excuse this time: ...School...

-shot for lying-

Oooorrrr maybe it has something to do with the fact that my stupid teenage brain has decided that Dir en grey is so cool that they deserve all her attention. (:

"So... What now?"

"I'd like to get away from this Asylum."

Zexion paused and he and Marluxia exchanged a look. "..Bar?"


As Marluxia and Zexion exited the Asylum, they passed Luxord, Lexaeus, and a little girl. "Where's Demyx?" Luxord asked.

Zexion shrugged. "Somewhere upstairs."

"Look for an insane girl," Marluxia added.

"She'll probably try to hit you," Zexion said.

Luxord nodded. "Right. You heard them, Lexaeus. Let's go." He walked past the little girl, Lexaeus after him. The little girl watched them for a while, then hurried after them, dropping her soda.

"Luxord... She's following us," Lexaeus said, stopping.

Luxord stopped as well and turned to face the girl. "Ahh... Go on, little girl."

"Adi," she supplied, grinning.

"Fine, Adi. Go on."


"Why not?"

"Daddy!" Adi exclaimed.

"Excuse me?"

"Daddy!" Adi repeated.

Lexaeus, as Adi clung to Luxord's midsection, "I didn't know you had a daughter, Luxord."

"Neither did I, Lexaeus," Luxord said. "Which means she's not really my daughter."

"She seems to think so."

Luxord, as they started walking again, "Yes, and she's also in an Asylum."

- - - - -

Several floors up, Reno led Axel, Roxas, and Cyclone to the manager's room. On about the fifth floor, they passed Reds and Demyx. Roxas paused to stare down at Demyx as he snored, causing the others to stop as well. "Uh... Reds, what's wrong with him?" he asked.

"He swallowed too many pills," Reds said calmly.


"Darren made him do it."

Reno sighed. "Dammit... That boy needs to get a fucking brain."

Reds nodded. "Yes. Yes, he does. ... Can you guys leave now? I feel the sudden need to rid Demyx of his pants."

Wondering what exactly is wrong with Reds, Reno continued to the flight of stairs that would take them to the sixth floor. "This room of the manager's is on this floor, but I have no idea what's in it," he said.

"That's what Roxas is for," Axel said.

"Oh, how I enjoy being used as a tool," Roxas drawled sarcastically.

Ignoring Roxas, Reno stopped in front of a door. "This is it, yo. I tried to open it once, but none of the keys I'd stolen from the janitor worked."

Axel nudged Roxas, and he summoned one Keyblade. As the door unlocked and Reno pushed it open, shouts were heard down the hallway and Jeff came tearing around the corner. Soon after him, Alca and Traz came.

As Jeff ran by the group by the door, Axel summoned one chakram and threw it, catching Jeff in the back of the head. Jeff fell forward, groaning, but before he could get back to his feet, Traz had caught up with him and has sat on his back. "You think you can hit me and get away with it?!" Traz growled.

"I'm sorry..." Jeff muttered.

"Traz, don't hurt him," Alca said.

"Yeah, Traz," Reno said. "Give him his medication and let him go."


"What exactly are you doing, Reno, sir?" Alca asked.

"We're breaking into the manager's room," Cyclone answered for Reno.

"I'd like to do that one day," Traz said thoughtfully.

Cyclone, as the others enter the room, "Yeah, well, you aren't. So, take care of-"

"C'mon Cyclone," Axel interrupted.

Cyclone was pulled into the manager's secret room by Axel. As Axel turned her around and Reno shut the door, she waved at the girl standing in front of the window. "Hey, Xena."

"How the fuck did you get in here?!" Reno asked.

Xena pointed to the broken window. "There's an awful lot of rocks down there. Vines, too."

Reno frowned and walked over to Xena, shoving her out of the way, and leaning out the window. "Johnny! Casey! Pick up all those rocks at the base of the window. And get a ladder and cut the vines off."

There was a shout of 'yes, Reno' and two figures below stalked off.

"So, what's in this place?" Cyclone asked.

"Dunno," Xena said, shruggin. "Everything has a damn combination lock on it."


"I hate being a tool..." Roxas murmured as he unlocked everything.

"You're very useful, yo. So get used to it," Reno said, joining the others in rummaging through the manager's belongings.

Cyclone, after a bit more rummaging, turned to Xena. "Xena, exactly how did you get in here?"

- - - - -

about fifteen minutes earlier

Xena, having gotten bored and walked outside, was currently attempting to break a window on the sixth floor.



Missed again.


The next rock broke the window, and she grinned.

"Yes! Yes! Hot damn yes!"

A safe distance away, Saix and Naiynn watched as Xena continued cheering for herself. "..I don't think that girl is quite right," Naiynn said to Saix.

Saix took a drag on his current joint. "I don't think anyone here is "quite right", Naiynn."

back to the present

- - - - -

"Oh," Cyclone said, tilting her head. "That makes sense... I guess..." She shook her head and joined the others in relaxing in the front of the manager's private television while raiding his equally private fridge.

- - - - -

About two hours later, Saix and Naiynn were still outside, talking with Johnny and Casey. Said insane friends had successfully finished their job assigned to them by the security guard.

Luxord and Lexaeus were, slowly, advanding further into the Asylum. Due to Adi's undaunting belief that Luxord was her father, she was clinging to his arm as they walked, and causing them to stop several times.

Still residing in the off-limits manager's room, Reno, Axel, Roxas, Cyclone, and Xena sat all around the room, eyes locked on the blaring television. The manager's fridge was, currently, standing open, and was almost completely empty. None of them really cared that they had eaten and drank everything in the fridge, as TV was a very interesting way to pass the time before Rude came to take over for Reno and they could get the hell out of there.

Currently pulling up in the yard of the Twilight Asylum was a sleek, black car. As it stopped, two people got out – one male, the other female and noticably younger than the man. Each was clad in a security uniform, the names on thei I.D. reading – for the man – Tseng, and – for the woman – Elena.

Elena sighed. "You think Reno broke into it?" she asked, staring up at the Asylum.

"I wouldn't be surprised..." Tseng answered.

Well now.

The Turks seem to have taken over an Asylum.

Take a good guess at who the manager is.

Oh. Yeah.

And Elena's only in training. Which is why she's with Tseng instead of on her own.

So like yeah.

I haven't bothered to start on chapter 31 yet. So there'll be a bit of a wait.

Review, yo. (: