Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, or Yu Yu Hakusho.


Chapter One

Youko Kurama sat in a tree, his tail slowly twitching, and his eyes half-closed.

"Kuronue you can come out now." Youko said softly. His friend came out with a smirk.

"Ever aware Youko…ever aware." He said, amused. Kuronue walked up swinging his family heirloom and looking up at Youko. The Makai bloodstone shined. Youko looked down at Kuronue.

"What do you want Kuronue? I'm sure your not here to talk about the weather." Youko said.

"Ever the blunt one." Kuronue said softly. "Well. Since you don't want to talk about the weather, although it is lovely, such a nice shade of blue the sky is today. And would you look at those clouds?" Kuronue said. Youko glared. Kuronue cleared his throat dramatically, smiling.

"Well…something of interest has reached my ears. You see, the infamous Shikon no Tama has been accidentally shattered. The pieces have flown all over Sengoku Jidai. Interested?" Kuronue finished. Youko's ears now had a pleasant twitch, and his tail was moving faster. Kuronue smirked, knowing full well that Youko was interested.

"I believe," Youko started "that we have just found something to do."

The two youkai smirked and started racing off.

Kagome huffed in frustration. Inuyasha was being himself again.

"I do need time to go home you JERK" She yelled at him. "I HAVE TESTS!"


"WHY YO- OSUWARI! MY NAME IS KA-GO-ME! NOT WENCH, GIRL, WOMEN, BITCH! OR ANYTHING ELSE YOU THICK-HEADED JERK! If you don't deem it necessary to call me by my name, then I don't think that its necessary I ask you if I should leave or not." Kagome finished. After the spell wore off, Inuyasha jumped into the air.

"Oi wench, what did y-"

"Osuwari. Ah ah ah…Inuyasha will you ever learn?" Kagome sighed as she picked up her yellow pack.

"I'll be back in two weeks. Try not to miss me too much." She smiled at Sango, Miroku and Shippo as she walked towards the well.

Reaching the well Kagome breathed a sigh of relief. I hate walking in the woods alone… Kagome thought as she sat down for a break.

The air behind Kagome shimmered without her noticing before there was a large ripping sound and the air seemed to open like a zipper. Kagome jumped 10 feet in the air and whipped around just as Youko and Kuronue came out of the portal.

"Holy Shit!" She screamed as they stepped before her. Kagome craned her neck to look at the threateningly beautiful youkai in front of her. One had on all black with wings. His black hair was in a high ponytail and he had on a black hat. In his hand was a sliver Scythe. The other figure was in white, he had silver hair and beautiful gold eyes. He had silver ears on his head that twitch madly at Kagome's scream.

"Women, could you please refrain from that horrible screaming?" Kagome looked at the silver haired one that had spoken.

"Well," Kagome said sweetly "ONLY IF YOU WILL NOT CALL ME WOMEN! MY NAME IS KAGOME KA-GO-ME" Kagome screamed. Bad move Kagome…very bad move. Kagome thought as she found herself with her back against a tree. (AN:where is Inuyasha for all of this you ask yourself?Well he is out roasting a duck with Shippo and Miroku and Sango.)!)

Youko growled at the insolent ningen in the indecent clothing, that was currently occupying his time.

"Wo-Kagome," Youko corrected himself, his ears were already damaged enough. Kagome smirked inside at his correction. "You will tell me how you came by the shards you posses." He stated.

Kagome stopped her mental smirking and frowned.

"Oh not you too! I swear I never get any rest. Let me answer your question. No you may not have my shards, they are mine, I am the Keeper of the Shikon no Tama, if you want them, you will have to kill me." Kagome said. Confident in her miko skills which she had greatly improved on.

"So you are the infamous Kikyo?" Kuronue spoke. "Thought she was dead…" He said the last to himself.

Kagome's fury broke. (Now…I stop here to tell you a miko fury is like a demon rage, only…more purifying. Well most mikos anyway…P) Kagomes eyes turned white, with specks of silver.

At this Youko frowned. He knew of miko rage, but their eyes never turned white and silver. Always blue or pink. White and silver, he hadn't seen this since…he shook his head…that would meant that this little miko was not human, and that was not the case. He unceremoniously dropped the miko and stood over her.

"Now we can do the bloody way, or we can be nice about it hum-Kagome. I will ask you once more, and not again. Give me your shards."

Kagome stood up her eyes her regular sapphire blue again. Herself never aware of her near Miko Rage.

"What do you mean 'once more' you never asked me the first time." She said.

Youko glared and growled at the insolence of the young female. Before he could say anything thought Kuronue interrupted.

"She does have a point Youko, I mean…you never asked." Amusement laced his voice, and was plainly noticeable. Youko turned his glare to Kuronue.

"Thank you for that very…enlightening statement. Really I am truly grateful" Youko's voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"Sure! Anytime!" Kuronue said.

Kagome giggled at the two youkais behavior. They fought like brothers. Well I should rephrase that…Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru fight, and they're brothers….okay so they fight like enemies…they bring the statement 'you fight like brothers' to a whole nother level! Kagome was pulled out of her thoughts by silence. Thesilver hairedyoukai was staring at her like she was crazy.

"Wha- what?"

"Do you often talk to yourself ningen?" the silver one asked.

"I was not talking to my self."

"Yes you were."

"No I wasn't"

"Yes you were."

"No I wasn't"

"Yes you were"

"No I wasn't!"

"Youko! While I would love to hear your very stimulating and brilliant conversation with Kagome, I really must ask that you both use other words, I am positive that you know other words! Your vocabulary surely, is bigger than that?" Kuronue practically yelled. Youko and Kagome glared at him.

"No I wasn't."

"Yes you were!"

"No I wasn't!"

"Yes yo-"

"QUIET! Honestly I swear you fight like mates or something!"

Youko glared at Kuronue. Who smiled back at him innocently. A mischievous glint in his eyes, stating that he knew something.

"Here I will do us all a favor. Kagome you were not talking to yourself, Youko can just hear your thoughts. You guys now obviously share a mind connection." Kuronue stated as if he was stating the weather. Kagome started at him with her mouth open.

"I -him, abba whooba wha?" Kagome muttered incoherently. Her mouth still open.

"Kuronue I do not share a mind connection with this pathetically annoying ningen."

"Obviously you do, because I could not hear what she was saying."

"Your deaf!"

"Sure…excuses do you do good Youko!"

"You! Why…of all people…and ningen close your mouth your attracting flies." Youko added as an afterthought. Kagome's mouth clamped shut in a firm line, she turned her eyes angrily toward Youko.

"Why you arrogant little ass! Osuwari!" Kagome yelled, then realized that he wasn't Inuyasha and blushed deep crimson, as Youko raised an elegant eyebrow.

"Oh and stop blushing wench, it clashes with your eyes…horrible." Youko smirked as she did indeed stop blushing, only to have her face turn red with anger.


"Who is this Inuyasha wench?"

"A friend of mine, we travel together along with my kit and my two friends Sango and Miroku." Kagome said absently. Still fuming about the previous comment.

"You have a kitsune child?" Youko said, his kitsune curiosity peeking through. Kagome nodded.

"He is my adopted child. His parents were killed by two youkai, whom we later killed."

"So you adopted a youkai child?" Youko said curiously.


He smirked and shook his head saying nothing.

"Well…while this seems like another stimulating conversation," Kuronue said again breaking Kagome and Youko's eye contact, "I have to let you know that a youkai, well, half-breed to be exact is coming this way, and I can feel his aura from here…he doesn't seem too happy."

Youko looked at Kagome who's eyes were now large as saucers and made a decision, one he would probably regret later.

"Miko…Kagome…you will come with us. Kuronue lets go back home…this should prove interesting." Kuronue nodded amusement dancing in his eyes. The ripping noise ensued again as a black hold appeared. Kuronue jumped in followed by Youko who had a shocked Kagome in his arms, with a large yellow pack in her arms.

Kagome felt cold as they entered the black hole and snuggled closer to Youko, who held her tighter. When they exited the portal, Kagome gasped. In front of her was a large castle, with lethal looking plants in the front. She looked up at Youko who was looking down at her.

"Welcome to the Makai."