Okay guys, here's my latest story! I will update the others soon, I promise...but for now, here's another one. Please review! Thanks! Enjoy!

Regular Morning

Hermione woke up in her four poster bed with the sun gleaming across her bedspread. She rolled over onto her side and faced her nightstand. The clock read 8:23 a.m.; she decided to get up and head down to the Great Hall. Lavender and Parvati were still sound asleep in their bed, so she was very quite and tried not to wake them up.

Hermione showered and got dressed. Today was Saturday which meant that she didn't have to dress in her usual Gryffindor robe. She found it annoying to wear the same thing five days in a row. She put her hair up in a messy ponytail. Her hair was so curly that she could pull it off. A strand of hair fell down her forehead…but she didn't care.

She quietly exited her room and then raced down the stairs to the common room. No sooner had she reached the last step was she greeted by someone.

"Took you long enough," her boyfriend's gentle voice said teasingly. This statement was followed by a soft kiss on her lips and their hands intertwined with each other. This was Hermione's favorite part of the morning.

"Good morning to you too, Harry," Hermione replied with another kiss.

Harry and Hermione walked down to the Great Hall together for some breakfast, hand in hand. Hermione had been dating Harry for almost a year, since their 6th year, without any interruptions. She was in love and happy to show it. Hermione loved being with Harry and he loved being with her. They spent almost every waking hour together. They were like the Romeo and Juliet of Hogwarts and if they ever broke up, the whole school would have a total meltdown. Some people considered them as the perfect couple.

There was just one thing that was interfering with there relationship. Harry was the only Quidditch captain that was still a virgin. His perverted friends were always pressuring him to get the deed done with Hermione. Harry always said that they were waiting for the right time. There wasn't a day that went by without Ron, Dean, or Seamus asking Harry if he had had sex with Hermione yet. Hermione just decided to ignore them and let the time come on its own.

Hermione took her usual seat at the table next to Harry. Breakfast was one of her favorite meals because everyone was always in a good mood. Food magically appeared on the golden plates and people started to pick away at their food. That is with the exception of Ron who always gulped down everything that was put on a plate. What Hermione enjoyed most about breakfast was just being with her boyfriend.

"Hey, Hermione! Think fast!" Harry's voice came as he threw a piece of bacon at her mouth. Hermione caught it very smoothly,"You're getting better."

"I know, I've been practicing," Hermione said with a smile. Harry rewarded her excellent work with a kiss. Every time they kissed in front of their friends, it was always followed by oohhh's.

After breakfast, Harry and Hermione walked out to the courtyard. Most students went outside on their days off when the weather was warm. Hermione leaded them over to their favorite spot. It was under a tree near the lake that provided nice shade. Harry lay down on his back and he led Hermione down to put her head on his stomach.

Harry stroked his fingers through Hermione's curly ponytail and was just soaking up the moment.

Hermione broke the silence by asking, "So, did they ask you the question yet?"

"Yup," Harry replied.

"I guess it's just part of a regular morning," she smiled and looked up at Harry.

He looked back into her guys and just gave a little laugh, "I guess so."

Harry and Hermione spent the rest of the morning in that very spot.

So what did you think? There's so much more coming in chapters 2 and 3, this is just the starter. Please review! Thanks!