Disclaimer I am not JK Rowling. I'm just a dude sat behind a computer being incredibly bored. This is a parting salvo to my fanfictions, I'm quitting the world.

So, on with the story.

Ron sat in the waiting room, thinking. A myriad of thoughts flew through his head, but he dismissed them all, thinking on the one reason he was going through with this. Hermione.

His idea of a fun time was NOT getting his teeth poked and prodded by a pair of Muggle dentists, but this was something she had insisted he get done. What, in merlins name, was the point in getting a tooth pulled out! But then, she'd looked at him with those brown eyes… and he'd agree to put his wedding tackle in a lion's mouth and slap its nuts with a wet towel if she'd asked him.

Doug and Emma Granger – the last obstacle to him marrying Hermione. He had to ask them, and she'd said to have some dental work done to get contact. WHY did he have to be such a sucker for his girlfriend?

It had to be the hair… or was it the fact that she'd spent so many years looking out for him? Maybe it was the quill chewing when she was thinking? Or could it have been the continual arguments really did have a deeper meaning to him?

His face scrunched up as he thought about it. The red eyebrows and freckles screwed even deeper as he contemplated just when his feelings for the bossy little know-it-all had started. He thought it was in fifth year – in the department. Even through his delirium he'd been crazier still with worry about Hermione. But… it can't have been that late. He'd been thinking about her ever since that damn ball. No, before that. He'd liked her even while he was in the phase of "girls are yucky". Could it be since the troll incident?

His face screwed up even more as the doctor came in again, and beckoned to him. Time to do it. To explain to her parents that he wanted to marry their daughter. Oh hell.