Chapter twelve. And final final chapter. I give my thanks to all who reviewed my work. I know it's a bit choppy. I also know it's kind of creepy for me to change Danny and Sam to the opposite genders then have them have an intimate relationship. But hey you got to admit it's still pretty interesting.

The last chapter's question is from Ness Lupin-Doesn't Tucker realise that is Danni gets pregnant then the whole world will be suseptable to attacks from the Ghost Zone or is there some kind of treaty I'm unaware of? That my dear readers will be answered in the sequel for which i have yet to develop a title. which means i'm open for suggestions.

Once again congratulations L'ange-Sans-Ailes for winning.

Final Chapter: Friendly Deceptions

Deep in the Ghost Zone a silver vehichle stayed in one place as the moaning, grunting, gasping, and other noises died down. It was four days since the vehichle entered the Ghost Zone and it now appeared it's occupants were taking one of their much needed rests.

As Sam lay down on the fold out bed pulling Danni close he saw something that made him frown in confusion. On Danni's back were what looked like tattoos of angel wings. One on eace shoulder blade. They were colored a very very light blue with and electric green luminescence around them.


"Hmm", Danni responded tiredly. It was definitely no secret why. With how... Busy they had been she'd be surprised if she could walk after this.

"When did you get these tattoos?", Sam traced a warm hand around the wings. Danni shivered softly suppressing a small moan.

"What tattoos?", she looked over her shoulder at Sam.

"There are angel wings tattooed on your back, Danni. Where'd you get 'em? They look nice."

"I haven't gotten any tattoos", Danni slowly turned around to come face to face with her lover and , now, mate.

"But I swear, Danni, and look there's another one", Sam said poking her gently where her heart should be. In what looked like the scrawlings of a master artist was Sam's name on Danni's chest. Danni looked down to see it purposefully raking her eyes over Sam's nude form when she noticed that much like herself Sam had Dani's name scrawled on her chest above her heart.

"Look, you've got one too", she placed her cool hand on Sam's chest giving him goosebumps. Sam looked down seeing the letters on his chest. He looked at Danni's beautiful blue eyes for a minute.

"Danni, look at my back real quick", he turned over. Danni looked at her mate's back and noticed with a bit of surprize that there were tattoos of two angel wings on Sam's back and both colored a light purple with a bit of red lumenesence surrounding them.

"Cool wings, Sam", Danni smiled leaning in close and kissing the spot between his shoulder blades, eliciting a shiver from him.

"Glad you like 'em. You have the same kind of tattoo on your back", He turned back over and pulled her close once again so they could share a pillow," by the way, happy birthday, Danni."

"Uh? What?"

"Well, We've been here a few days I figured might as well say it now, because if we keep going like this we'll miss it."

"Oh, trust me", She pushed Sam on his back and straddled his waist," We're going to keep going."

0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Let's just skip ahead to the end of their... Honeymoon. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0

Tucker sat on the bench in the park still awaiting news on his friends. Ozell materialized beside him a smirk on his face.

"So... how'd it go? They linked yet?", Tucker asked anxiously. Most would say it was kind of extreme hiring a ghost to hook his friends up but they didn't live with Sam and Danni for most of their lives(and denials). Sure he probably could have figured out a better way to do it but this was the more interesting one.

"Yep, markings and all. But that's not quite all there is though", Ozell smirked.

"Really now? Do go on", He was crossing his fingers in hopes of what it could be.

"Let's just say your friends are bearing the fruits of their labors", Ozell could only smile. Not his usual smirk that meant mischief but a smile. Danni and Sam were not the only pair in Ghost Zone that were successful in their exploits.

"And how can you tell?", Tucker had to make sure.

"Hey, I'm a ghost. We can sense eachothers presence. There's a tiny little life essence mixed with ghost coming from Danni that's seperate from her own. And I bet you she already knows. I'd pay to see the look on her face when she found out. Or on Sam's when he's told", Ozell now was smirking again barely able to hold back the laughter.

Tucker, unable to hold it in, did laugh,"Yes that would be quite the sight to see. So they should be returning soon right?"

"Yeah last time I checked they were headed back here to the human world. Well I gotta go. My girl is callin' ", ad with that ozell faded back out of sight and flew back to the Ghost Zone.

Tucker smirked and picked up his PDA and started playing a game. He'd just wait for about an hour then go back to the fenton household. He smirked. He knew this would work.

0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Back with our favorite lovebirds in the Ghost Zone0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0

Danni looked a little tired. Understandably so, but this time it was different. For one, she was dressed, Two so was Sam, and finally, they had slept plenty last night. No lustful urges to wake them up or anything.

Sam figured it was because mating season was over. Ozell did say it only lasted a couple weeks after all.

Danni, however knew very different reasons forthem getting a good nights rest, whether it was over or not. Danni last night had her ghost sense tripped. At first she thought nothing of it, that it was just some random ghost passing by. That is until she found herself able to point out the aura of the ghost as being in the Specter Speeder.

She turned ghost and looked around ready to fight. She concentrated again on finding the ghosts ecto signature. Immagine her surprise when she found it near her... No, not near her, in her. In her lower abdomen to be more precise. The signature was very very weak and Danni could guess why. She put one hand on her flat stomach and another over her mouth to keep any sound from escaping and waking Sam. This was going to complicate things.

Now there Danni sat a hand still on her stomach thinking of how to tell Sam. Would he be excited? Would he be angry? Would he leave? Would he stay? What would his reaction to it all be? She sighed a little in mental exhaustion.

Sam had noticed Danni was abnormally quiet and she kept a hand on her stomach at all times. He was beginning to wonder if she was feeling alright.

"Are you OK, Danni?", Sam asked putting his hand on hers," You've been really quiet. Did I do something wrong?"

Danni was a little startled when Sam spoke but smiled a little at him grateful that he had. She knew if she started the conversation she'd blurt something out before she had a chance to think over her words.

"No, You haven't done anything, I'm fine, just thinking", she smiled, entwining Sam's fingers with her own.

"Thinking about what?"

"Oh, just you know, what people back home are gonna think", she gave a half smile on her half truth. She was pretty sure her parents would take it well, but the Manson's were a mystery. Thinking of last names that reminded her. Both Sam and Danni had agreed that the Tattoos they had had to be some sort of mark to make other ghosts acknowledge them as a couple, or mates. Did that mean that Danni was now a Manson?

"Well speaking of home here we are", Sam drove up through the portal into the basement. Where they could see Jack and Maddie Fenton waiting. Luckily they had thought to spray the inside with a can of arasol they found or the smell of sex would still permiate the air in the speeder.

"Welcome home, Danni, Sam. Did you find the ghost that stole your favorite shirt?", Jack asked. Both Sam and Danni looked at eachother and sighed. Tucker must have used that as an excuse. Atleast Danni's parents were gullible enough to believe it.

"Um, no, The rascal got away", Danni answered then smiled a little," We're really hungry so we're, uh, Just gonna go to the nasty burger ok?"

Jack nodded grinning wide at his son turned daughter. Danni grabbed Sam's hand and pulled him upstairs.

"They really do make a cute couple", she heard her mom say as they left.

"So we really going to nasty burger or was that just an escape excuse?", Sam asked smiling a bit. He was actually pretty hungry and a Veggie burger sounded good right about then.

"Sure, let's go. I'll pay", Danni said smiling back at him and going upstairs momentarily to grab her wallet. As she came back down there was a knock on the door. She went to open the door and their stood Tucker, a knowing look on his face.

"So how was hunting for you favorite shirt?"

"Well we didn't find it", Danni said and Sam came up behind her whispering in her ear that they needed to stop at his place real quick to pick something up.

"What's that about?", Tucker asked leaning in closer looking at the two of them like a scientist observing a new specimen.

"Just gonna stop at Sam's house before heading to the nasty burger. You wanna come with us?"

"Sure why not, I'm hungry", and so the three of them set off down the side walk. Danni would have flown them but then she'd have less time with Sam, who currently had an arm around her waist, holding her almost possesively not that she minded.

In about ten minutes they made it to Sam's house. He just ran in real quick found what it was he wanted and came back down and they were off again. Danni tried to pry out of him what he had went to go get but he wouldn't say.

Finally they made it to the nasty burger where they began talking. Not really about anything in particular, just talking having a good time. They probably talked for hours and Tuckers Anxiousness finally and he said something he knew he was gonna regret in the near future.

"So when's the baby due?", he asked. He resisted the urge to slap a hand over his mouth as that would arouse even more suspicion.

Danny nearly choked and Sam looked confused. Danni after swallowing rightfully decided that she would play it off cool.

"In March", She looked down at her plate nervously waiting for it to sink in on Sam. And finally it did.


"Please dont be angry, Sam. I just Found out last night. I was trying to figure out how to tell you", Danni rushed all of her words putting a hand on Sam's arm. Sam's eyes were wide as dinner plates.

"You... You're..."

"Yes, Sam", she took his hand and put it on her stomach,"I'm pregnant."

Sam's face melted from pure shock into a joy that made Danni sigh in relief," I'm gonna be a father." He then leaned in and kissed Danni passionatley and lovingly. Danni kissed right back. When Sam pulled away he slid out of the booth then reached into his pocket getting down on one knee.

"Sam, what are you doing?", Danni asked, actually having a fair idea of what her long time friend was doing.

"I was gonna wait till we were at a more romantic spot, but i figured now is good a time as any. Danni... Will you marry me?", Sam asked smiling at his lover.

Danni didn't even take the time to answer verbally. She practically tackled Sam hugging him tight.

"I'll take that as a yes", Sam laughed slipping the small golden ring on one os Danni's slender fingers.

Tucker let out a small sigh it looked like they had forgotten about him and his slip up.

"One question though", Sam said pulling out of the hug and standing up looking at Tucker," How did Tucker know you were pregnant?"

Or not.

"Um... Lucky guess?", He slowly edged to the door.

"I think there's something he's not telling us", Danni said crossing her arms under her chest. Tucker decided he had better make a run for it while he could.

"I've got him", Danni turned ghost and overshadowed Tucker and brought him back and sat him down at the table. She then proceeded to dig around in Tuckers mind, looking for how he knew.

Boy did she find more than she though she ever would. By the time she flew out of Tucker's body her death glare could paralyze Plasmius in fear.

"You. Are. Dead", Danni said arms crossed angrily under her chest.

"What is it Danni?", Sam asked looking over at Tucker to see the boy looked like he was about to wet his pants.

"He hired Ozell."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean he paid Ozell to do this to us. Tucker staged the whole thing. All the way down to mating season", her gaze remained on Tucker, colder than Tucker had ever seen them before. Sam's eyes narrowed and his gaze also turned into a death glare.

Tucker gulped. This was going to hurt.

Danni went ghost again and grabbed both Sam and Tucker and flew to a secluded part of the park.

Through out the town shrieks of pain and cries of ,"No! Not my babies!" were heard. By the time they were done Tucker didn't have a single piece of portable technology left. They didn't cause him physical harm because Sam had reasoned that if Tucker hadn't done this then they might not be engaged and expecting at the moment.

Danni agreed but every phone laptop and PDA of Tucker's were history.

"Well", Danni said walking beside Sam back to her place," Do we tell the parents now or wait till I'm big enough from them to find out themselves?"

Sam smiled a bit placing a hand over Danni's still as yet flat stomach," I say we tell them."

"Right. Well let's do mine first. I want to see the look on Jazz's face when she realizes she's going to be an aunt", And so our favorite young couple slowly made their way to the Fenton household to tell the family of a new arrival soon to come.

The End...

Or is it?


A/N: Ok there we go. the final chapter. All praise me as thisis the first story i have ever finsihed. I thank everyone who reviewed and eagerly await your response to this chapter. May You all fair well in your own writing experiences. And i figured since you were all so kind about reviewing i'd give you a preview of the sequel.

Ghostly Pregnancies

Sam lay his head against Danni's swollen stomach expectantly. Soon enough he felt a small nudge and he smiled wide.

"Definitely a fighter", Danni said smiling at Sam. Sam smiled back and leaned in to kiss Danni. Danni kissed right back and pulled away.

"Bet It has your eyes", Sam smiled before turning off the light in their room and layying down snugglingup with his wife and life long mate.

Unfortunately that's all i can give you for now. See you guys another time. Ciao yall