Kajitsu Minasan, this is animearlinefreak here and I just wanted to greatly apologize for not updating this story along with my other stories as well. I guess it is kind of hard trying to update a story when you have so much going on in your life that you don't know how to make some free time in order to write yourself another chapter. But anyway I'm so glad that I got my computer up and running again that it makes me want to dance or cry in joy! Okay enough with all this stupid apologizing and ranting I know why you guys clicked on this story in order to see this final chapter. So gomen but it is true, this will be the last chapter to these short stories of the Leafe Knights so I hope you guys enjoyed these stories until the very end!

Some of the characters are definitely going to be OOC, a very obvious warning!

Behind the Scenes: LeafeKnights

Preview: This is scenes of the Leafe Knights secrets that you are about to discover. Tips of fashion by Hayate. Mannen's obsession. Sasame's Quest for the Sailor Moon Manga. Kei and the Nailfile. Go's fireworks. Hajime's secret. Shin's new emotion.

Chapter Seven: Shin's new emotion

In a lone bedroom inside the Awayuki mansion, rested a tired Leafe Knight of Earth all snug in his bed. Exhausted from the previous day of events, Shin tried desperately to get some shut eye after finally finishing his extra homework from his homeroom teacher as punishment for being late for their class all thanks to a certain "brother" of his.

A visible scowl made its presence on the boy's face as he shifted his body slightly in order to get more comfortable. But alas it seemed that no matter how hard he tried, his body wouldn't let sleep consume his tired self. Contemplating about whether he should give up on snoozing, the sun however didn't make his decision any easier. For the next millisecond later, the sun's rays streamed through the closed blinds blinding Shin with their intense light.

Groaning from the sheer brightness, the teenager pulled the covers over his head and curled himself into a ball hoping that would keep the sun away from him. It did however another force made its presence known to Shin. From outside the comforts of his bedroom, there were loud shouts coming from one of his idiotic brothers. At first the Leafe Knight of Earth couldn't fathom who it was that was yelling but when the voice grew noisier as it neared his room he realized at once it was Mannen's voice.


This line was repeated continuously as the boy passed by each room, but Shin on the other hand was too exhausted too comprehend what his brother was boasting about throughout the mansion walls. Instead of trying to register what the Leafe Knight of Ice was shouting, Shin decided to grab a pillow that was above the covers to his dark sanctuary below them. A content sigh passed his lips as sleep welcomed Shin with open arms until…

"SHIN YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHAT I DISCOVERED. HAJIME IS ACTUALLY A GIRL CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?" Within the moment that his body found rest, Mannen had burst into his room unannounced and with no warning pulled off the blanket Shin was underneath which thus made the poor knight shiver from the absence of the comforter. Regretfully, he turned his body over and gradually opened his eyes to meet his brother's mischievous grin. This however made the Leafe Knight groan.

"Ok so our brother is actually a sister, what do you want me to do about it?"

Raising an eyebrow at his flabbergasted sibling, the Knight of Ice was caught off guard by Shin's answer. Placing his hand to his heart, Mannen tilted his head back slightly from his youngest brother's response.

"What is that all you're going to say about this amazing matter?" With that said Mannen hopped onto Shin's bed causing it to squeak underneath his weight as he crouched down to the blonde's eye level and asked. "Aren't you surprised by Hajime being a girl?"

Again the Leafe Knight of Earth rolled his hazel irises at Mannen's silly question. Lifting his head from his bed, he let it rest on his open palm while his elbow supported his weight. Once he accomplished sitting up, he gave his sibling a pondering stare.

"Although it is very unusual that we all found out about Hajime's 'little' secret, there is just one question I would like to ask you?" Pausing momentarily in order to see if Mannen was listening, he smirked when he found that his brother's attention was clinging to his every word before he continued. "Does it really bother you that much that our brother or rather sister is in fact female, or are you freaked out by Hajime's attraction to your girlfriend now that you know the truth?"

This struck a nerve in the Knight of Ice's veins as he curled his hands into tight fists. His teeth clenched unnaturally as he brought one fist to the bed slamming it quite roughly. It seemed by Mannen's facial expression that it was indeed the issue that Shin assumed of why it was bugging his sibling about Hajime's sex. A wicked grin spread across the younger boy's lips when his brother tore off his bed and ran out his door in uncontrollable rage. Nodding at his bad deed, he reached for the blankets at the foot of the bed and attempted to once again to try to get some shut eye.

However it was but another minute later when this time a knock was heard at his bedroom door. Blood shut eyes instantly fluttered open and in an uncharacteristic tone, he shouted at whoever was at the door.

"OH NOW WHAT IS IT? I ALREADY KNOW ABOUT HAJIME'S SERCRET!" Half expecting it was Mannen or one of his other brothers trying to relay him the news, he was taken back when he saw a short bald middle age man opening the door.

"Pardon me sir but I believe I must inform you that breakfast is already being served and the time is now 8:30." To prove to Shin that what he said was precisely the truth, he reached into his pocket to grab out a pocket watch.

Tearing off the blankets and sheets, Shin rose from his bed as he went over to the short man to see if it was the truth. But when he saw that the little hand was on the six and the big hand on the eight panic immediately coursed through his body as he dashed to his closet for his school uniform. Finding it rather quickly, the Leafe Knight threw off his pajamas and put on the uncomfortable school uniform before storming out of the room leaving behind a very bewildered butler.

As he ran through the halls, Shin cursed underneath his breath for being so idiotic as to not set up his alarm clock. When he approached a corner, he made an extreme sharp turn barley dodging a couple of maids sweeping the floor before running again at top speed toward the entrance door. Making a few more sharp turns until he could clearly see the front door, relief was instantly etched on his visage. But the closer he got to the door, the harder it was for him to slow down his speed.

After concentrating on racing to the entrance door, Shin forgot to slow down his pace when he neared it resulting in him sliding across the now marble floor entrance. His eyes widen when he saw a wall in his line of vision as he put up both of his arms trying to at least soften the blow with them. Unfortunately his little action didn't cushion his impact in the least when his body finally slammed into the dreaded wall that he tried to avoid. Moaning and groaning from the pain his body now felt, he heard one of his brother's yell at him when they too rushed to the door.

"Shin we're taking off now, you better hurry before you're late again!"

And with that said the Leafe Knight of Earth peeled himself off the wall as he too ran to the door opening and closing it behind him.

It was ten minutes later when the limo pulled up in front of the school gate that the three Leafe Knight Brothers had each went their separate ways. While the Knight of Ice pranced around the school yard hoping to find his sweet little girlfriend, the Knight of Water had tailed his brother in secrecy. And so this left the Knight of Earth alone with his thoughts.

Deciding to take a stroll around the school's surroundings before the morning bell could ring; Shin let his feet take him wherever they wanted to go. Unfortunately his feet lead him toward a flock of chattering girls which Shin was highly paranoid of. While his mind wandered admiring the beautiful scenery that the school had to offer, he wasn't aware that there were girls around him until it one of them grazed his shoulder.

"Oh look who we have here girls. It's Shin!" Gushing in response, the girls seem to melt right then and there when they saw how Shin's green eyes shifted left and right nervously.

Hesitantly removing the girl's hand from his shoulder, the blonde bowed his head bashfully. Having no real experience when he was dealing with girls pining over him, the knight quickly retreated from the pack of girls only to be chased by them.


Their screams alarmed many bystanders as the boy ran past them in a terrified manner. As he ran, his mind pondered over how he could solve this predicament. Smacking his head with his open hand, his head wasn't coming up with anything useful.

"Come on Shin. You need to pull yourself together and think about how to get yourself out of this situation. THINK! Now how would my brothers handle a problem like this?" With this new train of thought in his mind, Shin imagined how they would manage his situation. First he imagined Hajime. A vision of the orange head brother now sister popped into his head but all he could see was him/her flirting with them. Immediately shaking that image out of his head, he decided against that option on the count of his shyness toward the female population.

The second knight that came to his mind was his big brother Kei. However when he thought about what Kei would do, Shin also turned down him too. Although he did fine the Knight of Light to be intellectual, he had tried in the past to reason with the girls to not chase him and be so feisty whenever they saw him but reasoning never worked with his suppose fan club. And so Kei's actions were out.

The next knight that appeared inside his head was none other than the Knight of Ice. Although it was rather dumb to even imagine what Mannen would do in his predicament, it did however slow his pace down enough to consider what audacious stunts his brother would have done in his past. An unusual misplaced evil grin smeared across his handsome visage as the Knight of Earth stopped completely in his tracks.

This action also made the girls who were chasing him to stop as well as each had hunched over and were now trying to catch their breath. But unbeknownst to them, the ground that they were standing on slowly began to quiver beneath them. This bizarre occurrence caused the girls to tremble in fear when one of them spotted the ground creating huge depressions. Opening her mouth in order to warn her friends of her discovery, she was unable to utter a single word because at that precise moment roots sprouted from where the ground had opened up and almost instantly the roots wrapped themselves around the girls' body. Panic flashed through their eyes as they all turned toward the direction where the boy they adored so much hoping that he would save them, however the place where they had last seen him there was not a single trace of the blonde leafe knight.

About a couple yards away peeking around the corner of the building stood Shin with a satisfied smirk on his face. With a nod from his head, the roots holding the girls ceased their assault as the roots instead just held onto the girls tightly thus making the knight snicker from the result. Deciding that he seen enough, Shin left the scene behind him leaving a mental note to thank Mannen later for giving him such a marvelous idea with solving his fan girl problem.

By the time the bell rang signaling that classes were now in session; Shin was already sitting comfortably in his assigned seat with a huge grin plastered on his face. While the teacher did roll call, on his left and right side of him his two siblings Hajime and Mannen were busy trying to collect their breath seeing as how they ran all the way to class in order to not be counted late. But as the roll call reached Shin, he wasn't prepared for what happened next.

"Shin Awayuki" With a wave given to the teacher as his response, she looked up from her roll sheet before putting it down on her desk. "Ah yes Shin and Mannen Awayuki, I believe you two have some extra homework that I assigned for the both of you."

The very mention of the dreaded homework made Mannen tense up with worry as Shin on the other hand was smirking confidently considering he lost sleep over it. Shifting in his seat in order to grab his binder where he had stored the homework, his hands griped air before he too wore an identical expression as his brother. Groaning at himself for foolishly forgetting to bring his stuff, he had only prayed that his homeroom teacher would be merciful. However by observing her posture and noticing the slight impatient tap from her left foot anyone with a half a brain would realize how unmerciful she looked. This of course didn't raise Shin's spirits.

A few awkward seconds flew by when the teacher broke it in order to question her students.

"So boys, where is the homework?"

Again the two hadn't dared to speak of truth for fear of being maimed from seeing that intense glare in her eyes. Mentally they both cupped their private areas as they hesitantly shrugged their shoulders. Of course their response didn't settle with her too well because the next second she grabbed a large wooden ruler on the top of her desk and gave the defenseless desk a good smack across it. The students gasped in horror as some even ducked under their small desks each throwing the two brothers sympathetic glances.

"So I believe I must take it that you both didn't bring your extra homework to class then huh?" Pausing herself in mid sentence, she eyed Mannen and Shin up and down before continuing. A sadistic smirk lowered her beauty status as she turned toward the class. "Ok class since these two didn't find it worthy of doing their homework; I think that we should all do a surprise pop quiz on their behalf."

Many groans of protests were heard after her comment as all eyes glared evilly at the two. The once sorrowful eyes that they threw at Mannen and Shin was gone and replaced with a heated loathing stare. The brothers' grimaced from the intensive hatred being directed at them as they both took a seat. Once they were seated, the teacher instructed everyone to get out their pencils and scrap paper as she went down each aisle to hand her students the "surprise" quiz she made for them. Although no one said a single word out loud, they all mentally believed that the teacher had these done up purposely so they would have to take the quiz regardless.

By the time the quiz was handed to Shin, the Leafe Knight of Earth decided he should inform his teacher of his dilemma. Without evening thinking, he reached out and grabbed her wrist to catch her attention. His plan did however work but it did also capture unwanted attention from his classmates as well.

"Uhh…Mrs. Suzuki is it even possible to hand over my homework I completed but left at the house for you tomorrow without receiving more homework?" A twinkle of hope shined in his hazel hues as the teacher gave him an incredulous look. Bringing her other hand to his, she lightly tapped his hand.

"I appreciate your honesty but if I let you off the hook I would have to give my other students the same kind of treatment. I'm sorry Shin now could you release my hand now?" A bunch of snickers followed soon after as he dropped his hand and slowly slid down his chair in embarrassment and shame.

As the final quiz paper was handed over, everyone begrudgingly set themselves to work.

Amongst the scribbling of answers being jot down, the heavy sighs, and the occasional shuffling from scratch paper there was one individual who refused to concentrate on his work. From shifting in the seat constantly to gnawing on the end of pencil, the boy vexingly pulled on his light blue spiky hair as he looked anywhere but the quiz in front of him.

During the time when his pale blue hues roamed the classroom, he saw how his brother Shin was answering the problems on the test quite easily. A cruel grin spread across his lips as an evil thought floated inside his head. Making a quick glance to the front of the classroom to see if the coast was clear, his smile if possible grew wider as he leaned over toward his brother.

"Pss…Hey Shin give me the answers."

Not expecting to hear Mannen's voice during the test, Shin jumped slightly in his seat making the chair squeak with his abrupt movement. Hearing the sound, Mrs. Suzuki turned away from her book she was reading and glanced around the room. Upon seeing nothing out of place, she went back to reading. The breath that Shin was holding when the teacher was looking around the room was released as he glared angrily at his sibling next to him.

"Are you crazy? You almost got me in trouble just now and I don't want to have to face anymore of the teacher's wrath." Averting his gaze back to his work, his eyebrows twitched when he felt a sharp jab in his ribs. Immediately he jerked his head back to his brother, but the expression on his face was not one of ease. No it was actually quite the contrary in fact.

"Come on don't be a chicken and help out your brother." A pleading look appeared on his older brother's face as suddenly a paper airplane crash landed on Shin's desk. Tearing his glowing eyes away from Mannen, he practically tore the airplane apart just to see what was written on it. However when Shin managed to open the note without ripping it, his temper flared even more.

On the note in simple chicken scratch writing was a simple sentence that read, "Yeah help out your siblings will yah." After reading this, it made Shin growl deep inside his throat. Averting his gaze away from his pleading siblings, he tried once again to finish his work. Unfortunately for Shin, fate had other plans for him.

While he tried to preoccupy his time by completing his test, both Mannen and Hajime grew mad at him for ignoring their request. And as their "revenge" for not letting them look at his answers, they each pulled a straw from their back pocket, put a spit paper in the straw and fired the blonde. Upon impact, Shin cringed in disgust and enrage as the poor pencil he was holding was snapped in two. Shifting his gaze back to the two saplings, he for the first time in his life raised his voice in front of people.


After the outburst, there was even more silence inside the classroom. Instead of hearing pencils scribble onto paper or hearing a squeaking sound of someone erasing an incorrect answer, now all eyes were trained on the Leafe Knight of Earth. Ranging from a variety of emotions on each and every student, never once had a single person had heard Shin abruptly scream at anyone or anything. But looking at it now…well that is definitely a sight to behold or perhaps captured this moment for history books. But as glorious as this moment had appeared for any onlooker who had known Shin as a classmate or for years the teacher on the other hand was not at all thrilled by his outburst one bit.


Protests and pleas were made in order to convince Mrs. Suzuki to reconsider taking the test; however no matter how much the three begged she remained firm with her decision. It was but a few moments later when one by one Hajime, Mannen, and Shin trekked toward the door each scuffing their feet and mumbling something incoherent underneath their breath. Once the door shut behind them, Shin was bombarded with questions from his siblings.

"OH MY GOD SHIN, SINCE WHEN DID YOU LEARN HOW TO RAISE YOUR VOICE? WHAT BROUGHT THIS UP?" Mannen bellowed as his hands shot threw the air animatedly with each word spoken. Hajime on the other hand was a little less hyped up about the situation than his/her brother, and instead he/she approached the subject on a calmer more bright side of the situation.

"So are you going to show this side of yourself more often and if so Shin you do realize you could probably have your way most of the time because you're frighteningly creepy when you're provoked?"

"Uh…" Was Shin's intelligent reply as both Mannen and Hajime continued talking to him. But while the two were conversing with him, Shin had drifted off into his thoughts.

"Damn it why does this have to happen to me? All I did was raise my voice for once and now all this calamity befalls me! My life stinks." A strong foreboding shadow began hovering over his body as his siblings continued to chatter aimlessly about him as a twitch from his right eye became visible. The anger tangling itself inside of Shin only increased as time went by without them changing the subject before he finally lost his cool once again.

"ARH!" Shin screamed banging his fist against the door as he glared at the two. An uncomfortable silence hushed the hallways as Shin's eyes glistened with intensity. Afraid to utter a single word or even breath as a matter of fact, Shin and Hajime remained frozen in their place. However it was not even a second later, when the very door he slammed his fist into was thrust open revealing a very peeved Mrs. Suzuki.

"Just what on earth is going on out here?" The teacher's purple eyes glowed with rage as she examined the hallway only to find a frightened Mannen and Hajime frozen and unmoving. Her eyebrow rose at this bizarre sight as she slowly averted her gaze to meet gleaming green ones. A gasp past her lips before she collected herself in order to speak.

"Shin just what are you hoping to gain by causing such a ruckus out here in the hall?"

"I'm not trying to cause a scene; I was just trying to quite those two." Without even batting an eye toward Mannen and Hajime, he lifted his hand and pointed at the two.

Two purple irises traveled down the length of his arm toward the two now groveling teenagers. Something seemed to click inside her head as she turned back to him.

"Well I am sure that what you were trying to accomplish was meant to be a good intention but I am afraid that you must serve detention once again." With that said, she returned to the classroom to continue with her teaching.

Another silence entered the hallway once again as both Mannen and Hajime finally regained their senses. Upon expecting the door where Mrs. Suzuki once stood, they slowly averted their gaze to meet Shin.

"Shin…we are really sorry for getting you in trouble twice with Mrs. Suzuki." A sympathetic apology was given to him as Mannen approached. Patting him slightly on the back, he added something else as well. "Will you forgive us for doing such a horrible thing to you?"

Raising his head to meet Mannen's gaze, he looked over his shoulder to see Hajime nodding in agreement to Mannen's statement. A small smile formed on his lips. Although he felt touched that his siblings had the guts to admit that they were wrong at the same time…Shin felt that their simple apology just didn't seem enough. His fingers curled into tight fists as his glare returned once more.

"As endearing as your apology seems, I AM AFRAID THAT I CAN NOT EXPECT IT!" As his voice boomed his vengeance, out of nowhere several vines shot out at the two. A panic look glazed over their features as both Mannen and Hajime fought off the attack with their own elements.

"JUST WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM YO? WE ADMITTED WE WERE WRONG AND NOW THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY US!" Mannen shouted while warding off a swarm of vines with several icicles. While Mannen was doing this, Hajime was having a rather difficult time with the attacks. In the midst of the mayhem, Hajime hollered at Shin.

"YEAH WE BOTH SAID WE'RE SORRY. JUST WHAT IS UP YOUR BUTT?" Hajime shouted at Shin as he avoided a herd of vines by teleporting out of the way. This strategy went on for a few more times before, Shin manage to pin Hajime down. It wasn't very much longer before he captured Mannen as well. Once he succeeded, Shin unleashed an eerie laugh.

"DO YOU HONESTLY THINK I SHOULD FORGIVE YOU BOTH FOR WHAT YOU DID? DO YOU GUYS REALIZE WHAT DAMAGE YOU BOTH HAD DONE?" His shrieks increased in volume as the ground underneath them began to shake. Their fear only heightened as fast as Shin's control over the earth grew immensely as Mannen stupidly decided to ask him what they supposedly did.

"And what exactly did Hajime and I do to get you so grouchy?"

The floor that was supporting them crumpled slightly as Shin stared into the scared faces of his siblings. A wicked look possessed his once amiably visage as he bent down to their level to tell them what they wanted to know. Cupping his hand in front of Mannen and Hajime as if he were revealing a big secret, Shin's lips widen even more so as he shouted out his answer.


Later that day Shin was sent to the office for disrupting class, destroying school property, and for frightening the entire school. For his bad deeds, he was suspended from school for thirty days until the repairs were done with the money provided by his family of course as well as receiving a huge lecture from several family members. And from this day forward this incident was marked in Awayuki Town history as the day when Shin's new emotion was finally awakened.


Well I really hope that all enjoyed the final chapter to these short stories and I hope that this last one wasn't so terrible. Although I did have another ending in mind, I actually found this one more suiting and cuter than the original one.

At this time I would like to thank all of my fans for reading this story and for those of you who just tuned in, I hope you enjoyed these stories while they lasted and sorry for it finally coming to an end.

I would like to thank:


A sleepless night in loves arm

Mai Valkov



piper cecilia glasswell.

Hiro Konobu





Dark Petal Emo Lolita




Lady Isludis




Your Wings Are Mine



Thank you all and for anymore to come!

P.S Currently I am working on my other stories that I have written so far but be warned that it may take a while for updates though. So I hope you all have patience for them and I hope you like those as well too.

Well now that this over and done this is only one thing left to say and that is…

See Yah Anime Lovers!