
Disclaimer: I do not own neopets or pokemon. Neopian names that are the real names of pets and owners is just coincidence.

Chapter 1

Ferret628077 was a stray Zafara. She had been living in the Neopian Pound for three weeks now. Ferret thought her fifth owner InuYashaswife91 would be a good owner. After all, she was the only one who kept her for more than a month.

"Aww, poor little girl. Looks like you need a good home." Those were the first words Ferret heard out of InuYashaswife91's mouth. Ferret calmed down a bit to stop her shivering. "Are you sure you want that one? She kind of had it rough with four other owners." The pink Uni said.(I don't know her name, so I'll just call her Rose.) Ferret knew that was true. Her third owner Ridiot was abusive. He didn't even feed her for days and never played with her.

"Yep, she's perfect! I'll take her." The teenage girl said as she handed Rose a bag of neopoints.
End Flashback

Ferret really thought InuYashaswife91 was the perfect owner. Soon after being adopted, things changed. Ferret's owner wanted the pieces of the lab map. InuYashaswife91 spent all her time playing arcade games and selling items. Soon she had seven of the lab pieces. Ferret continued to convince her owner she liked being plain red. But her owner didn't listen.

Finally, InuYashaswife91 gave up one summer day. She lost all her money in gambling. She couldn't even afford to keep Ferret. Ferret knew this would eventually happen.

"Something terrible happened." InuYashaswife91 sobbed as she walked in the door. Ferret immedietly knew what was wrong. But she didn't want to believe it.

"What happened? Did the Pant Deveil steal a piece of the map?" Ferret asked, trying to cover up the truth.

"No, it's worse. I. Lost. All. The neopoints. I shouldn't have played Brucey B Slots. I'm left with only a few neopoints. I'm sorry Ferret628077, I can't afford you anymore. I'm going to have to abandon you..." InuYashaswife91 said. Ferret was stunned. It was a neverending cycle. She felt cursed to forever be adopted and abandoned so quickly. As her owner carried her inside the Neopian Pound, Ferret was already ready to be abandoned. As soon as Dr. Death saw her He glared at InuYashaswife91 for abadoning the Zafara so soon.

"Hmph, I knew you would get tired of her eventually." The old Techo scoffed. "I'm not tired of her. I just can't afford her anymore." InuYashaswife sadly said. "Sure, that's what they all say. You humans are so cruel, creating pets and abandoning them like they're toys." Dr. Death hissed as he took Ferret628077 away. "I'll be back for you someday Ferret628077, I promise." InuYashaswife shouted. "If I had a neopoint for everytime I heard that, I'd be a millionaire." Dr. Death said.
End Flashback

The memories of her owner filled Ferret628077's head. "InuYashaswife91, I hope you come back soon." Ferret628077 said as she cried herself to sleep.