Trusting her, Hating her.
All my life I have trusted her. All my life I have loved her for the friend that she was. In all this time I didn't realize how low she really was.
My name is Kagome Higurashi. I live in Tokyo, Japan, always have. I live up on the Higurashi hill with my family. Grandpa, Mom, And Sota, my little brother. I go to school at Goshinboku Jidai High, or GJH. Sounds professional I know, but it's the crappiest high school you'll ever go to. And it's the same there as any other stupid school there is. Jocks, preps, and posers… the whole lot. I would be labeled as one of the punkers, even though I'd rather label myself as "Me". I dress the way I want, I talk the way I want, and I am a friend with who I want to be friends with.
I only have three best friends and their names are Sango, Miroku, and Kikyo. Sango's tuff and tough, she fights for what she believes in and would gladly bash anyone's head in if they touched her the wrong way or toyed with any of her friends. She wore a leather jacket most times. And it goes well with her long brown hair too. Miroku's not what you would call… pure. He's had many girlfriends, probably more than any of us would think, it wouldn't surprise any of us at all thought. He's tuff as well. He ties his short hair back into a very small and low ponytail and dresses almost the same as Sango does, leather jacket and all. Kikyo isn't exactly as punk as any of us. She's girlier than you think. I've always thought she was kind of posing. But she was still fun to be around with. She's Bi-sexual too. I remember she got burned real badly with her one girlfriend Kagura. Kagura was sweet with her and all, but she did treat her kind of badly, but Kikyo never minded because she was blindly "In love" with her. I got tired of her complaining about Kagura… almost killed Sango once when she had mentioned that name when talking about something that had happened between her and some guy at school. Sango never spoke about Kagura again after that.
My school has a lot of drama. Almost everyday I'll hear something new that has happened between a few of my friends and wouldn't even care… I stopped caring a long time ago. So much drama could tire ones self out real good after spending a few years in its hell. A lot has happened to me too. A lot of shit always happens, and I've finally come to a conclusion that it was Kikyo's fault. When I went out with Kouga, the biggest idiot –and the weirdest guy I have EVER met- Kikyo went on about how I kept talking about him all the time and that it had gotten weird between us and about after three months of our relationship Kikyo had finally decided that we shouldn't go out anymore.
First of all, I hardly EVER talked about him. Even ask anyone whose ever talked to me while I was going out with him. And second, it was weird. I mean I didn't really feel comfortable in his presence and whenever he'd try to hug me or calm my nerves down whenever I had gotten frustrated with someone spreading things about me, I would tense even more.
I never really liked the guy in the first place. But I still gave it a try. Well… tried and threw away, just like a bad candy bar that has been left in the desk drawer for weeks. Did that too! I dumped Kouga, it was getting so weird that I couldn't stand the stress it gave me, I could have blew up if I kept on going with the relationship. Kouga was my first, and all I did with him was a peck on the lips, sometimes more tongue but that was it. As I said, it wasn't comfortable. I guess he's not my kind of guy.
Now he still likes me. And what the heck! He's got Ayame for Christ sake! Got her pregnant once too. They went out a few years before I went out with him. But unfortunately for her she lost the baby. She's had a tough life, probably worse than I handled. What am I saying, I couldn't possibly handle what she had to deal with. I can't even handle the small things that bug the hell out of me! I'm tired… Not just physical, mentally too. I really had no friends in elementary school, except for Ashley, but I never liked her. She lied too much and I could never trust her. And she was too clingy. She was a loser, come to think of it.
I feel like I've had a kink in my neck my whole life.
And thankfully –finally- people came along in my life that I could really trust. Grade 9 is where I met Sango. I was a loner and I remember some kids picking on me. Naraku was the school's biggest wiggar. He was mean all right. Tried to knock my books out of my hands for the fifteenth time that day until Sango slapped him in the back of the head (hard) and told him to back off. We started hanging out and were friends ever since. Oh yes and of course I did have Kikyo as a friend in elementary school but we hardly hung out until after school. She finally switched schools and came to mine in the beginning of second semester. And I introduced her to Sango and Miroku. Miroku was Sango's friend and introduced me to him as well. With an unwelcome touch of course but got to know him more and know what he was like. Same old Miroku had to grab Kikyo's bottom first meeting and earned himself a large bump on the head that raised quicker than those stupid cartoons that show them growing like a fricken bird would take lift off from the ground, which was pretty fast.
I've come to a point in my life where I unfortunately collided with ugly depression. I wasn't happy. I began to wonder why we were supposed to live. I mean, we're only going to die anyways later on in life. Why bother living in this substitute of hell they call Earth?