I do not own Naruto.

He is a Catalyst, a changer.

The pebble that falls that makes the mountain come tumbling down.

The tiny trickle of water that forms the mighty river.

His strength inspires others to be strong. They build a bridge to show his and their bravery.

His determination encourages her to reach her goal. So she proudly rises to face the beating her cousin gives her, determined to prove to everyone (especially her love) she isn't weak. Not anymore.

His tears for the enemy he barely knew cause the famed Demon of the Mist to cry. As his tears hit the pavement, the Demon admits he is human. The Demon dies a warrior's death but he does it with peace because of that boy.

His forgiveness for the villagers that hate him confuse the boy with the word love written on his forehead. As the boy talks the other boy can't help but listen. Maybe he can't love those who hate him but he can start by loving the people that love him. The annoying family that has always been there but he just didn't notice.

How does he do it?

It's his Destiny. Fate. Heart. Soul. Spirit.

It is who he is and that's the one thing he can't change

Hey. This is my first naruto fic. I hope you like it. I love drabbles. I was thinking of doing lots of them and adding them to this one. Please Tell me if you think I would be any good.

Thanks, Aqua