Megan stood at the doorway leading into the family room more nervous than she had ever been before in her entire life.
The past few months had been extremely trying for her but no one on the outside had been able to tell. Her friends, teachers, all totally oblivious to the fact that something was wrong. Even her own family, hadn't been fully aware of what had been happening. They all had their suspicions but she wouldn't let them know. She was sarcastic prank playing Megan Parker. She didn't show her true emotions. Only one person knew what she had gone through and that person was standing beside her now.
"It's going to be fine, Meg. Everything will be fine, I promise." Drake reassured his little sister when she faltered. Megan had faltered a lot during those last few months. She had started to fall and not been able to get back to her feet. Drake was the only reason she had been able to pull through, the only reason she had survived.
"What if they hate me for..." Megan let out a long sigh. "for everything." Megan blinked back a few tears. The prospect of her family hating herwas incredibly scary for Megan.
"They won't. It'll all be fine, Megan." Drake comforted. "You were scared to tell me but it was okay. Why wouldn't it be the same with everyone else?"
"I don't know...I just...I just don't know what they'll say." Megan looked so small and lost for a few seconds that Drake pulled her into a hug. Megan felt tears roll down her cheeks as she returned the embrace, remembering everything that had happened, remembering when he had stood on another doorstep.