Kaitoson here bringing you chapter 24 of The Ninja, the Ainu and the Arrogant..and...it's...well...you'll see...

Discaimer--I do not own Shaman King...because if I did...I'd be in it and...I'd have the coolest, strongest, fastest, ect...spirit ally ever

Haha I just relized I messed up (well I messed up a lot but this one is kinda bad) I have been saying 'Spirit of Flames' when its actually 'Spirit of Fire'...whoops...

Here we go...


The Ninja, the Ainu and the Arrogant

Chapter 24

Last time on The Ninja, the Ainu and the Arrogant, Yoh, Horohoro, Ren, Indy and Lyserg began the battle with Hao, but Hao seemed a little bit to good for them especially with his spirit ally the Spirit of FIRE. But then Horohoro got a strange feeling and came up with a plan...but will it work?

After dodging the punch attack from the giant spirit the gang regroups and following Horohoro's plan Yoh, Ren, Indy and Lyserg all attack at once to only once again be kicked but Horohoro stays behind choosing the right moment...which evidentally wasn't right now...

Ren--You idiot! What happened your plan? Are you gonna do it or not?

Horohoro--Don't rush me, I'll do it at the right moment


Hao ordered his spirit ally to once again attack and although most dodged the attack, Lyserg was hit hard and knocked out cold


Yoh and Indy started to charge for Hao but Horohoro held Ren back for a second


Ren--...Temp--...but...oh...I get your plan now...ok...just hurry

Ren charges and as he does he sees both Yoh and Indy fall down hard after failing to hit their targets, he looked at Indy but only for a second before stoping right in front of Hao

Hao--...What, not gonna attack? I guess you relized its pointless huh? Good...hehe I guess I win, now to destroy you!

Just then Hao's expression goes from smilling, thinking he's gonna win, to a shocked one, he tastes something weird in his mouth and finnally relizes its blood...his own blood...he then feels something wrong with his stomach...not pain really...just really numb...and yet cold...he looks down to see a fairly large icicle comming out of his stomach...and he turns his head to see Horohoro behind him with a smirk on his face.

Hao--Not bad Horohoro...but unfourtantly--

Horohoro is thrown a pretty far way by the giant spirit and slams into a tree, then the giant swings his arm at Ren who hadn't seen it comming so he got hit hard in the stomach and collapes onto the ground

Hao--...I see there was a little dormaint power left behind by that fool Tempest huh...well a lot of good it did you...I'll heal after time...but this is where you all di...?

Hao's eyes land on Yoh who is getting up and looking like he could go on and on

Hao--So not ready to give up yet Yoh? Oh well...looks like you'll just have to be fir--

As he was about to finish his sentance a surprise attack distracted him so he and the spirit of fire shift their attention on the attacking and with one earthshacking punch the attacker is slammed onto the ground

Hao--There that ought to do it--...oh no...

Hao relizes a split second to late that he left Yoh too much time...and he pays for it with a sword going right through his chest, into his evil heart, and out of his back...

Hao--N...no...I...cannot lose...haha...I'll just...come back...haha...by that time...you'll be dead...and I'll become...shaman...king...

Hao's eyes went blank and his breathing stopped and the giant spirit started to evaporate untill he was gone...

Yoh--...Maybe you will come back...but I'm sure there will be someone to stop you when that time comes...haha maybe I'll even be their spirit ally, that would be cool

As Yoh was contemplating over being someones future spirit ally, his friends began to get up, first Lyserg, who looked a little upset because he really wanted to finish Hao off, then Ren who went right to Indy and shook her gently untill she awoke, then Horohoro got up while rubbing his back which hurt pretty badly due to slamming into the tree...

Yoh--So...everyone allright?

Lyserg--I'll be ok

Ren--We're ok over here

Horohoro--Yeah...seems everyone will be fine...well except for Hao...so...whos hungry...I sure am

So the gang heads back to the Inn and upon reaching the front doors Yoh stops remembering that Anna was gonna ounish him...so he thought of a rather painful idea...


Anna hears the front door open and runs to it to see Yoh being carried in by Horo and Ren with cuts and bruises all over him and they gently put him on the floor

Anna--What the hell happened to him!

Horohoro--Well...Hao was pretty tough ya know...and Yoh beat him but uh...he also got hurt

Anna's expression goes from mad to worried and she starts to take care of Yoh's injuries

Lyserg goes off to clean his own wounds and Ren, Horo and Indy go into the kitchen

Horohoro--...Do you think we over did it a little?

Ren--Maybe but he asked us to beat him up so Anna wouldn't punish him

Indy--Wow...a pretty even trade though huh? Being beat up over being punished

Horo and Ren exchange a look and both we're thinking that ignorance truely was bliss


A week went by and life went back to being...well some what normal or at least as normal as being a Shaman goes...Indy and her twin brothers moved into the Inn, and surprisingly Anna didn't mind, partly because Yoh still hadn't fully recovered (By this time both Horo and Ren relized they did go to far) and partly because...she just really didn't care about how many freeloaders were living in her house. Because Hao was dead Zeto had no reason to defeat the gang anymore and since he didn't kill anyone he was released and noone knows were he went...


Life went on and days turned to weeks which turned to months...Heres what happened to our heroes...

Faust and Eliza went back home but visit every now and then.

Ryu relizes that the Inn is his happy place...which seemed obvious to the others but...well...Ryu wasn't the smartest of people...

Lyserg started spending more time with Jeanne but noone really knows yet whats going on between them...

Yoh (after recovering) well...he trained every now and then but...he usally just relaxed and listened to songs from his favorite singer...Bob...

Anna...well no she didn't turn all nicey nicey but she was trying every now and then to be nicer to people...unfournatly...it wasn't really working all that well...

Htenez became like a brother to Horo because they had a lot in common and they became fast friends...untill Htenez started dating Pirka...then...well...not so much...

Now that he turned from being bad to being good Zeneth started hanging around Tamao a lot but she still had feelings for Yoh which seemed to annoy him but she secretly was starting to like Zeneth too but she was confused and a little scared that her feelings for Yoh were seemingly dissapearing and being overlaped for Zeneth.

Horohoro finnally relized that Indy liked Ren more then she liked him so he told them it was ok and that he was cool...well...not cool with it but...he was ok with them being together...He does still likes her but...he feels that he'll find the right girl for him sooner or later and he figures that Indy is the girl for Ren not him...

Ren finnally told Indy that he liked her and she rewarded his bravery to tell that by finnally kissing him and Indy finnally found a family that, although not normal, accepted her and she found happiness...


Five hundred years had passed and a new tournament started but surprisingly a somewhat familiar looking boy with brown hair and very high tech green headphones defeated a reborn Hao in the last round...with a 'very' familiar looking spirit ally...a spirit of a man who looked like this new boy only...his headphones were a very old model...and they were orange...

...Yoh tossed in his life like dream...wondering if this really could be the future (He really liked the idea of being a future spirit ally)

The gang all sat down to dinner three months after Hao's defeat... Zeneth and Tamao were sitting next to each other whispering and lightly laughing...Horohoro and Htenez were in a 'whoever eats more wins' contest...Horohoro was winning...but then Ren said something that got Horohoro's attention and a smile appeared on his face...

Ren--...Hmm...I wish I had more milk...

Horohoro's smile grew to a devilish one as he knew what he'd be doing at three in the morning...



The...end?...Wow...it feels...weird...it's over...I feel a whole in my soul now...but I'm happy I got to right it. And for those who did read it all the way through...THANK YOU!...I'm still not sure if there will be a sequel...it seems pretty much done...I could bring Zeto back as the villian but...he's not all that powerful...well at least not against them all...

I REALLY REALLY hope the ending was good enough (I hope the whole thing was good enough really) It's not all that easy to write a fanfic...so I hope it was good enough...I also hope you got the joke in the last sentance or it'll just sound...weird...and I hope you like the final pairings...I didn't intend it origanly to end with her and Ren but...he seemed like he needed her more then Horo...and I hope you like how Tamao's super crush on Yoh started to wear off...I like her and Zen...Htenez and Pirka...was just thought up while righting the sentance so...oh well...I really do hope you liked it aside from my typing mistakes and all that...

I knew I said there'd be 25 chapters but...I don't know what else to write so...24 it is...sorry...

Well...um...goodbye...and untill my next story...LATER DAYS!

P.S--Thank you for all your reviews and all (hopefully) future reviews...so...thank you.