Disclaimer:I DO NOT own Code Lyoko O.o

a/n: This is just a summary of my little story.

Once upon a time there was a small little town in France called Kadic. Here they had a boarding school for little children. It was very nice. There was also an evil dictator computer virus thing that liked to wreek havoc upon 5 kids. He also wanted to take over the world. He wasn't very nice. But, he isn't in this story anymore, because the author wrote him out. Instead, it is a new era where the kids had defeated Xana and everyone was all happy and shit. Now, (coughs) let's get to the good stuff. The main story is about Ulrich and a new chick. (Yumi was written out too in case you were wondering I got bored with them avoiding each other they can solve their problems in someone else's story...not mine) (she moved back to japan or korea or china or a cabanna or something out of france) Anyways, this new girl shows up and Ulrich and her don't like each other because Ulrich is PMSing because Yumi left and so they get into a spat. Since they hate each other and have every class together, it's not fun. But, one day their Sociology teacher gives them a project. They are to go to a website called Heart-2-heart and find the someone they are to express their feelings to. Now, they are being graded on this, and the teacher can see what you have written to each other. You can either keep your identities a secret, or you can tell each other who you are. Also, they will be writing a paper at the end of the segment on what you think caused this persons problems, and how they think the other person should get over them. I am planning on having many twists and turns in the relationship department, so hold on to yer hats! O.o